Jenny Visick's Website
In Association with
"They confound the brilliance of the firmament with the star-shaped footprints of a duck in the mud."
-Victor Hugo, Les Miserables. Translated by Norman Denny-
bits and pieces::
Notes :
of Travel: Prague, London, and Brazil
of Southern California
of Family:
Visnet, (site by Uncle Vernon)
Books, and things Literary
of Reflections
of music and vocation:

Jennifer Visick, Violist and Teacher
(My "business" website)
I got a scanner hooked up to my computer and I've put up a few pictures up from some summer travels of mine: London & Prague, (2004) and Brazil (2001).  Amazing what a foreign country will do to your mind, when you start contemplating things.   ...........................................................................................................
Last fall (2003) I got a new
Arcus 'Sonata' model viola bow.  A light and stiff breed of bow, made of carbon-fiber instead of wood, and hollow! (an oddity in the world of string instruments).  So I no longer have a "new viola bow"fund -- my next big purchase will probably be a new viola case. I'm coveting a Musafia....

Drop me a note in my guestbook, Thanks!
Online Paralell Bible
For Schools
Bethany Church of Sierra Madre

Christian Performing Artist's Fellowship

Boundless Webzine
(Focus on the Family)
Elegie Quartet


Suzuki Association of the Americas

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