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Land of the Ewe
Last updated: May 11, 2005, added two new stories to the prose section! As for the banners above my major pages, if you've been lucky enough to enjoy the wonderful, creative show, Farscape, please do your part in keeping it on the air! If not, click here to get a taste of what you're missing.
My high school graduation picture, taken in August of 2001. (Ironically, I graduated in June of 2002. :D)
Save Farscape!
Courtesy of graygirl
Hello, welcome to my website! I'm Rachel and this is Land of the Ewe, so titled because "Ewe" is Hebraic for "Rachel" and this is my domain. I come from a fully-blooded Italian-American-Catholic father and a Midwestern Jewish mother and am currently grappling with what this means to my heritage. I'm also off at my second year of college, which still both excites and terrifies the hell out of me. I'm 20/f and graduated from a small, private school in Baltimore, Maryland. Beyond everything else, I love to write fiction and poetry and was to co-editor in chief of my school newspaper. I also like to sing (my mother's dream for me), play around online, read, watch sci-fi/fantasy and melancholy Lifetime movies, get stuck inside my own head, play the piano, and feed my growing addiction to all things Star Wars. I have a younger sister, Jana, 18, a smattering of friends, both "real" and online and a cat, Chavalah. (HA-va-la) My biggest goals in life are to have a son, Benjamin Joseph, write a novel, forgive myself my sins, find a non-painful way to give back to the community, and one day be able to write a paragraph without going off on a tangent. :)
screen name: ChavalahH
To my grandmother, aspiration of humanity.
My Prose
Realms of Fantasy
My Poetry
Depths of my soul
My Online Journal
Step into the mind of the creator!
Memory Lane
A visual history of the webmistress
The Works of James Petiton
Treasured words of a writer friend
Chavalah's Web Page!
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Step into other minds...

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