Made especially for me by
Thanks, Hon!
Please take the time to visit these
two very special pages gifted to me by my daughter,
STACY. Many thanks, Hon. They mean the world to me!
{BIRTHING DAY}Sometimes life challenges us to do things
we don't believe we are capable of accomplishing.
This page is a prime example of this!
I was floating through life feeling very smug
because I had learned how to construct a web page.
Frankly, I had become bored and disinterested
in the process of constructing yet another web page.
I didn't realize how much this site represented
to me my ability to still learn and grow in experience.
Then one day I was performing a simple copy and past from
this page to another when fate, the powers that be,
destiny or whatever you wish to call it, struck me and reminded me
that nothing in life is static. All things must
change eventually or die completely. With a click of a
button, this page was blank!
Panic set in! I would have to redo the whole thing!
More searching for graphics! Long hours of trying to find just what I wanted!
Well I wasn't going to do it! It could just sit here blank!
You know how that little bitty insect bite can itch for days?
*grin* Well, this blank page staring at me day after day was even worse!
I finally decided that if I was going to rebuild it,
I wanted it to be ALL mine!
Yes, folks, I even did the graphics (I'll get better, I promise!) *grin*
If you see anything on this page (and ONLY this page!) that you like, help yourself.
UPDATE: You can use the graphics on the Webring page also!
Most of the graphics on my other pages were borrowed.
There are links to their websites available on those pages.
UPDATE!! That itch intensified!
If you would like to see what else I have made
and offer for your use, check out my NEW graphics site.
I have a couple of special pages on my site.
If you or anyone you know has ADD/ADHD, I urge you to read
the "WHEN THE SOUL...." pages listed in the menu below.
There is hope for these children and a better life
can be had without strong prescription drugs! My grandson
is living proof!
I found a wonderful site for medical information
support, medical chat, etc. EERRRRR! They found me.
I received an email asking permission to link to my site
,so, of course, I had to check them out.
They have stories about different personal experiences
with a wide variety of medical conditions, links to other
journals, articles and even a search engine to find exactly what you are looking for.
My own personal interest is obviously ADHD!
Check them out! I assure you it will NOT be a waste of time!
Click on the above banner.
For your convenience, I have added their search feature below.
Go ahead! Try it!
Hey!! Just tried it myself.
This is sooooo cool! Can you tell how excited I am? LOL
{Daughter #1}{Daughter #2}{Rugrats}{Battered Angel}{The Key}
{Origin of Man}{Dreamer}{Angler}{Special Friend}{Siren}{Foreign Girl}
{The Invitation}{Still Feel You}{Taupo}{Wai Ha Ha){Who Knows}
{Through Their Eyes}{New Zealand Dreamin'}{NZ Pics}{Awards}
{Grandma Doesn't Care}{MN Madness}{Warren Artwork}
{YOUNG GIRLS}{Here Kitty Kitty}{Momma Taught Me}{Kid Quips}
{Graphics Lessons}{Graphics Lessons II}(Links}{Webrings}
TA DA! My most cherished award
was presented to me on March 8, 2002!
Sorry for the hoopla, folks,
but I am busting at the seams!
Presented by Women of Inner Strength and Beauty
Designer's Garden
Click here to send me email!
You are the
breathing body to visit this site!
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