Celtic MoonGoddess' Sanctuary

Celtic MoonGoddess

Maine Pagan Network

Followers of the goddess have visited this page

Pagan Caring Sisters

Hobbies & Interests

Celtic Art, especially knotwork and design, Celtic Music, Calligraphy, Illumination, Midieval Art and Architecture, a cappella singing, classical music, Dianic Wicca, Reclaiming tradition, exploring the Maine coastline and communing with the Mother there!

Please note!!

This page is still *very much* under construction.  Please come back soon as it continues to grow!!


Click here to see the 
wonderful Web page
al Secret Sister created for me!!

My family is made up of those with whom I choose to share the  most intimate aspects of myself with.  "Family of Choice" is how one dear friend describes this.  I find my family everywhere!!.  I am especially thrilled to count  my Pagan Caring Sisters sisters as part of my "family". 

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Sisters of the Golden Moon

Never Forget that what you do
makes a difference in the lives of

Pagan Caring Sisters

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