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Welcome to MIKE BURRELL's Super FREE!!! but partly stinky

Jerky Page!

Baked Venison Jerky





Baked Venison Jerky. 5

Basic Jerky Recipe. 6

Bbq Beef Jerky For The Dehydrator 6

Beef Jerky. 7

Beef Jerky. 8

Beef Jerky. 8

Beef Jerky. 9

Beef Jerky. 9

Beef Jerky. 10

Beef Jerky (Gnow Yoke Gone) 10

Beef Jerky (Jill Albin's) 11

Beef Jerky - For Those Who Don't Have Smokers. 11

Beef Jerky - Timpson. 12

Beef Jerky Recipe. 12

Biltong (Beef Jerky) 13

Blacklands Jerky Marinade. 13

Blue Ribbon Jerky. 14

Brined Jerky. 14

Carne Seca. 15

Chinese Jerky. 15

Deluxe Camp Chili with Jerky. 16

Dixie Jerky. 16

Dry Blend For Jerky. 17

Dry Cure Southwest Jerky. 17

Drying Barbecued Beef Jerky. 17

Drying Frontier Jerky. 18

Drying Great Jerky. 18

Duck Jerky. 19

Gailmaryjo's Venison Jerky (From A Meier's Book) 19

George Fassett's Fake Jerky Strips. 20

Hamburger Jerky. 21

Hawaiian Jerky. 21

Homemade Beef Jerky. 22

Homemade Jerky - Western-Style. 22

Honey Lemon Beef Jerky. 23

Hot Dawg Deer Jerky: 24

Hot Jerky. 25

Hot Jerky Marinade. 26

Jerky - Home Cured. 26

Jerky A La Willie. 27

Jerky Recipe. 27

Jerky Stew.. 28

Jerky Thai Style. 28

Jerky Time!! 29

Jerky Water/Smoker 30

Kim's Jerky. 30

Knights Turkey Jerky 1. 31

Little Chief Beef And Game Jerky. 31

Low Salt Jerky. 32

Marinade For Beef Jerky. 32

Marinated Beef Jerky. 32

Marinated Spicy Jerky. 33

Meat Jerky. 33

Micro-Wave Deer Or Beef Jerky. 34

Microwave Jerky. 34

Modern Jerky. 35

Mothers Cajun Madness. 35

Nua Sawan (Thai Beef Jerky) 36

Onion Ground Beef Jerkey. 36

Oregon Deer Jerky. 37

Original Jerky. 37

Pillow Case Jerky. 38

Pipi Jerky (Hawaiian) 38

Pops Jerky. 39

Pow Wow Jerky. 39

Sara's Beef Jerky. 40

Smoked Salmon. 40

Smoked Turkey Jerky. 40

Spicy Beef Jerky. 41

Standard Jerky Marinade. 41

Starter Brine Jerky. 42

Sweet And Sour Jerky Marinade. 42

T Bird's Beef Jerky. 43

Tender Jerky. 43

Teriyaki Beef Jerky. 44

Teriyaki Jerky. 44

Theada's Beef Jerky. 45

Tofu Jerky. 45

Tree Branch Jerky. 46

Venison And Big Game Drying. 47

Venison Jerky. 48

Venison Jerky. 48

Venison Jerky. 49

Venison Jerky. 49

Venison Jerky. 49

Venison Jerky. 50

Venison Jerky. 51

Venison Jerky. 51

Venison Jerky. 51

Venison Jerky. 52

Warriors' Mark Jerky. 52

Western Barbecue Jerky. 53

Western Jerky. 53

World Famous Beef Jerky. 54

Beef Jerky Bbq. 55

Beef Or Game Jerky. 55

Deer Jerky. 56

Deer Jerky. 56

Drying Soy Jerky. 56

Easy Cure Meat Jerky. 57

Hawaiian Style Jerky. 57

Home Style. 57

Jerky A. Harvest 58

Jerky Made From Turkey. 58

Paul Hinrichs' Recipe For Deer Jerky. 59

Oven Jerky. 59

Oven Jerky #2. 59

Tucker Surprise Beef Jerky. 60





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY




Jerky needs to be dried at a temperature between 140 and 150 degrees for at least four hours to keep it from spoiling.


Uniform thickness & size are very important if you want that perfect batch of jerky. The slices should be no larger than 5 inches long by 2 inches wide and 1/4' thick. Cut thin slices against the grain. This is really important for lean cuts of meat. Otherwise some will be like leather, others like paper and some ok.

Take the time to get rid of all tendons & gristle. They're impossible to chew all dried up. Trim all visible fat, it can prevent the jerky from drying properly and can go rancid. Be careful with pepper. It dehydrates, too YEOW.


Marinades make all the difference. Marinate the meat up to 8 hrs in the refrigerator, poking it well with a fork, then partially freeze it before you slice it thinly against the grain. You don't necessarily have to marinate the meat before drying it-it will do that as it dries. The leanest cuts benefit most from the above procedure.

Always turn and rearrange the slices in the marinade several times.

If you over dry your jerky add 2 slices of bread to it in a plastic bag . The moister from the bread goes into the jerky. It makes it soft again



Firm meat can be made into jerky. If there are any hunters in your family, try

venison. Turkey breast or firm fish such as salmon or ahi tuna also make

excellent snacks. Simply slice your choice of meat thin (usually 1/8") with

the grain. This is a bot more tricky with fish, so I highly

recommend frezing it halfway first. Freezing will make slicing all meats



As for beef, my personal cut of choice is London Broil, although many people

like to use brisket or flank steak as well


Note: You can also use ground meats for jerky in which case you can forego the

marinade and use a dry spice rub instead, see the instructions below


Mix all marinade ingredients together in a large (gallon size or larger)

plastic zipper bag. Add sliced meat and refrigerate, turning and mixing every

hour or two. Hearty meats like beef and venison should be marinated overnight

For turkey, salmon or tuna, 3-4 hours is usually plenty. Don't marinate ground

meats, see notes below


When ready to begin drying, place a sheet of aluminum foil on the bottom of

the oven to aid in cleanup. Drain meat in a colander and pat dry with paper

towels (the drier the better at this point). Set oven at lowest temperature

setting and carefully place meat slices directly onto oven racks. Leave the

oven door open a crack to allow moisture to escape and go away for a few



Drying times vary due to oven differences and meat size. Perfect jerky is

firm, and dry and not at all spongy. However, if your jerky is so dry it

breaks in two easily, it's probably over-dried


Instructions for For Ground Meat Jerky

Look for meat that is 95% lean or leaner, such as ground beef, ground chuck,

ground round or boneless turkey meat. Double grind the meat with a spice

mixture to distribute the spices evenly (you might want

to add a little extra salt, depending on the blend of your seasoning mixture)

If you don't have a meat grinder, you can use a food processor for this



Sandwich some of the seasoned ground meat between two sheets of waxed paper

Use a rolling pin to press the meat into 2" wide, flat, thin strips. Carefully

remove the strips from the waxed paper place directly on oven racks, as for

sliced jerky. If desired, you can brush of thin layer of marinade on the

strips at this point (not too much, you want the meat to dry). This is an

optional step as the dry rub will provide a lot of flavor on its own


Dry Spice Rub Recipes


Emeril Lagsse's Rustic Rub Famous Dave Anderson's Dynamite Dust Zinfandel

Restaurant Rib Rub


Other Options


If you've ever been the proud recipient of one of those amazing Ronco Food

Dehydrators you see touted on TV during the holidays, now if the time to

haul it out. You can easily make jerky in it and avoid the oven. You can

also dry jerky in a meat smoker (in this case, definitely eliminate the

liquid smoke from the marinade recipe or your meat will taste like it has

been in a fire). Mesquite works well for most meats. Also, be sure NOT to

fill the smoker bowl with water or any other liquid. The point of making

jerky is to DRY the meat. Cool Jerky Making Gadget!


Mother's Two-Hour Jerky Maker: If you like jerky, it makes the entire

process quick, easy and virtually mess-free. Just slice and marinate your

meat, hang the slices on the metal skewers (which fit snugly into the jerky

maker) and pop the whole thing into your oven. That's it! When not in use

the Mother's Jerky maker folds small and flat (smaller than a laptop

computer). Can also be used to dry fruits. For more information or to

order,go to the Mother's Jerky website






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Baked Venison Jerky



2 Pounds meat (venison)

1/2 Cup soy sauce

1/2 Cup Worcestershire sauce

2 Teaspoons Accent

2 Teaspoons salt

2/3 Teaspoon garlic powder

2 Teaspoons onion powder

2/3 Teaspoon black pepper



Cut meat into 3/8 inch thick pieces. Combine remaining ingredients and add

meat. Marinate 12 hours. Place meat on oven racks with aluminum foil under

racks to catch any drippings in oven. Bake at 150 degrees for 3-4 hours or

until dried. Let cool and store in jar or sip-lock bag.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Basic Jerky Recipe


About 3lbs of meat

2/3 Cup Worcestershire sauce

2/3 Cup of soy sauce

1 Teaspoon of black pepper

1 Teaspoon garlic powder

1 Teaspoon onion powder



1 Teaspoon liquid smoke

2 3 Teaspoons Tabasco Sauce

2 3 Teaspoons crushed red peppers

2 3 Teaspoons sesame seeds


The recipe above is enough for about 3 pounds of meat, which will dehydrate

down to about 16-18 ounces


While beef is what most people are familiar with, just about any firm meat

can be made into jerky.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Bbq Beef Jerky For The Dehydrator


3 Pounds lean beef, cut into 1/2 inch strips

1 Cup catsup

1/2 Cup red wine vinegar

1/4 Cup brown sugar

1 Tablespoon worcestershire sauce

1 Teaspoon dry mustard

1 Teaspoon onion powder

1 Teaspoon salt

1/4 Teaspoon cracked black pepper

Dash of tobasco sauce


Mix all spices and liquids together to for a marinade. Soak the beef strips

in this marinade in a glass dish. Refridgerate for at least 24 hours or

longer. Once the marinade is done, drain it off and place the beef in an

electric dehydrator at 145*. Remove the meat once it is at the consistancy

of beef jerky. Remove and cool. Store in plastic zippy bags.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerkey


1 Flank Steak Or London Broil

Coarse Black Pepper

1/2 Cup Soy Sauce

Garlic Powder


Cut flank steak or London broil into 1/4" strips. Sprinkle with garlic

powder and coarse ground black pepper. Marinate in soy sauce for 24 hours.

Bake in 150øF oven for 10 to 12 hours. DO NOT exceed 150øF.


Servings: 4




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


3/4 Teaspoon salt

1/4 Teaspoon cracked black pepper

1 Tablespoon brown sugar

1 Clove garlic, crushed

2 Tablespoons soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

2 Drops Tabasco sauce

1 Pound lean meat, sliced very thin


In small bowl, combine all ingredients, except meat; stir to mix well. Place

meat in mix, one layer at a time, being sure to coat meat well. Place meat

in Ziploc bag and marinate 6 to 12 hours, turning bag occasionally. Dry meat

in dehydrator or oven. Set oven at 125 degrees. Place meat directly on oven

racks; leave about 8 hours. It may take more or less time, depending on

thickness of meat. Jerky is done when dry, but not crumbly. Store in

refrigerator or freezer in brown paper bag.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


I usually use round steak or flank steak.. make sure it is really lean, and


ALL fat.. otherwise your jerky will spoil fast!


For each pound of meat, I mix the following


4 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

4 Tablespoons Worcestershire

1 Tablespoon ketchup

1/2 Teaspoon salt

1/2 Teaspoon pepper

1/4 Teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 Teaspoon onion salt

1 tesp red pepper sauce, like Durkee's (also known as frank's) or Louisiana



Marinate the meat for 1-2 hours, stirring or turning it often to make sure

all the meat is coated. Then drain it in a colander. If you use a

dehydrator, I set mine to medium, and it takes 6-8 hours to dry. Just watch

it until its done. For the oven, about 150-175 deg. The trick is you want to

open your oven door a crack door about 15 mins out of every hour to allow

the meat to dry. Again, just keep an eye on it until its done!






