Welcome to the web version of my den of iniquity (come to one of my parties some time and the iniquity part will make alot more sense). Take it for what's worth, or run away screaming, it's up to you, but hopefully I will be able to share with you a little bit of the random chaos and wierdness that is my world.
Soon I hope to get some picutres of my art work scanned and up on this site. Watch this space. People have said nice things about my work, maybe you'll like it, maybe not. It's all fairly bizzare.
Can't wait for something fun to look at? Just want to get outta here? Try some of the links listed below!
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Wow, you stuck around! Now I feel obligated to reward you in some small way for your diligence...lets see...I know I will tell you about myself. I got out of school where I got my bachelors in history in December of 1997. I live in San Francisco, where I currently work as a QA contractor. Culture jamming is one of my personal favorite passtimes, aside from insane volunteer work. I hang out with swing dancers, martini drinkers, radio geeks, artists, and all the fun crazy folks, including a few of these fabulous folks.
I've even been getting media attention! On April 5, 1999, I appeared on page A3 of the SF Examiner! Wanna know why? Well, here is the article, you can see the lovley photo here for yourself! Aren't I cute?
You should also check out this SFWeekly article. I'm not in it exactly but I was part of it. If you thought the coverage was fun, check out Santarchy for the direct story. More recently I was on TV! Eavening Magazine did a peice on the Dicken's Christmas Fair where I worked this winter. I also won a costume contest there! Eventually I will have photographs and information on the dress I made for this event. Some day... Check out my resume! Hire me! Every company needs one of me someplace! Even these guys want to hire me, you should too! If you want to see more of me and the things I do, go for it, but don't say I didn't warn you. | ![]() |