Classical Dance of South India
"Ananda" - Click for larger photo
Training at Kala Samarpana,
Chennai, India, Winter 2003
Vanderbilt Dance Group
Fall Recital,
Nashville, November 2002
Multicultural Awareness Day
on Capitol Hill,

Nashville, May 2002
Kala Nivedanam Annual Day
Nashville, May 2002
Vanderbilt Dance Group
Spring Recital, Nashville, April 2002
University School's
International Night,
Nashville, April 2002
Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi) 

Fall Retreat,
San Ramon, CA, Nov. 2001
"Ethnic Proportions"  feat. Awalim Dance Company at BJRC East, Nashville, Nov. 2001
Workshop with
Sri Narasimhachari,
Nashville, July 2001
hana Ashram's Guru Purnima,
Nashville, July 2001
Kala Nivedanam Annual Day 2001
Nashville, May 2001
Vanderbilt Dance Group Spring Recital,

Nashville, April 2001
Sadhana Ashram Intensive,
Nashville, March 2001
Gujarati Samaj of Eastern TN
Cultural Evening,
Chattanooga, Feb. 2001
Garbha (Gujurati Folk Dance)
demonstration at Hafla Night, Nashville, Feb. 2001
VDG Fall Recital, Nashville, Dec. 2000
Sadhana Ashram's Guru Purnima,
Nashville, July 2000
Varria Scholarship Foundation Celebration, Prestonsburg, KY, June, 2000
Studio for the Arts Annual Recital,
Murfreesboro, TN, June 2000
Kala Nivedanam Annual Day,
Nashville, May  2000
VDG Spring Recital, Nashville, April 2000
VDG Spring Recital, Nashville, April 1999
Dance Camp with
Sri Narasimhachari, Nashville, July 1998
VDG Spring Recital, Nashville, April 1998

Siva Nataraja, Lord of the Dance
Click to see more fractal portraits
In Hindu cosmology,
Siva Nataraja dances the universe into existence.  Bharatanatyam is a devotional dance, once considered an integral part of temple ritual. 
Ancient scriptures and sculpture show the dance existed c. 2000 years ago;
Natya Shastra
("Dance Scripture") details its method and meaning.

visitors since September 1999
As a fifth-year student of
Kala Nivedanam School of South Indian Dance, I study with Ms. Monica Cooley. Ms. Cooley is a disciple of
Sri Narasimhachari
(Kala Samarpana, Chennai, India).
"Master" Narasimhachari is an alumnus of Kalakshetra (founded 1936), a school known for its role in reviving India's
dance traditions.

1999 - Vanderbilt Dance Group
1998- my first recital
l i n k s
*General Bharathanatyam background:
*Bharathanatyam: Divine Dance

*Elements of  a
Bharathanatyam Concert

*Kala Samarpana
*Sri Narasimhachari
*Natya Shastra
*Other Indian Dance Styles
*Vanderbilt Dance Group

Send Email to: 
Caroline Martin

What is an
Performing and the Arangetram Tradition