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


2 To 3 Pounds Round, Chuck

Steak Or Chuck Roast

1 Teaspoon Onion Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Lemon Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Sausage Seasoning

1/2 Teaspoon Thyme

1/2 Teaspoon Oregano

1/2 Teaspoon Marjoram

1/2 Teaspoon Basil


Combine the spices in a dish. Cut the meat into strips less than 1/4 of an

inch thick. Remove ALL fat. Sprinkle one side with the combined seasonings

and beat with a meat hammer. Turn and repeat the seasoning and beating.

Place the strips on a cookie sheet or other flat pan. Place in a 150 degree

F. oven for 4 hours. Turn and put back for another 4 hours. Keep the oven

door propped open for the entire time to allow the moisture to escape. With

a gas oven, the pilot light may be enough to provide the heat. Store in a

plastic bag.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


1 Flank steak

1 Clove garlic, minced

1/2 Cup Honey

1 Pinch pepper

4 Tablespoons Lemon juice

1/2 Cup Soy sauce

1 Pinch salt


Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak

across grain, about 1/4-inch thick. Combine remaining ingredients and

marinate steak strips in this for at least 2 hours. Place slices on rack in

pan and dry in oven at 150 degrees, 12 hours.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


3 Pounds top round London Broil, trimmed of fat

3 Tablespoons salt

2 Tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper

1 Tablespoon garlic powder

1 Tablespoon onion powder


Cut meat into strips a little less than 1/4-inch thick. Place strips in a

shallow bowl. Combine salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder in a

small bowl. Rub spice mixture into strips. Cover loosely with plastic wrap,

and marinate for 48 hours in the refrigerator. Remove a rack from the oven.

Preheat the oven to 115 degrees. Remove the strips from the marinade and lay

them directly on the oven rack so that air can circulate around them. Line

the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil to catch the drippings. Place the

rack in the oven, leaving it partially open to maintain a constant

temperature of 110 to 115 degrees. Leave the jerky in the oven until well

dried, 6 to 8 hours.


Note: The USDA recommends cooking the beef jerky at 160 degrees for the

first 4 hours and then reducing the temperature to 130 degrees during the

dehydrating process.


Yield: approximately 1 pound dried jerky Prep Time: 48 hours 10 minutes Cook

Time: 8 hours




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Pepper

3 Tbsp Brown sugar

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

1/4 cup Soy sauce

1 Tbsp Liquid smoke

2 lb Round or flank steak sliced



Mix all marinade ingredients in bowl. Pour over meat slices;thoroughly wet

all sides of meat and layer in the marinating dish. cover tightly and

marinate in refrigerator overnight. Rotate meat layers every couple of hours

if you can. Drain the marinated meat and spread nonoverlapping on trays.(you

can save the marinade for another batch later) Place trays in the oven and

dry at 145'F. for first 4 hours. then set oven 130'F. until dry.(4 to 8

hours.) Jerky should be hard but not brittle. Blot up any fat that appears

with paper towels. *For a chewy texture, slice the meat with the grain, or

across the grain for more tender jerky.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky


, -Marinade---

3/4 Cup soy sauce

1/4 Cup fresh lemon juice

2 Teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, (2 to 3)

1/2 Teaspoon black pepper

garlic powder, to taste


Partially freeze a thick round steak, (1 to 1 1/2 inches thick). Slice very

thin, about 1/8-inch thick. Dip in marinade and dry. Dry in dehydrator or on

foil in hot summer sun, or in oven at 150 degrees until dry.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky (Gnow Yoke Gone)


Yield: 1/4 lb jerky


1/2 lb Flank steak

1 ts Salt

2 ts Sherry

4 ts Honey

3 tb Sugar

1 tb Catsup

1 tb Hoisin sauce

1 tb Oyster sauce

1 tb Light soy sauce

1 tb Dark soy sauce


PREPARATION: Partially freeze meat first, then thinly slice beef Marinate in

rest of ingredients for at least 1 day. COOKING: Bake single layer at 250

degrees for 45-55 minutes. DO AHEAD NOTES: Make ahead and serve later.


COMMENTS: Chinese Beef Jerky is a favorite snack in China. The flavor is a

bit on the sweet side compared to its western counterpart and definitely not







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky (Jill Albin's)


1-1/2 Pounds steak

1/2 Cup soy sauce

1 Teaspoon liquid smoke

1 Cup water

1/2 Teaspoon garlic salt

1/2 Teaspoon celery salt

1/4 Teaspoon pepper

1 Teaspoon seasoned salt


Cut meat into thin slices. Marinate in sauce overnight. Lay strips over

racks and place on baking sheets. Bake at 140 degrees for 6-8 hours. This

works well in dehydrators also.


Posted to Friendly Freezer by Jill Albin


Jill's Notes: This recipe is a favorite of my family from the time I was a

little girl. We used it for all types of meat. Every one that has tasted,

loves!! Hope you do also. Jill in Utah





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky - For Those Who Don't Have Smokers


2 Pounds venison roast - cut into 1/4" strips

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1/3 Cup Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce

1 Teaspoon (heaping) Onion powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Tablespoon Course ground black pepper




Marinate meat for at least 3 hours in deep container. Turn every hour or so

and push meat down into sauce. Remove rack from oven and place over sink.

Put a toothpick thru the ends of the meat and hang between the bars of the

oven rack. Line the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil. Place rack in

oven and bake at 150 degrees for 4 to 6 hours. Turn off oven and allow to

hang there overnight **






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky - Timpson


5 Pounds Beef (roast)

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

1 Teaspoon Black pepper (cracked if possible)

Red pepper flakes, optional

1 Tablespoon Liquid smoke


I make Jerky by buying about 5+ lbs of beef. Usually a roast. I then remove

the fat. Place the strips of meat into marinade and let soak for about 24

hours. Remove from marinade and allow to air dry for at least one hour. If

you have a meat smoker then omit the liquid smoke and smoke meat at a low

temperature. Recipe by: (Steven D. Timpson)






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky Recipe


1-1/2 Pounds of meat

1/4 Teaspoon pepper

1/4 Teaspoon onion powder

1/4 Teaspoon garlic

1/4 Teaspoon salt

1/4 Cup soy sauce

1/4 Cup Worcestershire


Meat can be dried without seasoning. Or it can be marinated overnight.

Combine pepper, onion, garlic, salt, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.

Place marinade in Ziploc plastic bag. Slice lean boneless beef (such as

brisket) into 1/8" strips, trimming fat. Cut with the grain for chewy jerky

or across the grain for crumbly jerky. Add meat to bag of marinade and

refrigerate overnight, turning occasionally. Lay strips on oven rack (use

foil or pan underneath to catch drippings). Salt to taste. Dry in oven at

lowest temperature (150 degrees), leaving door slightly ajar, for 8-12

hours. Turn several times for even drying. Taste test occasionally.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Biltong (Beef Jerky)



Salting mixture: 1 lb salt 2 oz sugar 1 oz saltpeter pepper and chili spices

-- to taste


As you travel around East Africa you will see countless Africans selling

food along the roadsides, in the markets, or through bus and train windows.

They sell fruit, boiled eggs grilled maize, boiled maize, yogurt, milk, soda

pop, fried dough balls, samosas, yellow buns, and real seasonal delicacies

like roasted mice and termites. The following are a few East African snack

foods you can try.


"Beef Jerky" is more common in South Africa but still a part of the East

African diet. It is generally made from beef, but other game is used when

available. Cut strips of meat following the grain of muscle. Make strips 2

inches wide and 1 inch thick. Best made during cool dry weather if possible.



Salt the meat by rubbing the mixture in well and leave in the basin of salt

mixture overnight. Dip a cloth in vinegar, wring dry and whip the meat well.



Hang the strips of meat in a cool, dry, well ventilated place until dry.


You can also hang the meat on an oven rack placed in the top slot of the

oven. Dry the meat on low heat.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Blacklands Jerky Marinade


10 Ounces Pepsi Cola

5 Ounces worcestershire sauce

5 Ounces teriyaki sauce

2 Tablespoons Liquid Barbecue Smoke=AE

2 Tablespoons brown sugar (light)

black pepper


according to dehydrator instructions






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Blue Ribbon Jerky


1/2 Cup Dark soy sauce

2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1 Teaspoon MSG (opt)

1/2 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/4 Teaspoon Ginger, powdered

1/4 Teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder

3 Pounds Lean beef brisket, eye of

round or flank steak


Trim meat completely of fat and cut across grain into

Slice 1/8 inch thick. To aid in slicing meat thinly,

freeze until ice crystals are formed


piece of meat into marinade, coating well. Place

in shallow dish. Pour remaining marinade over top,

cover and refrigerate overnight


Oven method: Preheat oven to lowest setting

(preferably 110 F). Place several layers of paper

towels on baking sheets. Arrange meat in single layer

on prepared sheets and cover with additional toweling

Flatten meat with rolling pin. Discard towels and set

meat directly on oven racks. Let dry 8 to 12 hours

(depending on temperature of oven)


Dehydrator method: Arrange meat on trays in single

layer and dehydrate 10 to 12 hours, depending on



Store jerky in plastic bags or in tightly covered

containers in cool, dry area


From the collection of

Jim Vorheis

Fidonet COOKING echo





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Brined Jerky


1 Cup Curing salt

1/2 Cup Brown suger or molasses


5 lb Lean meat 1 ts Liquid garlic 4 tb Black pepper 2 qt Water


Remove all fat and membrane from the meat. Combine the rest of the

ingredients. Soak the meat in the solution (brining the meat) for 8 to 10

hours. Remove meat and rinse thoroughly. Pat dry with paper towels to remove

excess moisture. Let stand to air-dry for an hour or so. Then rub in the

seasonings of your choice, such as onion salt, garlic salt, pepper or a

prepared seasoning mix from the spice department at the market. Smoke meat

for 8 to 12 hours or until ready. Test the meat by twisting a strip of meat.

It should be flexible but stiff like a piece of rope. Remove and let stand

until cool.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Carne Seca


2-1/2 -3 lb raw jerky meat

2 Teaspoons Ground oregano

2 Teaspoons Salt

3/4 Cup Vinegar

2 Large Onions,finely chopped

2 Cloves garlic, mashed

1/2 Teaspoon Course black pepper

1 Teaspoon Liquid Smoke


Mix all ingredients to make marinade and soak meat in marinade 24 hours.

Remove meat from marinade and place in oven or smoker for from 7-8 hours at

about 150- 200 degrees. It's done when meat has turned brown, feels hard and

is dry to the touch






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Chinese Jerky


3 Pounds Flank steak or london broil

, --Marinade----

1/2 Cup Light soya sauce

4-1/2 Tablespoons Honey

4-1/2 Tablespoons Dry sherry

6 Large Garlic cloves, minced

1-1/2 Tablespoons Ginger, fresh, minced

1-1/2 Tablespoons Red pepper, crushed

1-1/2 Tablespoons Sesame oil

1 Dash Pepper, white


Cut meat in half, lengthwise and slice diagonally crosswise into paper

thin strips 1 1/2 to 2 inches wide and 4 inches long. Transfer to

meat. Arrange meat on racks and let dry at cool room temperature

overnight (do not refrigerate)

Preheat oven to 250 F. Line two large baking sheets with foil and set

wire racks on top of each baking sheet. Arrange meat on racks in single

layer. Bake 30 minutes

Reduce heat to 175 F and continue drying meat another 40 minutes. Meat

should be lightly brown but not burnt. Let meat continue to dry on racks

at cool room temperature overnight before packing into jars

Dried meat can be brushed lightly with sesame oil for additional


Servings: 36




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Deluxe Camp Chili with Jerky


6 Ounces Jerky

3 Tablespoons Oil

1 Teaspoon Whole cumin seed

4 Tablespoons Chili powder

1 Teaspoon Onion flakes

1 Teaspoon Oregano

1/2 Teaspoon Cumin (powdered)

1/4 Teaspoon Garlic powder

Water as needed

Flour for thickening


Cut jerky into small, bite-sized pieces, remembering it will swell. In a heavy

pot, simmer jerky and cumin seeds gently in moderately hot fat/oil for one to

two minutes, stirring steadily to prevent burning. Add chili powder and

hotness of the jerky and your taste.) Add onion flakes, oregano, powdered

cumin, garlic powder, and enough water to cover generously. Stir. Simmer one

to two hours, adding water as the jerky takes it up. Allow chili to cool, and

reheat before serving. If a thicker chili is prefered, add a little flour

mixed to a paste with hot liquid from the pot and cook to desired consistency,

stirring frequently






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Dixie Jerky


(More tobasco and cayenne may be added for real men and women!)

