Hi I'm Lee.

This was my first attempt at a web page, and I am always changing things here.

A little about myself: I am a 31 year old, university educated, Canadian gal. I've worked with children since my first babysitting job to my current job as a director of a school age daycare. I have a variety of interests including reading, listening to a variety of music, watching movies, writing stories and poems, and of course, surfing and chatting on the net. I'll be adding some links to some of my favorite sites and maybe I'll even get brave enough to add some of my own writing and artwork here, who knows.

Here's a few pics of me, case you want to put a face to a name

This pics a few years old... Me!

A more recent pic of me...On my 30th bday

A not so recent pic of me...Kindergarden



My Dogs (all are in puppy heaven now)

Buffy, my first dog.My parents got her and I around the same time. She was my guardian when I was little. One day I was outside in my playpen and Buffy was lying near it. Our mailman made the mistake of walking between Buffy and my playpen. Buffy, thinking I was in danger, bit him. Fortunatly, the mailman understood Buffy was just protecting me and didn't raise a stink.

Kelley, my second dog.She was found abandoned by my grandma, and we adopted her. We tried many names for her, but she only came when someone called my name. So we picked Kelley since it rhymed.Led to some confusion though, when somebidy called either of us we both came not being exactly sure if they said Shelley or Kelley.

Mikey, who just recently passed away.This is him soon after we got him. He was so tiny and had such a cute wrinkled nose.

Mikey, still a puppy. He was so cute and friendly. Everyone loved him.

Mikey, still pretty young here. In front of our fireplace (notice a theme?).

Friends(click on the pic for a photo)

Spinny's IM Page       Jeannie's Page

Stuff to do on the Net


Hobbit name generator.There's also a link on the sit for Elven name generator.


Well Known People Who Happen To Be Canadian-we're everywhere ;)

This is a test, this is just a test...

Different types of tests you can find on the net. Some are serious and some are for pure entertainment. Disclaimer: I have not taken all these tests, I just picked ones I have or that looked interesting, so if the test sucks, don't blame me. Check out near the bottom of the page for a love compatability test you can take right here.


Test Your ESP


Are You A Free Thinker      Click on the B-Movie Quiz    

The reflex tester     Trivia quizzes     Are You A Freak?


Mensa    EQ test    IQ Paradise    The Comar IQ Tests    IQTest.com     Test Your IQ


How Well Do You Click? The Love Quizzes


The National Hate Test


Loser Test   Geek Quiz   Nerdity Test



AllTheTests.com links many tests on the net. Includes a search engine.

PsychTests.com     UniversityofLife.com    Emode   Spark     Queendom

Results for some of the fun tests I've taken. Click on the pics or link provided to take the test yourself.

Kid's Stuff

Please visit my page dedicated to kids



Any comments? Send an to lee@lemurgoddess.gq.nu


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