This is a strange website. Entering this website may cause insanity in viewers. If you are over 18, it may be illegal for you to go past this point (check state laws). If you are lucky enough to be over 18, click here to leave this area. Otherwise, read the following clause

 This person holds no responsibility for those stupid enough to enter this site. If anything goes wrong (accidental death, spontaneous human combustion, exessive vomiting, insanity, rash, an STD, odd growths (ie warts, moles, or a second head), blindness, hair loss (in women), influenza, yeast infections (in men), or any other form of ailment), she holds absolutely NO responsibility for the fact that you were moronic enough to enter. If anything goes wrong with your computer (ie. if an evil demon takes it over and makes it dance around like a chicken), she will not fix it. No lawsuits or other means of reprimand can be taken. She will, however, drink di-hydrogen monoxide if you wish her to pay for the insanity she has created. Geocities holds no responsibility for either allowing a neurotic psychopath online or permitting her to put up a page. Her parents should not be shunned because they never institutionalized her. And, should you see her, the Happyvale Institution in Nutsburg, Hysteria, is offering a $10,000 reward for her safe return to her natural habitat.

 If you can comply with the aforementioned rules and regulations, please click on the to enter.