1 10 oz. Soy Sauce . not sissy light

1 10 oz. teriyaki sauce-kikoman's is my favorite

1/4 Cup worsterchire sauce

2 Tablespoons liquid smoke

1 Teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1/2 Teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 Tablespoons dark brown sugar

1 table spoon honey

1 Tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning

1 Teaspoon of your favorite sauce, mine is Trappey's


Mix in a large bowl, adding water or beer to cover whatever the pocket book

allows!! Add thinly sliced deer or beef, turkey is good too Let rest in

fridge overnight or up to 18 hours






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Dry Blend For Jerky



garlic powder

chili powder

onion powder

black pepper

meat extender


Lay all the meat out in one layer. Sprinkle each slice with all the

spices. Turn the slices over and repeat. Put the slices in a dehydrator

NOTES : The chili powder will make the jerky hot. Hot pepper sauce will

achieve an even hotter effect. By Sherry Zeiss <> on Apr 12,







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Dry Cure Southwest Jerky


2 Cloves garlic minced


1 ts Salt 1 ts Pepper 1/2 ts Cayenne pepper 3 tb Chili powder 2 ts Cumin 2

lb Steak sliced thinly


Combine ingredients and thoroughly mix together. This is a dry marinade so

there is no liquid. Sprinkle the spice mixture on the meat slices and work

into the grain with your fingers. Cover and marinate overnight. Place trays

in the oven and dry at 145'F. for first 4 hrs. then set oven 130'F. until

dry.(4 to 8 hrs.) Jerky should be hard but not brittle. Blot up any fat that

appears with paper towels. *For a chewy texture, slice the meat with the

grain, or across the grain for more tender jerky. Thats all! It may take a

few trys to figure out exactly how long to dry the meat, but you're still

eating while you're trying so it's not that bad.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Drying Barbecued Beef Jerky


sirloin tip

1 Cup Catsup

1/2 Cup Red wine vinegar

1/4 Cup Brown sugar


3 lb Lean beef; flank; round 2 tb Worchestershire sauce 2 ts Dry mustard 1

ts Onion powder 1 ts Salt 1/4 ts Cracked pepper ds Hot pepper sauce


Cut beef into strips 1/2 inch thick. Combine all marinade ingredients into a

glass bakind dish. Add strips of beef, cover and refrigerate overnight.

Drain beef slices. Dry in an electric dehydrator at 145 until pliable.

Package in home canning jars, food-grade plastic bags or seal-by-heat food

storage bags.


This recipes is from the "BALL BLUE BOOK".



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Drying Frontier Jerky



1 ts Salt 1/4 ts Pepper 1 ts Garlic powder 2 tb Worchestershire sauce 2 tb

Liquid smoke 1 lb Lean meat; thinly sliced


In a small bowl, combine all ingredients except meat. Stir to mix well.

Place meat 3 or 4 layers deep in a glass or stoneware, plastic or stainless

container, spooning liquid smoke mixture over each layer. Cover tightly.

Marinate 6-12 hours in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally and keeping

the mixture tightly covered. Follow directions for drying and storing. Makes

1/4 lb. jerky.


From How to Dry Foods.


Servings: 10




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Drying Great Jerky


3/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Cracked pepper

1 Tablespoon Brown sugar

1 Garlic clove; crushed

2 Tablespoons Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worchestershire sauce

1 Pound Lean meat; thinly sliced


In a small bowl, combine all ignredients except meat. Stir to mix well.

Place the meat slices in a single layer on a clean flat surface. Generously

spread both sides with the slat mixture. Place the meat strips on a tightly

covered glass, stoneware, plastic or stainless steel container. Marinate

6-12 hours in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally and keeping the

mixture tightly covered. follow directions for drying and storing.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Duck Jerky


1-1/2 Pounds duck breast, sliced thinly into 1/4-inch slices

1/4 Cup soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

1/4 Teaspoon each garlic powder and black pepper

1/2 Teaspoon onion powder

1 Tablespoon liquid hickory smoke flavoring

Dash Tabasco

2 Tablespoons cream sherry

1/4 Teaspoon red chili flakes



Combine all ingredients and meat into a zip lock bag. Refrigerate

overnight, knead and turn bags several times during marinating process to

mix in. Drain off liquids and put into dehydrator. Follow dehydrator

instructions or to your meat textured liking.


If you don't have a dehydrator, you can turn your oven on to 150-200 degrees

and dry for 5-7 hours or until meat feels hard, pat off excess fat beads and

let cool. When using the oven, prop the door open slightly with a wooden

spoon to allow moisture to escape.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Gailmaryjo's Venison Jerky (From A Meier's Book)


5 Pounds venison, sliced 1/4-1/2"

thick strips

1/2 Cup soy sauce

1/2 Cup worcestershire sauce

2 Teaspoons liquid smoke

2 Teaspoons chili powder

2 Teaspoons lemon pepper


Marinate 24-48 hours. I put in a zip lock baggy, and mix off and on during

the marinating time - Refrigerate during this process. Hang by toothpicks

from oven racks, with a liner on the bottom of the oven. Bake 4-10 hours at

150-175 deg., or until desired dryness. I use my water-smoker and do the

same as above, except it only takes about 3 hours, and the jerky is moist,

yet dry, and more flavorful.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


George Fassett's Fake Jerky Strips


Recipe By :

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00

Categories :

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method



1 Pound Ground beef

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Black Pepper

1 Teaspoon Liquid smoke

1 Tablespoon A-1 Sauce

1/2 Cup Quick Quaker Oats

1 Eggwhite


2 Tablespoons A-1 Sauce

2 Tablespoons Worchestershire Sauce

3 Tablespoons Ketchup

2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1 Teaspoon Soy Sauce

1 Teaspoon Liquid Smoke

2 Tablespoons Water


1. Mix ground beef with all other ingredients, stir until mixed. Put into

a food processor with chopping knife and chop for a good minute, until well-

mixed together and consistency of putty.


2. On a floured cutting board, take ball of meat mixture and coat both

sides lightly with flour so it won't stick and roll out with floured rolling

pin, fold and roll until roughly 8" by 12" rectangle 1/8" or less thick.


3. Using a pizza cutter, cut into 1" wide strips 8" long and carefully

transfer to a wire rack.


4. Heat oven to 300 F, place wire rack with meat in oven on oven rack in

center of oven, with second oven rack one notch below. On lower rack, place

cookie sheet under meat to act as a drip pan.


5. Bake for 1 hour at 300 F.


6. Mix together sauce ingredients in shallow dish. Remove rack of meat,

roll each strip into sauce mix and return to rack. When all coated, return

to oven and increase temp. to 450 F. Bake for 15 min.


7. Remove rack again and recoat strips and return to oven for another 15

min. or until strips become almost burnt around edges.


8. Remove from oven and coat one last time, then let sit and cool to room





Source: George Fassett, Cyberealm BBS Watertown, NY 315-786-1120


Posted To Fabfood September 1998~Busted With 2.0 by <>



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Hamburger Jerky


1 Pound Very lean ground beef

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 Teaspoon Curing salt; (optional, this contains nitrates and sugar; or subsitute an

equal amount of seasoned salt

1 D cayenne


Buy the leanest ground beef possible, or select a lean chuck roast and grind

it or have it ground. Combine meat with remaining ingredients, mixing well.

Cut a piece of plastic wrap the size of your drying tray. Put seasoned

ground beef on plastic wrap and, using a moistened rolling pin, roll ground

beef to 1/8" thick, spreading meat over entire area of tray. A jerky press

can be used instead: Follow manufacturer's directions.


Place meat-covered plastic wrap on gray and dry at 140 F for 4 to 6 hours.

Remove tray, plastic wrap-side up. Peel of wrap and discard. Roll paper

towels over top with rolling pin to remove melted fat. Invert meat onto

another tray, plastic wrap-side up. Peel of wrap and discard. Return meat to

dehydrator and dry for another 4 to 6 hours. Top with paper towels and roll

again to absorb fat. Dry until jerky is hard and leathery. Cut into strips

before storing.


Package airtight and store in refrigerator or freezer if possible. Use

within 6 months.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Hawaiian Jerky


1 Pound lean meat, thinly sliced

1 Teaspoon salt

1 Teaspoon ground ginger

1 Tablespoon brown sugar

1/8 Teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 crushed garlic clove

1/4 Cup pineapple juice

1/4 Cup soy sauce


Mix the ingredients and rub onto thinly-sliced beef. Let marinate overnight

in the refrigerator. Dry in oven overnight.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Homemade Beef Jerky



5 Pounds very lean beef or venison, trimmed of all fat

3 Tablespoons kosher salt

2 Tablespoons ground black pepper

2 tablepoons Emeril's Original Essence, recipe follows

Cut the meat into strips 1-inch wide and 1/2-inch thick, and spread on baking

sheets. In a bowl blend the seasonings. Season the meat strips on 1 side, then

turn and season the second side. Refrigerate, covered, overnight


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F.


Cook the meat until it is completely dried, 6 to 8 hours, turning as needed

to dry uniformly. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Eat as desired, or

keep tightly covered, refrigerated, for up to 1 month.


Essence (Emeril's Creole Seasoning): 2 1/2 tablespoons paprika 2 tablespoons

salt 2 tablespoons garlic powder 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon

onion powder 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon dried leaf oregano 1

tablespoon dried thyme


Combine all ingredients thoroughly and store in an airtight jar or



Yield: about 2/3 cup


Recipe from New New Orleans Cooking by Emeril Lagasse and Jessie Tirsch,

Published by William and Morrow, 1993.


Yield: about 2 pounds Prep Time: 24 hours 20 minutes Cook Time: 8 hours






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Homemade Jerky - Western-Style


4 Pounds beef

1 Cup Worcestershire sauce

1/2 Cup cooking wine, sherry, plum,

vermouth, etc

1/2 Cup soy sauce

1 Tablespoon ground black pepper

1 Tablespoon ground cayenne pepper, (optional)

2 Tablespoons yellow mustard or Gray Poupon mustard

1 Tablespoon liquid smoke flavor

2 Tablespoons salt, (adjust to taste)

teriyaki-style jerky

1/2 Cup Worcestershire sauce

1/2 Cup cooking wine

1 Cup soy sauce

1 Tablespoon ground black pepper

1/4 Cup honey

2 Tablespoons salt, (adjust to taste)


I like to use a big beef roast that is free from bones. A shoulder clod or

tri-tip works well. You can also get your butcher to cut you a 1" thick

round steak. Cut the meat into strips about 1/4" thick by 1" wide by 6"

long. It is very important to make your strips at least 4" long as it is

much harder to dry shorter pieces. Keep this in mind when selecting your



Sometimes I cut across the grain and sometimes with the grain of the meat.

The cross cut is easier to chew. Combine marinade ingredients in a bowl big

enough to hold all of the sliced beef. Add the beef to the marinade and mix

well by hand. Put plastic cling wrap over top of bowl and refrigerate for at

least 24 hours. Several times during the marinade process, stir the beef.

