Updated 4/23/01

What's New?

--David Moran
--Danger Girl

I screwed up and forgot to add a link to a fellow manippers site. He asked me to add the link a while back, and I keep forgetting to add it. Shame too, because he does really nice stuff, and hes started using animations in the pics now as well. Pretty dang cool, Please go check out his site: David Moran.
Several of you have asked me about a tutorial, so I put back my old one here. Take a look at it if you'd like.

if you add a link to my site, please link to this page

View Guestbook. The base images of the works here were found at various places on the web and considered public domain. If you have a problem with one of them let me know and I'll remove it. The likenesses of the comic characters you will find here are copyright of their respective owners, and these works are meant to be fan-art only. THERE IS NO NUDITY ON THESE PAGES! None of these images are intended to be erotic or pornographic, and are done in as tasteful a style as possible. Please dont steal my originals for use on another site without asking. If you ask for a copy of the original, unaltered base image, I will ignore you. I dont keep the bases and I wouldnt send them out to you if I did. I'm a jerk that way :).

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