Cel's pictures

Thanks for stopping by. This is a placeholder for some of my pictures I cart around the net. Feel free to download them to view on your own computer, but know that I retain copyright to all of them and selling them for profit is a violation of U.S. copyright law.

Now, on a completely different note than usual, here is my current reading list: "Clan of the Cave Bear", "Sexus" by Henry Miller, "The Roominghouse Madrigals" by Charles Bukowski, "The Gate to Woman's Country" by Sheri Tepper, "Selected Poems" by John Keats, "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" by Tom Robbins. For those of you that new I had injured my knee this summer, I'm happy to report it behaves much better now and very glad to be back dancing, lifting, leaning into it :) More news soon. Please note the new news item 10/23/1999 below. And remember, Celarius is warmer than any winter jacket. Photo categories can be found near the bottom of the page. Enjoy crusing my gallery.

I'm the one on the right :)

10/27/1999 -- Added 4 pictures to the Friends folder.

10/23/1999 -- Added 1 pictures to the Celarius folder, 3 to Cel's Licentious Pics page. I took quite a few more pics, but unfortunately Walmart wouldn't develop them. A friend still has the negatives but I may eventually get the prints, let's hope.

7/14/1999 -- I have posted a new PGP key to some keyservers. Celarius (celarius@hushmail.com)
fingerprint id: 99C6 C40A 12E6 0300 1666 EE68 D1E8 F962 E32F E3A6
So what is PGP? Download this international version of this public key encryption/decryption tool that has no U.S. export restrictions and free: DOWNLOAD Int'l PGP 6.8MB

6/24/1999 -- I received notice that my dear friend Pepper, for all intents and purposes, will be dropping off the net. I will miss truly miss her. Be forewarned that her pictures may be removed soon, without notice. On a completely separate note, I will be archiving these little messages on a separate page, with a link to them here in the next several days.

5/16/1999 -- Changed little gadget toy from "Indulgence Advisor" to an even more frivolous piece of equipment... a slot machine. Well at least this one has a knob. (grin)

4/27/1999 -- I am overjoyed to have been given permission to share with everyone a couple of photos of my dearest friend Dorothy. Her beautiful smile can only hint to the radiant woman that has inspired my music, poetry, dominance and general licentiousness of the last several months. I hope for many more of her pictures to come. Archived forever in the Friends folder.

4/25/1999 -- Added the "Indulgence Advisor" (for my favorite women, but will be replaced next month, so don't dally) and a link to an excellent resource for BSDM-related people, stories, information, and the like, called "Dungeonnet". Hope you enjoy these additions :)

4/20/1999 -- While visiting with relatives in Portland this past weekend, I was able to attend a fetish scene in town. Barbatti's Pan was filled to capacity of what seemed for the most part like serious and truly curious scenesters. Modest cover, decent service, mostly techno music, exquisite ambiance at times. But must relate that though rules were generally observed, it seemed a rather "play at your own risk" as a male sub was non-challantly flogged moderately upon his back including his kidneys with no reproach by the establishment in sight. Still, a very enjoyable affair and the clientele were attractive. Worth a look, but open perhaps only once a month.

4/8/1999 -- The auspicious photo debut of my friend, the lovely, charming and witty Pepper is now available for all to view and keep. Located in the Friends folder, of course :) New Pic! 4/27/1999

4/6/1999 -- "Celtic Ramble" is my first dab into publishing music I have recorded. This audio file is in MP3 format and will be archived in the Artistic folder. If you don't have an MP3 player, pick up Sonique.

3/28/1999 -- Some of the erotic pics are HERE! Follow the link at the bottom of the Celarius page (click on the Celarius button). Three is better than none, no? Um, it wasn't, so now there are four...

1/14/1999 -- Added Olivia (the story) under the Artistic category...
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