Drying I have used both gas and electric ovens to dry jerky. Put the oven

temperature control on the lowest setting (200F or warm). Place the strips

of beef on the wire racks so that they span at least two wires and then hang

down evenly on both sides. Leave minimal room between strips and be careful

not to overlap any pieces.


When the rack is full, slide it into the oven. Continue filling the second

rack, etc. Close the oven door. It will take anywhere from 4-12 hours to dry

the meat, depending on oven temperature and local air humidity. The hotter

your oven the quicker it will dry but too hot and you'll cook the jerky and

it will be very crisp. The idea is to dry the meat, not cook it. Test a

piece of meat every 2 hours or so after the first 4 hours. The meat should

be the same brown color in the center as it is outside. If it's darker in

the center, it's not dry throughout. When the jerky is dry, remove it from

the racks and put it in zip lock plastic bags. If you've gotten the jerky

dry enough, it will keep at room temperature for at least a week. I have

used it on week-long backpack trips many times. It will keep in the

refrigerator for several weeks and for a year in the freezer.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Honey Lemon Beef Jerky


1 Flank steak

1 Garlic clove, minced

1/2 Cup Honey

1 Pinch Pepper

4 Tablespoons Lemon juice

1/2 Cup Soy sauce

1 Pinch Salt





Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak

across grain, about 1/4 inch thick.


Combine remaining ingredients and marinate steak strips in this for at least

2 hours. Place slices on rack in pan and dry in oven at 150 degrees, 12







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Hot Dawg Deer Jerky:


1 Tablespoon mint sauce

20 shakes Frank's red hot sauce

2 Tablespoons Lea & Perrins steak sauce

1 bottle Allegro hot & spicy marinade

2 Tablespoons molasses

1/4 Cup ground cayenne pepper

1/8 Cup garlic salt

1/8 Cup onion salt

2 Tablespoons seasoned meat tenderizer

1 Teaspoon dried mint crushed

20 shakes teriyaki sauce

3 Tablespoons McCormick Caribbean jerk seasoning

3 Tablespoons brown sugar

1/4 Cup white vinegar

20 shakes worcestershire sauce


Combine all ingredients in a plastic jug and shake well. Place in fridge

overnight and occasionally shake a few more times. Take a deer backstrap and

slice into 1/4 inch thick strips going with the grain. A fillet knife works

well for this. Place venison in marinade and shake well to coat. Place in

fridge overnight. Remove from marinade and place in dehydrator for

approximately 5 hours.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Hot Jerky


5 Pounds beef brisket or venison

1 Large fresh white onion or 1/3 cup onion powder

1 Large fresh garlic or 2 tbl. garlic powder

1 bottle liquid smoke "Colgin¨" (4 fl. oz.)

1 Cup soy sauce "Kikkoman¨"

3/4 Cup worcestershire sauce "Heinz¨"

2 Tablespoons steak sauce "A.1.¨"

1 Tablespoon monosodium glutamate "Acent¨"

2 Teaspoons seasoned salt

1/3 Cup black pepper, ground

1 Tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves

2 Tablespoons sugar


5 whole fresh Habanero chiles (more to taste), with seeds

1 Tablespoon dried Pequin chili pepper, with seeds

1/2 bottle hot sauce "Melinda's XXXtra¨" (5 fl. oz.)

4 Tablespoons dried Cayenne pepper, ground



Prepare meat by cutting into strips 3/4" X 1/2" and as long as you

prefer. Cut across grain for tender and lengthwise for chewy. The more

consistent you are when cutting the strips the better your jerky will dry




Soak strips of meat in the above mixture and refrigerate for 24-48 hours in a

close container (I use a Tuppleware¨ bread box). Shake several times to

mix well. Pat dry. Place directly on oven racks that have been covered with

tin foil and sprayed with Pam. Cook in pre heated oven @ 160F for 2-3 hours

(with door closed). This kills bacteria, removes a lot of the excess moisture

and melts any excess fat


Return hot strips to mixture and refrigerate for another 6-12 hours (remember

to shake several times). Pat dry and sprinkle with Cayenne powder. Spread in

dehydrator. Set dehydrator at 145F. The final drying usually takes about

another 6-10 hours. Do not over dry (Check every few hours). Jerky should be

tuff and leathery, not brittle or hard. A real mouth watering HOT treat!



If you don't have a dehydrator return Jerky to 150F oven for 6-12 hours

leaving door open a little


An alternate for the final drying would be to use a low heat smoker. Leave out

the Liquid Smoke¨ in the Marinate


Note - Venison has always cooked faster for me than beef (less moisture?). So

check it more frequently


Yields about 1.75 - 2 lbs. dried jerky






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Hot Jerky Marinade


2 Teaspoons chilli powder

2 Teaspoons dried garlic powder

2 Teaspoons dried onion powder

2 Teaspoons pepper

2 Tablespoons salt

1 Teaspoon brown sugar

1/2 Teaspoon liquid smoke, (1/2 to 1)

1 Cup water

2 Pounds lean meat cut into strips


Mix all ingredients together. Place meat strips in marinade and refrigerate

for at least 6 hours. Stir mixture occasionally to make sure all the meat is

covered. Dry following the technique mentioned earlier.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky - Home Cured



1-1/2 to 2 lb. lean boneless meat (beef flank, brisket, top round venison or

white meat from chicken or turkey)

1/4 Cup soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1/4 Teaspoon pepper

1/4 Teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon onion powder

1 Teaspoon hickory smoke flavor


Tabasco (optional, but good)


Trim and discard all fat from meat. But meat into 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch thick

slices. (Partially freezing meat makes it easier to slice evenly.) Cut with

the grain for chewy jerky, across the grain for more tender, brittle jerky.

In a plastic Ziploc bag, mix all seasonings and shake to mix. Add meat and

shake to coat well. Let stand overnight in refrigerator. Most of the

marinade will absorb into the meat. Sprinkle meat with coarse ground black

pepper on both sides. Arrange strips of meat close together, but not

overlapping on cake racks set in shallow rimmed pans. Dry meat in oven at

lowest possible setting (150 degrees to 250 degrees) until it turns brown,

feels hard and is dry to the touch. This will take 5 hours for chicken,

turkey and 4 to 7 hours for beef and venison. Pat off any beads of oil. Cool

and store in airtight bags or jars. Keeps in refrigerator or at room

temperature indefinitely.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky A La Willie


10 Ounces Bottle of lo salt soy sauce

1/3 Cup Worcestershire sauce

2 Tablespoons Liquid mesquite smoke *

1-1/4 Teaspoons Onion powder

1-1/4 Teaspoons Garlic powder

2-1/2 Teaspoons Pepper

2 Tablespoons Brown sugar

Up to 3 lb lean meat **



* use in place of smoker. ** beef, deer, elk etc.


Mix all ingredients except meat to make marinade. Cut thinly sliced meat

into 1/2 inch strips and marinate for 12 to 24 hours (the longer the

better). Smoke using mesquite chips for about three hours and then finish

drying in oven. If doing whole operation in oven use liquid smoke and hang

strips of meat on highest rack and put shallow pan underneath to catch

drippings. Turn oven on and set to lowest possible setting and leave for 6

to 8 hours until thoroughly dried.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky Recipe


3/4 Cup Worcestershire Sauce

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce

1 Tablespoon Caribbean Jerk Seasoning

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper, coarse ground

1/2 Tablespoon Red Pepper, crushed


Mix all ingredients together. Marinate your strips of beef in this sauce for

12 to 24 hours in the fridge and then dehydrate. My husband puts everything

in a large ziploc bag to marinate (less cleanup). Also, my family likes food

a little hot & spicy, you might want to decrease the peppers if your family

doesn't. Let me know what you think.




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky Stew


1 Cup Whole dried hominy, soaked overnight in ample water

Salt and pepper to taste


1 lb Jerky, beef or buffalo 1 lg Yellow onion, peeled/chopped 1 lb

Potatoes*, unpeeled/diced


*Native Americans would have used prairie potatoes -- arrowhead (Sagittaria



Break the jerky up into 1-inch pieces and place in a heavy, lidded kettle.

Drain the hominy and add to the jerky, along with the onion. Cover with

water and bring to a boil. Simmer, covered, until the hominy is tender,

about 2 hours. You will have to watch this closely, as more water will have

to be added as you go along. Add the potatoes and cook for an additional 20

minutes. Season with salt and pepper.


Source: "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American" by Jeff Smith. From:

72752.746@compuserve.Com (Linda)Date: 96-06-19 11:31:13 Edt


Servings: 6




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky Thai Style


8 Pounds Beef or caribou round or flank steak


1 Cup Beef stock

4 Tablespoons Fresh lime juice

4 Tablespoons Nam pla, (fish sauce)

4 Teaspoons Sugar

1/2 Cup Loosely packed mint leaves*

1/2 Cup Thinly sliced shallots

4 Scallions, sliced in half

lengthwise and cut

into 1/4" lengths

2 Bird or other fresh hot chiles, seeded & finely



;stock [above] plus

4 Teaspoons Pepper

1 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper [opt'l]

4 Teaspoons Liquid smoke

1/2 Cup Soy sauce


*You might want to add come basil leaves or cilantro sprigs here


Trim all fat off the meat and cut against the grain into 1/4" thick strips

[Meat is easier to cut when partially frozen and it will cut evenly]


In a saucepan, combine beef stock, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar; bring to a

boil over high heat. Add mint, shallots, scallions and chiles. Cool and



cover. Marinade overnight. Or put meat and marinade in a sealable plastic

bag. Either way turn the meat occasionally to ensure that all portions get

well soaked in the marinade


Remove from marinade and let dry on a rack. Line a cookie sheet with foil and

arrange meat on it in a single layer. Or place meat directly on oven racks,

line bottom of oven with foil. Or on rack in shallow pan Dry for 6 or more

hours at 175, turning after 3 hours. Continue to dry in warm oven if

necessary. Gas ovens with pilot lights work especially well. Cool and bag



[This Thai spice flavored version of Jerky put together, but not tested, by

Jim Weller.] ... Hell hath no pizza...probably no Thai food either


Posted To Fabfood September 1998~Busted With 2.0 by <>



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky Time!!


I use 3 different types of meat, but you can easily use your imagination. 1

Pound of chicken breast

1 Pound of pork

1 Pound of beef,

1/4 Cup of soya sauce

3 Tablespoons of brown sugar

1 Tablespoon of dijonnaise from Hellemans

1 Tablespoon of Louisiana hot sauce

3 Tablespoons of ketchup

Salt and pepper

1 Clove of garlic minced

1 onion minced

1 Tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce

2 Tablespoons of liquid smoke (found in grocery stores)


Cut meat into strips, remember that the meat will shrink. Mix seasoning

together, and add to meat. If you have a convection oven, put the temp at

150 degrees. Put the strips of meat on a rack, that you will put over a pan.

Place in oven, place a wooden spoon, so the oven door will not close

completely. It takes between 6-8 hours. Turn the strips from time to time.

Once the dehydration process is over, and the strips cool off, you may keep

them in a glass jar or in the fridge for a long time. If you have a regular

oven , put the temp at the lowest. You will need to keep the oven door open

wider, turning the strips even more often, and the cooking time will

probably vary. Hope you enjoy this jerky.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky Water/Smoker


1-1/2 Pounds Beef flank steak

1/4 Cup Sugar

2 Teaspoons Paprika

1/4 Cup Non-iodized salt

2 Teaspoons Garlic powder

2 Teaspoons Ground Black Pepper

1 Teaspoon Ginger


Fire up your smoker and start settling the coals in

for a long slow smoke before starting the rub


Pat the meat dry with a paper towel and slice it, with

the blade of the knife 30 degrees to the horizontal,

across the grain, creating strips 1/4 to 1/2 inch



In a small mixing bowl, blend together the sugar,

salt, paprika, garlic powder, pepper and ginger. Rub

this mixture into the meat, putting the spiced strips

on the grill, but don't fill the water pan. Give the

jerky 3 to 5 hours of smoke at 130 to 180 degrees F

propping the lid open a crack if the temperature

threatens to rise disastrously beyond the desired



When the strips are chewy-crisp, remove them from the

heat, let cool, and store individually in plastic

wrap. Refrigerate to store longer than a few days


Source: Where There's Smoke, There's Flavor by

Richard Langer






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Kim's Jerky


5 Pounds venison, sliced thin

3-3/4 Teaspoons salt

1-1/4 Teaspoons pepper

5 Tablespoons brown sugar

5 Cloves garlic

10 Tablespoons Soy sauce

2-1/2 Teaspoons liquid smoke

2-1/2 Teaspoons tobasco sauce

5 Tablespoons worcestershire sauce


Marinate venison in brine 2 days, in refrigerator. Bake at 140 degrees for 8

hours, or until desired dryness. Use toothpicks to hang from oven/smoker

racks. You can cook more at a time if you hang them. In my water-smoker, it

takes 4 hours.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Knights Turkey Jerky 1


1 Turkey meat sliced thin

1/3 Cup Worcestershire sauce



2 tb Liquid smoke 3 tb Soy Sauce 10 ds Tabasco sauce 1-1/2 ts Hickory

seasoning 1 tb Onion salt


Mix all ingredients together in a maranade dish. Mix together and add strips

of turkey or beef intomaranade. Maranade for 8-24 hours, depending upon

howoften you shake mixture and how flavorful you want it. Take strips out of

maranade and lightly dampen with towel to try excess liquid off. Place in

dehydrator or on sheets for oven. dehydrate till jerky istough/crisp. Time

varies based on method of dehydration, use your best judgement (12-36

hours). Add extra tabasco for more spicy flavor.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Little Chief Beef And Game Jerky


1/3 Cup Sugar

1/4 Cup Salt

2 Cups Soy sauce

1 Cup Water

1 Cup Red wine

1/2 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Tabasco sauce


Trim all fat from meat. Slice meat with the grain to about 1/4" to 1/2"

thick. The meat slices nicely when semi-frozen, or your butcher will slice

it for you in their machine. Place meat in the cool marinade and leave

overnight, or for no less than 8 hours.


Remove from brine and allow to air dry without rinsing. Smoke in your

smoker for 12 to 16 hours or until jerky has dried out to your liking. Use

your favorite fuel for smoking.




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Low Salt Jerky



8 oz LOW SALT soy sauce 4 tb Liquid smoke


Soak meat at least 2 hours, then place on trays. We like the pepper jerky,

so after placing on the trays I sprinkle coarse grind black pepper on it,

turn over and repeat to other side of meat.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Marinade For Beef Jerky


2 Tablespoons soy sauce

1/4 Teaspoon salt

2 Drops Tabasco, or to taste

1 garlic clove, crushed


Mix the ingredients and rub onto thinly-sliced beef. Let marinate overnight

in the refrigerator. Dry in oven overnight.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Marinated Beef Jerky


1 Pound beef, your choice, if not

tender cut, slice

paper thin, tender

cut slice 1/8 to

1/4" thick

1/2 Teaspoon pepper

1 Teaspoon onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon garlic salt

3 Tablespoons soy sauce +1 teaspoon, can use light

5 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce


Trim all fat off the beef. Mix other ingredients together. Marinate meat

overnight in the mixture. Remove from marinade and pat meat between towels.

Line cookie sheet with foil and arrange meat on it in a single layer. Dry

for 8 or more hours at 200~, turning after 6 hours. Cool and store in a

tightly covered jar or sealed in plastic bag. Note: I have one of those

vacuum sealers and store it in a canning jar using the attachment for

sealing jars.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Marinated Spicy Jerky


8 Pounds Beef or caribou round

or flank steak

6 Teaspoons Salt

4 Teaspoons Pepper

4 Teaspoons Chili powder

4 Teaspoons Garlic powder

4 Teaspoons Onion powder

2 Teaspoons Cayenne pepper

2 Teaspoons Liquid smoke

1 Cup Water

3/4 Cup Soy sauce

1/2 Cup Worcestershire sauce


Trim all fat off the meat and cut into 1/4" thick strips. Mix other

ingredients together in a bowl. Add the meat and cover. Marinade overnight.

Remove from marinade and let dry on a rack. Line a cookie sheet with foil

and arrange meat on it in a single layer. Dry for 6 or more hours at 175,

turning after 3 hours. Cool and bag it.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Meat Jerky


Beef jerky is the most popular meat, but don't


yourself just to beef


same technique and most marinades work

well for game meats and poultry


Use lean meat (if using beef, the author likes to use flank or top

round...Richard and I use Eye of the Round. We buy several when Safeway puts

them on sale) Cut off any visible fat as fat can make dried meats turn

rancid with time) Cut the meat (that has been partially frozen, which makes

it easier to slice thin and uniformly) with the grain, although we have also

cut against and comes out very tender, into long narrow strips about 1/4 -

inch thick. Meat should be cut before drying as fresh partially frozen meat

is a lot easier to cut than dried meat! If choosing to marinate, place meat

in marinade of your choice for at least 1 hour and up to 24 hours in the

refrigerator;,drain. We do ours for 24 hours...imparts a far stronger

taste!! Dry in a single layer (sides not touching each other) at 145* for

approximately 5 to 10 hours ( usually about 6 hours) or until meat is

pliable but does not break when bent. Occasionally check meat and remove any

excess oils from the surface of the meat if any forms with a paper towel.

(We have never had this problem with Eye of the Round roasts) Drying times

will be considerably increased if using thicker slices of meat!! Cool the

meat thoroughly and store in airtight containers. We store ours in the

fridge and the rest i the freezer...keeps fresher longer!!! (This guarantees

freshness, less chance of food poisoning and less chance of rancidity from

fat if there is any there). For estimating the amount of meat you will need,

remember meat will dry to about 1/4 of it's fresh weight.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Micro-Wave Deer Or Beef Jerky




1 Teaspoon SALT

1 Teaspoon ONION SALT


1 Teaspoon PEPPER

1/2 Teaspoon CHILI POWDER


Mix together above ingredients. Cut up 3 lbs. of lean beef or deer in 1/4

inch thick strips, cut with grain of meat. Soak strips in above mixture for

at least 1 1/2 hours but best soaked overnight in the refrigerator with a

lid on it. Put tooth picks in the end of each strip and hang on a rack in

your micro-wave, cook at 30 % power for 21 minutes turn rack cook 21 minutes

more turn again cook 10 minutes more turn again 10 minutes more Let air dry

at least 24 hours. Must be stored in an air-tight container.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Microwave Jerky


1/2 Pound Trimmed venison *

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1 Teaspoon Accent

1/4 Teaspoon Black Pepper

1/4 Cup Worcestershire Sauce

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce

1/4 Cup Water

6 Drops Liquid Smoke


Cut meat into 1/8" thick strips, which is easier if it is slightly frozen

marinate. Then place the meat strips in a microwave roasting rack. set the

microwave on high for 4 to 6 minutes. after 4 minutes add time in 30 second

increments. The idea is to have a dried jerky, which means a color change

from brown to dark brown, and a consistency in the meat that has changed from

supple to leathery in it's texture. That's it!


From "The Complete Guide to Game Care & Cookery"






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Modern Jerky



1/2 Cup Worcestershire sauce

pepper to taste


2 lb Round steak; 1" thick 1 ts -salt 2 tb Parsley flakes 1/4 ts Garlic

powder; opt'l


Note: Chili powder, barbeque salt, paprika, horseradish, and onion salt or

flakes may also be used in the marinade. (Or any ideas of your own). Slice

steak into 1/2 inch wide strips and place in a single layer in a pan or

baking dish. Mix other ingredients and pour over meat. Marinate in

refrigerator overnight. Remove and place meat carefully on cookie sheet. Dry

in 175~ oven for one hour and then reduce temperatuire to 150~. Continue

baking strips in the low oven until dry, but pliable, one to three hours.

Cool jerky and store in tightly sealed containers.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Mothers Cajun Madness


4 Tablespoons teriyaki

1/4 Teaspoon pineapple juice

2 Tablespoons spicy steak sauce

3 4 Tablespoons brown sugar

1 Tablespoon Cajun spice

2 Tablespoons cayenne pepper

1 Dash crushed red pepper

1/2 Tablespoon meat tenderizer (optional)






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Nua Sawan (Thai Beef Jerky)


1 Roast

1-1/2 Cups Oil


2 1/2 lb Top sirloin or top round 3 ts Coriander seeds 1 ts Cumin seeds 1

1/2 ts Sugar 4 ts Thai light soy sauce-aew sai




Slice beef across the grain 2"X 3" in size and 1/4" thick. Roast coriander

and cumin seeds in a fry pan over low heat until fragrant, cool, and grind

coarsely in a mortar or a spice grinder. Combine beef and the rest of the

ingredients and marinade 1 hour. Place beef pieces on a cake rack sprayed

with Pam and put the rack in a foil lined cookie sheet large enough to catch

any liquid dripping from the beef. Place the cookie sheet in a lowest

setting oven until the beef pieces are dry to the touch and no liquid seep

out when pressed (between 6-12 hours depending on the oven). Over medium-low

heat, heat the oil in a flat-bottomed fry pan and drop the beef in 5-6

pieces at a time. Fry until crispy on the outside and around the edges.

Drain on a cake rack over paper towels. Keeps up to 1 week in an airtight

container at room temperature. Serve alone or with cooked sticky rice.


NOTE: Tenderize beef lightly with a mallet if using other cuts of beef. Be

sure to drain the oil well. Any excess may become rancid. Cool completely

before storing.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Onion Ground Beef Jerkey


2 Ounces Package dried onion soup mix

1/4 Cup Water

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1 Teaspoon Garlic; chopped

1 Teaspoon Curing salt

Dried herbs or flavorings of choice

1-1/2 Pounds Very lean ground beef


In a bowl, combine onion soup mix and water. Let sit for 10 mintues. Add the

remaining ingreidents, including the beef, and combine we. . . Let marinate

for at least 2 hours. For a more pronounced flavor, cover and refrigerate

for 8 to 12 hours.


Put through a jerky press, OR shape the meat into 1-to 2-inch balls. Line

each drying tray with a solid leather sheet. Top it with a mesh sheet.

Arrange the meat rounds on the mesh sheets. Dry at 145 F. or above until

hard, about 6 to 10 hours. With some dehydrators, you will have to turn the

rounds to ensure uniform drying. If beads of melted fat form on the rounds

as they are drying, blot them up with a clean, uninked paper towel. Each lb.

of ground beef makes about 4 oz. jerky.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Oregon Deer Jerky


2 cups: brown sugar

1 tsp: pepper

1 tsp: garlic powder

2 tsp: onion powder

1 tsp: ginger

1-1/2 Teaspoons tabasco ( optional )

1 tsp: cajun ( luzianne or creole ) opt

1 tsp: liquid smoke

1/2 cup: soy sauce

1/2 cup: teriyaki

1/2 cup: worcestershire

1 cup: dry red wine

1/2 cup: hot water

Dash of oj

1 cup: salt


Mix all together in big pot put in meat ie (deer, elk, or a good cut of beef

) cut meat into thin strips and let set in brine for 2 or 3 days, use 3 pans

of apple or cherry chips and smoke 10 hrs check and turn after 8 hrs the

taste is worth waiting for. Brine marinates about 10 to 15 lbs of meat







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Original Jerky


Meat; cut into 1/2" thick

By 1" wide




brine solution, boiling

1 Cup salt

1 Gallon water


Cut meat strips 1/2 inch thick by 1 inch wide. String onto a piece of wire or

cored. Dip into boiling brine solution (1 cup salt to 1 gallon water) until

meat loses its red color. Remove meat from water and let drip dry. Hang near

a fire, but not so close as to cook the meat. May be air dried or sun dried,

but this takes much longer (days or weeks), and the meat must be protected

from insects







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Pillow Case Jerky


1 Large Boneless Butt Roast

Salt And Pepper


Get as large a Boneless Butt as you can. Cut the individual muscles out of

the meat and cut off and discard all the fat and connecting tissue. Cut the

meat across the grain as thin as possible. 1/16 to 1/8th of an inch. The

thinner the slices, the easier it will be to dry. Salt and pepper the meat

generously on both sides, using more pepper than salt. Lay out the meat

strips on a cake or oven rack without overlapping them. Set the rack in an

insert fireplace and cook on low heat for 8 to 10 hours, turning every 3 to 4

hours, until dried. You can do the same with a dehydrator or oven, but it

wont turn out as good. After it's done, store in a pillowcase. Don't STORE

it in plastic, as the meat has to be able to breath, and a paper sack will

leave a paper taste


From Cow Country Cuisine By Kathy G. Mc Craine Copyright 1988







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Pipi Jerky (Hawaiian)


2 Pounds Flank steak

3/4 Cup Soy sauce

2 Tablespoons Hawaiian salt

1-1/2 Tablespoons Sugar

1 Clove garlic, minced

1 Piece ginger, crushed

1 Red chili pepper, crushed



Cut beef into strips about 1 1/3 inch wide. Combine all other


place the meat in hot sun for two days, bringing it in at night. If


in the oven, set oven to 175 degrees. Place meat on a rack such as a


cooking rack. Place reack on a cookie sheet and dry meat in oven for 7

hours. Keep in refrigerator. Source: Ethnic Foods of Hawaii by Ann






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Pops Jerky


1/2 Cup Soy Sauce

1/4 Cup Honey


2 lb Round Steak 2 tb Worcestershire Sauce 1 ts Garlic Salt


Combine all but meat, let rest 1 hr in frig while slicing meat cross-grain

into 1/2" strips. Stir marinate, add meat. Cover and place in frig for 24

hrs, stiring occasionally. Preheat Dehydrator to 135 F, remove meat onto

paper towels, drain well. Place meat on rack(s), dry 24 hours or until done.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Pow Wow Jerky



2 Pounds Very Lean Ground Beef Or Other Meat

1/3 Cup Soy Sauce

1 Teaspoon Liquid Smoke

1-1/2 Teaspoons Brown Sugar

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Pepper

1 Teaspoon Pureed Garlic



Mix all ingredients together well. Refrigerate, covered, overnight to blend



Roll out the mixture between sheets of wax paper or plastic wrap to a

1/4-inch thickness.


Place the layers of meat in a 150 F dehydrator, in convenient size pieces or

place on metal mesh over cake racks in a 150 F oven. Dry meat for 7 to 8

hrs. The jerky will be chewy but not completely dry. Cut into 3/4- to 1-inch

strips with kitchen shears. Makes 3/4 lb jerky.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Sara's Beef Jerky


1 Teaspoon salt

1 Teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring

1/3 Teaspoon garlic powder

1/3 Teaspoon monosodium glutamate (MSG)

1 Teaspoon onion powder

1/4 Cup soy sauce

1/4 Cup Worcestershire sauce

ground black pepper to taste

1-1/2 Pounds sirloin OR London broil, cut to 1/8 inch thick slices


Directions 1 Preheat oven to 200 degrees F (95 degrees C). 2 In a medium,

nonporous bowl, combine the salt, liquid smoke, garlic powder, monosodium

glutamate, onion powder, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and ground black

pepper to taste. 3 Place meat slices in this mixture and coat well. Then

place the meat slices onto two 10x15 inch baking dishes in a single layer. 4

Bake at 200 degrees F (95 degrees C) for 8 hours.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Smoked Salmon


1 Cup sugar

1 Cup brown sugar

1/4 Cup salt

1 Teaspoon garlic powder

1 Quart hot water

1 Quart cold water

3 Pounds fresh salmon


Mix the first five ingredients and then add cold water. Put salmon in

mixture and leave for 8 hrs.refrigerate. Remove salmon ,run water over to

rinse off then towel dry.Put on cooking rack to glaze about 1hr. Put in

smoker for 6 to 10 hrs.( Cooking time may very due to the outside

temperature. The hotter the weather the less cooking time needed.) Use 3 to

4 loads of wood chips(apple,alder,cherry) or (1 to 2 if hickory.)






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Smoked Turkey Jerky


1/2 Cup Soy sauce; can use light

4 Tablespoons Sugar

2 Teaspoons Fresh ginger; grated

1 Clove garlic; minced

1 Tablespoon Liquid smoke

2 Pounds Cooked turkey; sliced paper thin, (turkey thighs are

breasts are best)


Place dipped meat in layers in a bowl or dish. Pour remaining marinade sauce

over meat. Cover tightly and let marinate in refrigerator for 6 to 12 hours

Rotate layers of meat occasionally


Place in dehydrator until dry. While meat is drying, blot excess oil with

paper towel


Source: Dehydrated & Delicious by Ron Popeil and John May







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Spicy Beef Jerky


Cut 2 Pounds extra lean Round Steak into 1/8" - 1/4" thick slices

Create Marinade:

4 Ounces "Lawry's Teriyaki with Pineapple Juice - 30 Minute Marinade for

chicken, meat, & fish" (1/3 of the 12 ounce Bottle)

2 Tablespoons "A.1. Bold & Spicy Steak Sauce"

4 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

1 Tablespoon "Luzianne Cajun Seasoning" or "Le Page Cajun Pepper Mix"

3 Tablespoons "Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Pepper Seasoning"

1 Tablespoon Salt or "Montreal Steak Coarse Salt Mix"


Marinate for 30 minutes or longer. Dehydrate 4+ hours - Oven drying method:

Cover bottom rack of the oven with aluminum foil or a cookie sheet. Hang or

lay strips on top rack so they do not overlap. Dry meat at the lowest oven

setting (150 to 200 degrees F) until it has turned brown, feels hard and is

dry to the touch, about 4 to 7 hours. Let cool, then remove from racks and

store in an airtight container at cool room temperature. Keep it

indefinitely. To make even spicier, add a couple pinches of Crushed Habanero

Pepper. Try BBQ Sauce instead of Teriyaki.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Standard Jerky Marinade


1/2 Cup soy sauce

1/2 Cup Worcestershire sauce

2 Tablespoons catsup

1-1/4 Teaspoons salt

1/2 Teaspoon pepper

2 Tablespoons brown sugar or white sugar

1 garlic glove, well mashed

1/2 Teaspoon onion powder

2 Pounds lean meat cut into strips


Mix all ingredients together and marinate meat strips for at least 1 hour

before drying. (We do ours over night in the fridge)





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Starter Brine Jerky


5 Pounds Meat Strips (fat free)

1/4 Cup Salt (non-iodized)

1/2 Cup Brown Sugar

6 Cups Water


Brine 8 Hours


Drying Time 18 to 24 Hours


Drying time will vary depending on the thickness of the meat. Measure all

the dry ingredients and mix them together , set aside. Trim all fat from the

meat , slice the meat across the grain , as thin as 1/8 inch thick , or as

thick as 1/4 inch thick. Boil 1 cup of water , remove from heat. Add the

mixed spices to the hot water , mix well add 5 cups cold water and mix ...

Let cool .. Keep the meat cold , put the brine into a 2 gallon plastic or

glass pail add the chilled meat strips , mix well , so the meat separates

and the brine penetrates the meat . Place the brining meat in the

refrigerator . Let the meat soak in the brine at least 8 hours or over night

.. At least 2 times during the brining time , stir the meat to obtain good

penetration of the meat . After brining time , remove the meat strips from

the brine , Do Not Rinse the meat strips ..... You can smoke this jerky or

you can dry it in your oven or dehydrator . If you have a smoker , try 2

pans of cherry wood chips , this will give the jerky a mild flavor ....






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Sweet And Sour Jerky Marinade


1/2 Cup red wine vinegar (I prefer balsamic)

1 Teaspoon garlic powder

2 Teaspoons salt

3/4 Cup pineapple juice

1/2 Cup brown sugar

1/4 Cup soy sauce

1/4 Teaspoon ginger

3 Pounds lean meat cut into strips


Mix all ingredients together. Place meat strips in marinade and refrigerate

for at least 6 hours. Stir mixture occasionally to make sure all the meat is

covered. Dry following the technique mentioned earlier.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


T Bird's Beef Jerky



4 Pounds round steak

4 Tablespoons onion powder

1-1/3 Teaspoons black pepper

1-1/3 Teaspoons garlic powder

2 pinches salt

1 Teaspoon dry Italian-style salad dressing mix

1 Cup Worcestershire sauce

1 Cup soy sauce

1 Teaspoon hot pepper sauce



Directions 1 Cut meat into strips no thicker than 1/4 inch. In a large

bowl, mix together onion powder, pepper, garlic powder, salt and Italian

seasoning. Stir in Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and pepper sauce. Place

meat into a container, and combine with marinade. Cover, and refrigerate 24

hours. 2 Place oven rack on the highest level. Place aluminum foil on bottom

of oven to catch drips. Preheat oven to 150 degrees F (65 degrees C). 3

Insert round toothpicks through the tops of the strips of meat, and hang

them from the oven rack. Bake in preheated oven for 4 hours, or until dried

to desired consistency.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Tender Jerky


10 Pounds Deer, elk, moose, etc., ground

2/3 Cup Curing sugar or curing salt in a pinch

1 Teaspoon Cardamom

1 Teaspoon Marjoram

1 Tablespoon MSG

1-1/2 Teaspoons Cayenne pepper

2 Tablespoons Black pepper

3 Tablespoons Liquid smoke

2 Tablespoons Water

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic powder


Begin preparation by deboning and removing the tendons and fat from the

meat. It is important that you remove all fat or it will go rancid. Either

grind the meat yourself or have someone grind it for you; a coarse grind

gives the best results. Mix the spices thoroughly and then add the spices a

bit at a time while kneading the meat like dough. Put the meat in the fridge

for at least 6 hours to allow the spices to work through the meat. At this

point you prepare the meat for jerking. If you have an electric meat slicer,

make the meat into logs about 4 x 14"; place the meat in the fridge until it

is solid but not frozen, and then slice 1/8" slices from end to end. You'll

end up with a big stack of circular patties. If you don't have a slicer,

roll the meat out to a 1/8" thickness between two pieces of wax paper.

Remove the top paper and score the meat into strips and place them in the

freezer for about 45 minutes. Remove the meat and break at the score marks.

Place the jerky on wire racks and place them in a 150 F. oven, leaving the

door ajar so moisture can escape and the heat does not build up. Turn the

jerky once or twice during drying and rotate the racks if the jerky near the

elements begins to dry too fast. Meat should be left slightly pliable, that

should take somewhere around 3 or 4 hours to get to. Cure yours to whatever

point you like; if you like potato chips, be my guest. Jerky can can be

stored for months in the freezer; the drier it is the longer it lasts.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Teriyaki Beef Jerky


1/3 Cup brown sugar

1/4 Cup salt

2 Cups teriyaki sauce

1 Cup water

1 Cup burgundy or red wine

1/2 Teaspoon onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon pepper

1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder

1 shot whiskey (optional)

7 Pounds steak



Trim all fat from the meat. Slice meat with the grain about 1/4 inch to

1/2 inch thick. Place in Marinade and leave overnight or for less than 8

hours. Remove from brine and hang strips on shish kabob skewers. Smoke for

12 to 16 hours depending on how dry you prefer your jerky. Use 3 pan fulls

of hickory chips and chunks in early stages of drying cycle.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Teriyaki Jerky


Sufficient for about 3 pounds of meat


(If you have less meat then use less ingredients.)


1 Cup and a half of KIKKOMAN Teriyaki Marinade & Sauce

1 Teaspoon of garlic powder

1 Teaspoon of onion powder

1 Teaspoon of ground ginger

1 Teaspoon of salt

Optional: 1 Tablespoon of Liquid Smoke

1 Tablespoon of black pepper


Cut all the fat off the meat then cut the meat into strips. Put it all

together in a gallon-size zip-lock bag and marinate overnight in the

refrigerator. Next day, stretch meat out on paper towels to drain while you

clean the top oven rack. Place a sheet of aluminum foil on lower rack to aid

in clean-up. Set oven at lowest temperature setting to dry meat. Crack open

the oven door to allow moisture to escape. (Smaller pieces will be dry in

about 2-1/2 hours - larger pieces may take 4-5.) Drying times vary due to

oven differences and meat size.




Use a Dehydrator. (That's what I do and recommend.) Flip the meat and rotate

drying racks for even drying.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Theada's Beef Jerky


2 Quarts Water

2 Cups Salt

1 Cup Vinegar

2 Tablespoons Pepper


Cut meat in ¬" strips (or as thin as possible). Remove all fat. Boil

approximately 6 minutes. Roll moisture from meat. Put on cookie sheet in

middle of oven for 1« to 2 hours at 200ø. Leave oven door cracked to let

moisture out. Coat with Liquid Smoke and A-1 Sauce. Store in airtight jar.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Tofu Jerky


1/2 Cup Soy sauce

1/8 Cup Water

1 Clove crushed fresh garlic


3 tb To 4 tb liquid smoke 1 tb Onion powder 1 ts Garlic powder or 1 tb Fresh

ground black pepper 1 ts Honey 1 lb Firm or extra firm tofu


Cut and drain the tofu. I usually take a 1 lb cube, cut it in half,and then

slice it into strips on its short side. Strips should be about 4-5 mm in

thickness. They may look big, but they'll shrink to about half their size.


Mix all the marinade ingredients together well. Put the tofu in a single

layer in a shallow baking pan or cookie sheet and pour the marinade over it.

Let soak for several hours or overnight.


Drain excess liquid (and reuse!) and dry tofu in food dehydrator or warm

(200 F) oven. This will take probably 4-8 hours, depending on weather. If

you live in a sunny, dry climate (Colorado in the summer), you can sun dry

it, it'll take all day.


If you dry indoors in the winter, your house gets filled with a wonderful

smoky smell. If you're drying in the oven, you'll need to flip the tofu over

hourly so it dries evenly. The stuff is delicious and keeps indefinitely.

Dry the stuff until it's very chewy, but not crispy.


Be creative: Use low-sodium soy if you want less salt (it is rather salty)

Use tabasco or ground cayenne if you want it hot. Chili powder makes chili

jerky. Oregano and basil makes pizza jerky.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Tree Branch Jerky


3 Pounds Deer venison

2 Tablespoons Liquid Smoke

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce

1 Tablespoon Tabasco Sauce

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

1 Tablespoon Grey Poupon DiJon Mustard

1 Tablespoon Black Pepper

1 Tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

2 Teaspoons Salt


Marinate ingredients by hand kneading approx. 5-10 minutes in a large bowl.

Place mixture/venison in-between 2 sheets of wax paper and roll out 1/4"

slabs of jerky. Cut rolled jerky into pieces. Place jerky into dehydrator

and let dry for 8-10 hours.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison And Big Game Drying



Use the leanest muscle meat for this. Make sure no fat or gristle remains on

the meat. Cut long strips lengthwise of the grain, an inch wide and 1/2 inch





Lay strips out on a board. Using a roiling pin or a meat mallet, pound in

salt, pepper and any other herbs or spices you like. Do not use more than 1

teaspoon of salt per pound of meat. Proceed with a drying method of your

choice listed below.




Mix 3 quarts of water with 2 cups of pickling salt. (We get this salt at our

country grocery store. Farmers' supply stores, such as Agway, also have it.)

Soak the cut strips in a cool place for at least 24 hours. Remove and wipe

dry. Proceed with a drying method of your choice listed below. If I were

going to carry the jerky on hiking trips, I would probably pickle it before

I dried it, because salt does cure meat more thoroughly, but the Indians and

early frontiersmen did not salt their jerky. However you have presalted it,

the drying is the same.




Lay out prepared strips on oven racks, making sure they are not touching

each other. Put them into a 100 to 120 degree F. oven. Leave the door

propped open an inch or two and process for 5 hours. Turn them over and

continue processing for about 5 more hours. It will look terrible when it is

done - very dark and shriveled and you can test it by taking out a piece and

cooling it, then trying to snap it. It should be brittle, like a green

stick, not overdried until it snaps off. Wrap it in foil or a clear wrapper

and store in a cool place in a covered container.




The prepared strips must be suspended about 4 feet above a VERY LOW bed of

coals. You do not want the meat to cook or smoke, so hardwood or charcoal is

preferable. This method could take up to 24 hours depending on the variables

such as thickness of strips, heat of fire, etc. Use the test for doneness

listed above under Oven Drying.




Prepare as listed above under unpickled or pickled jerky. The old fashioned

jerky was never salted but salting does add an element of safety. Choose

your weather wisely. You must have several days of clear weather with good

sun and a gentle breeze. The Indians built stick platforms 5 or 6 feet high

and simply suspended the strips of meat from it until it was dry. If it

rained before it was dry they threw bark or a skin over it. I must say, this

is my least favorite form of preserving meat because it is nearly impossible

to control sanitation and you have great danger of losing your meat entirely

if inclement weather intervenes. If you do it anyway, use the test for

doneness listed under Oven Drying, and cover it with cheesecloth during the

process to keep the flies and other insects off.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


4 Pounds Venison

1 Cup Barbecue sauce

2 Tablespoons Liquid smoke

1 Teaspoon Chili powder

1 Tablespoon Worchestershire sauce

Few grains cayenne pepper


Freeze venison until firm and solid enough to slice easily. Cut into

1/8-inch slices with a sharp knife or slicer, then cut slices into strips 1

& 1/2 inches wide. Meanwhile, blend remaining ingredients and pour over

venison strips that have been arranged in rows in a shallow baking pan.

Marinate overnight in refrigerator. Drain well.


Dehydrator: Cover trays with strips without overlapping. Dry 4 hours at 140

F. Turn strips and rotate trays. Dry another 6 to 8 hours. Well-dried jekry

should be dark and fibrous looking and brittle enough to splinter when bent

in two.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


2 Pounds Venison

1 Cup Soy sauce

1 Teaspoon Lemon juice

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Garlic



Cut the venison in strips approximately 1/4 x 1 x 8-inches. Mix all

ingredients and marinate venison approximately 10 hours turning once every

hour. Smoke venison on grill until completely dry or you may use oven on low

heat with venison spread out on broiler pan.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

1 Teaspoon Accent

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/4 Cup Worcestershire sauce

1/4 Cup Soy sauce



Sauce for 1-1/2 lbs deer meat. Using meat half frozen for easier slicing,

slice in 1/8 inch strips with the grain, desired lengths. Cover witha the

above sauce and marinate overnight. Spread single layer on oven wire rack,

using foil under to catch drippings. With the oven door cracked open and at

the lowest temperature, bake 6 - 8 hours. May be eaten immediately. Becomes

dryer when cold.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky



3 Pounds Lean venison

1 Tablespoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

1/3 Cup Worcestershire sauce

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Prepared mustard


Cut venison into 1/2 inch wide and 1/4 inch thick strips. Mix all other

ingredients and pour over the meat. Marinate overnight. Remove from marinade

and dry with paper towels. Place in oven. In a gas oven the pilot flame will

dry jerkey in 4 days. In a 200 degree electric oven, leave in the oven until

dry by feel.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


2 Pounds Sliced venison 1/8" thick

2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

2 Tablespoons Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Ground red pepper

2 Cloves garlic, sliced

1 Cup Corn whiskey

1 Cup Water



Slice the meat when it is lightly frozen. The cuts should be long, thin and

with the grain. Cut across the grain if you want more tender, but more

brittle jerky.


Trim off all of the fat. Marinate strips in a glass container overnight. You

may substitute 2 cups of red wine for the corn whiskey and water.


Pat dry and arrange pieces side by side on an oven roasting rack, with- out

overlap. Cook at minimum heat (150F) for 6 hours. Leave oven door ajar to

allow moisture to escape. Meat should be dark, dry and store jerky in a

cool, airtight container.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


4 Pounds Venison

1 Cup Barbecue sauce

2 Tablespoons Liquid smoke

1 Teaspoon Chili powder

1 Tablespoon Worchestershire sauce

Few grains cayenne pepper



Freeze venison until firm and solid enough to slice easily. Cut into

1/8-inch slices witha a sharp knife or slicer, then cut slices into strips 1

& 1/2 inches wide. Meanwhile, blend remaining ingredients and pour over

venison strips that have been arranged in rows in a shallow baking pan.

Marinate overnight in refrigerator. Drain well.


Dehydrator: Cover trays with strips without overlapping. Dry 4 hours at 140

F. Turn strips and rotate trays. Dry another 6 to 8 hours. Well-dried jekry

should be dark and fibrous looking and brittle enough to splinter when bent

in two.


Sun: Drying meat or venison jerky is not recommended in most climates


Oven: Lay strips of marinated meat in rows over trays being careful not to

overlap strips. Dry at 110 F until strips will splinter on the edges when

bent in two, 18 to 24 hours.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


3 Pounds Lean Venison

1 Tablespoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1-1/2 Teaspoons Pepper

1/3 Cup Worcestershire sauce

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce


Cut the venison into strips 1/4 to 3/8" thick. Mix other ingredients

together, and marinate meat strips in it over night, in the refrigerator.

Drain and pat dry with towel. Place in smoker until proper consistancy is

reached. Use only two or three pans of chips. Store in covered jar, or in

plastic bags.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


2 Pounds Venison

1 Cup Soy sauce

1 Teaspoon Lemon juice

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Garlic


Cut the venison in strips approximately 1/4 x 1 x 8-inches. Mix all

ingredients and marinate venison approximately 10 hours turning once every

hour. Smoke venison on grill until completely dry or you may use oven on low

heat with venison spread out on broiler pan.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


1 Cup Barbecue sauce

Few grains cayenne pepper


4 lb Venison 2 tb Liquid smoke 1 ts Chili powder 1 tb Worchestershire sauce


Freeze venison until firm and solid enough to slice easily. Curinto 1/8-inch

slices witha a sharp knife or slicer, then cut slices into strips 1 & 1/2

inches wide. Meanwhile, blend remaining ingredients and pour over venison

strips that have been arranged in rows in a shallow baking pan. Marinate

overnight in refrigerator. Drain well.


Dehydrator: Cover trays with strips withoutoverlapping. Dry 4 hours at 140

F. Turn strips and rotate trays. Dry another 6 to 8 hours. Well-dried jekry

should be dark and fibrous looking and brittle enough to splinter when bent

in two.


Sun: Drying meat or venison jerky is not recommended in most climates


Oven: Lay strips of marinated meat in rows over trays being careful not to

overlap strips. Dry at 110 F until strips will splinter on the edges when

bent in two, 18 to 24 hours.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Venison Jerky


2 Pounds ground venison (deer burger)

2 Tablespoons Liquid Smoke

2 Tablespoons Morton's Tender Quick

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 t.course black pepper

1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon mustard powder

1/4 Teaspoon celery salt

1/2 Teaspoon ground oregano

1/4 Teaspoon red pepper


Mix all dry ingredients except Tender Quick in small bowl. In large bowl,

combine venison and Liquid Smoke; add dry ingredients. Mix, then add Tender

Quick. Mix immediately and press into strips. Spray cookie sheet with Pam or

other vegetable spray.


Dry in oven at 145 degrees for 8 to 12 hours or desired dryness.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Warriors' Mark Jerky


3 Pounds lean venison steak or beef steak, thinly sliced

1/2 Cup lemon

1/4 Cup onions, drained

1/4 Cup brown sugar

2 Teaspoons liquid smoke

1 Tablespoon seasoned salt

1/4 Teaspoon freshly ground pepper

3 bay leaves, broken into pieces


Place meat strips into a shallow glass container. Mix rest of ingredients

together and pour over strips of meat. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Dry strips on paper towels, pressing to remove the marinade. Place on oven

racks in a 150 degree oven to dry for at least 12 hours. Turn over once

during the drying. The oven door should be slightly ajar to allow the

moisture to escape.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Western Barbecue Jerky


1/3 Cup Red wine vinegar

1/3 Cup Ketchup

1 ts Salt

3 tb Brown sugar

1/4 ts Pepper

1/8 ts Cayenne pepper

1 ts Onion powder

1 lb Lean meat

1/2 ts Garlic powder

1 ts Dry mustard



Slice meat into long strips 3/16 to 1/4 inch thick. Uniform slices will

shorten the drying time, so use a meat slicer or have your butcher slice it

for you. Cut across the grain for increased tenderness. Remove excess fat.

In a small bowl, combine all ingredients except meat. Stir to mix well.

Place meat 3 or 4 layers deep in a glass, stoneware, plastic or stainless

steel container, spooning vinegar mixture over each layer. Cover tightly.

Marinate 6 to 12 hours in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally and

keeping the mixture tightly covered. Place the meat strips on drying racks.

Do not overlap the strips to ensure good air circulation. Oven temperature

should be 140 to 160 F (60 to 70 C) for the first 8 to 10 hours. After that

it may be lowered to 130 F (55C) until dry. Place aluminum foil or a baking

sheet underneath the drying tray to catch the drippings. Occasionally blot

the jerky with paper towels as it dries to remove beads of oil. Test jerky

for dryness by cooling a piece. When cool it should crack when bent but not

break. There should be no moist spots.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Western Jerky


4 Teaspoons Salt

1 Teaspoon Pepper

1 Teaspoon Chili powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper

3 dashes Liquid smoke

1/2 Cup Water

2 Pounds Round, flank steak or


Cut meat


Place dipped meat in layers in a bowl or dish. Pour remaining marinade sauce

over meat. Cover tightly and let marinate in refrigerator for 6 to 12 hours

Rotate layers of meat occasionally


Place in dehydrator until dry. While meat is drying, blot excess oil with

paper towel. Makes 1/2 pound jerky


Source: Dehydrated & Delicious, by Ron Popeil and John May


Posted To Fabfood September 1998~Busted With 2.0 by <>






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


World Famous Beef Jerky


Soy sauce

Worcestershire sauce

Brown sugar

Crushed garlic

Hot pepper sauce (Tabasco or other)

Red cooking wine

Jamaican Jerk seasoning or A-1 sauce


Start with several pounds of very lean beef roast. You should choose a

roast with visible grain, if possible, and little or no fat. It needn't be

very high quality, and in fact, tougher cuts seem to actually work better.

Mix a marinade with some or all of the following: Mixing the sauce is

largely a matter of taste. The result should be close to 3 parts soy sauce,

1 part Worcestershire, 1 part brown sugar and the rest as desired. It

should be a very strong salty, spicy and slightly sweet solution. The rest

of the ingredients depend on your taste, and the list is by no means

exhaustive. Adding red wine will decrease the saltiness and/or dilute it if

you get it too spicy without affecting the flavor greatly. You should not

use more than about 30 to 40% red wine, however, since the saltiness is

necessary to preserve the meat. Don't get too hung up on the recipe, it is

good just about any way you fix it. With a very sharp knife, slice the

uncooked roast with the grain (usually lengthwise down the roast) into

strips about 1/8 inch thick. Thinner will make the jerky spicier and

crisper, thicker, up to about 1/4 inch will make it easier to slice, but

increases drying time. Trim fat once again, and put the slices in a large

Ziploc bag with the marinade. Squeeze to remove as much air as possible,

and have a helper seal the bag. Let soak at room temperature for at least

an hour. Remove the strips and place in a dehydrator. Spread them in a

single layer on each rack, and sprinkle with great quantities of black

pepper on one side. Dry on high (145 degrees) in the dehydrator, or turn

your oven temperature selector until the light just comes on (the lowest

setting possible) and dry on a rack in the oven. In the oven, prop the

door open about 3 inches at the top. Drying time is about 8 to 10 hours,

but can take twice that long for thicker pieces. Bending should splinter

some of the outside fibers when done. It should keep at room temperature

for a couple of weeks, and will actually get better in a day or two as the

moisture content becomes more uniform throughout.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Jerky Bbq


1 Pound Beef loin tip; paper thin or 1 lb Beef brisket; paper thin or 1 lb

Tenderloin; 1/8" to 1/4"

Barbecue sauce without sugar

Onion salt; to taste

Garlic salt; to taste



If necessary, roll out meat slices as thin as possible. Trim off fat. Set

oven at 220 degrees F and line cookie sheets with foil. Brush one side of

meat with sauce. Put slices on cookie sheet; DO NOT STACK. Sprinkle lightly

with onion and garlic salts. Cook for 8-9 hours. Turn meat after six hours

of cooking and brush with sauce. Cool and store in a tightly covered jar or

sealed in a plastic bag.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Beef Or Game Jerky


1/3 Cup Sugar

1/4 Cup Salt

2 Cups Soy sauce

1 Cup Water

1 Cup Red wine

1/2 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Tabasco sauce


Trim all fat from meat. Slice meat with the grain to about 1/4" to 1/2"

thick. The meat slices nicely when semi-frozen, or your butcher will slice

it for you in his machine. Place meat in the cool marinade and leave

overnight, or for no less than 8 hours.


Remove from brine and allow to air dry without rinsing. Smoke in your smoker

for 12 to 16 hours or until jerky has dried out to your liking. Use your

favorite fuel for smoking.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Deer Jerky


Deer, sliced 1/8" thick

2 Tablespoons Hickory smoked salt

1 Tablespoon Garlic salt

2 Tablespoons Monosodium glutamate

4 Tablespoons Seasoned pepper

2/3 Cup Soy sauce

1/3 Cup Worcester sauce smoked

Tabasco sauce to taste



Sprinkle meat with dry mixture, both sides. Drape on oven racks without

touching while oven heats to 200 degrees. Place in oven with door open 2-3

inches. After one hour, baste with sauce, repeating every half-hour for the

remaining two hours at 200 degrees. Now drop oven to 170 degrees and finish

meat in 45 to 90 minutes.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Deer Jerky


1-1/2 To 2 lbs lean boneless deer meat, partially frozen

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1/4 Teaspoon Ground pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/4 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/4 Teaspoon Hickory smoked salt

1/4 Cup Firmly packed brown sugar

1 Small Bottle liquid smoke


Trim all fat from the meat. Slice the meat as thinly as possible. In a bowl

combine the remaining ingredients. Stir until dissolved. Add the meat and

mix well. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Shake the excess liquid from the

meat and arrange in a shallow pan or cookie sheet. Dry the meat in a 150F or

200 degree F oven until dry and brown, a minimum of 8 hours. Cool, remove

from the pan, and store in a glass jar.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Drying Soy Jerky



3 Pounds Lean beef; flank; round sirloin tip

3/4 Cup Soy sauce

1/4 Cup Worchestershire sauce

1/4 Cup Brown sugar

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

1 Clove garlic; minced

1/2 Teaspoon Cracked pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Liquid smoke



Cut beef into strips 1/2 inch thick. Combine marinade ingredients in a

large glass baking dish. Add strips of beef, cover and refrigerate

overnight. Drain beef slices. Dry in an electric dehydrator at 145 until

pliable. Package in home canning jars, food-grade plastic bags or

seal-by-heat food storage bags.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Easy Cure Meat Jerky


5 Pounds Meat, any cut

1/2 Cup Non-iodized salt

1/2 Cup Sugar

1 Quart Water



Trim all fat from meat. Slice meat with the grain as thin as possible. The

meat slices nicely when semi-frozen, or your butcher will do the slicing for

you. Place the meat in cool brine and refrigerate overnight. After no less

than 12 hours, take the meat from the brine, rinse lightly and allow to dry

on paper towels for 1 hour. Place meat strips on the smoker racks and dry

for 12 hours, using your favorite fuel. When strips are the dryness you

like, allow to cool and transfer into a ziplock bag for taking on trips,

hiking, camping, etc.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Hawaiian Style Jerky


2 Pounds Flank steak

3/4 Cup Soy sauce

2 Tablespoons Hawaiian salt

1-1/2 Tablespoons Sugar

1 Clove garlic; minced

1 Piece ginger; crushed

1 Red chili pepper; crushed (optional)



Cut beef into strips about 1 1/3 inch wide. Combine all other ingredients

and soak beef in the sauce overnight. If you have a drying box, place the

meat in hot sun for two days, bringing it in at night. If drying in the

oven, set oven to 175 degrees. Place meat on a rack such as a cake cooking

rack. Place rack on a cookie sheet and dry meat in oven for 7 hours. Keep in



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Home Style



1 Pound Round steak, cut in strips 4"x1/8 " thick

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Worchestshire sauce

1/2 Teaspoon Onion powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

3/4 Teaspoon Hot sauce

1/2 Teaspoon Hickory salt



Slice round steak, cut in strips about 4 in. long and 1/8 in. thick. (The

slicing is easier if the steak is partially frozen.) Combine all the

ingredients and marinate in the fridge for at least 8 hrs, mixing

occasionally. Then skewer the marinated strips on bamboo skewers or

toothpicks and hang the strips in the oven with a pan below to catch the

drippings. Set the oven on it's lowest setting (l00-150 F) and use something

to keep the door ajar. The jerky should be dry after 8-10 hours. This was my

first time making jerky and the product come out surprizingly good, but

perhaps a bit too salty. You might want to try low salt soy .


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky A. Harvest


4 Tablespoons Soy sauce

4 Tablespoons Worchestershire

1 Tablespoon Ketchup

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper (or more)

1/4 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/4 Teaspoon Onion salt

1/2 Teaspoon Salt



Marinate the 1/4" thick meat strips for 1 hr, then drain. Place on trays to

dry. Don't overlap, and turn meat at least once during drying. Dry 145 deg.

for 8-10 hrs. It is ready when it bends like a green willow without

breaking. Long term storage should be in refrig


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Jerky Made From Turkey



1-1/2 Pounds Raw turkey; preferably breast

1/4 Cup Soy sauce

1 Tablespoon Fresh lemon juice

1/4 Teaspoon Dried powdered garlic

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

1/8 Teaspoon Ginger



Slice turkey across grain in strips 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick (for easier

cutting, freeze meat and thaw enough to slice easily). Mix together

remaining ingredients and pour over turkey. Distribute marinade well through

turkey. Place on trays in a single layer on dehydrator trays. Dry about 5

hours or overnight.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Paul Hinrichs' Recipe For Deer Jerky


3/4 Cup soy sauce

1 Cup worcestershire sauce

3 Tablespoons kosher salt

2 Tablespoons crushed black peppercorns

2 Tablespoons graham marsala

1 Tablespoon garlic powder

1 Tablespoon onion powder

2 Teaspoons Prague Powder #1


Combine in a blender, mix with sliced beef or venison in a white trash bag

(in a metal container so you don't create a mess!). Refrig 24-36 hours,

mixing occasionally. Dry about 15 hours at 125'F.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Oven Jerky



1 Flank Steak

1 Clove

1/2 Cup Honey


4 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

1/2 Cup Soy Sauce



Put steak in freezer for 1/2 hr, until just firm. Slice across the grain

into 1/4" thick strips. Combine remaining ingredients and marinate steak

strips in this for at least 2 hours. Place slices on rack in pan, and dry in

oven at 150 degrees for 12 hours, or until when bent, it will crack, but not







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Oven Jerky #2



1 Flank Steak

1 Clove

1/2 Cup Honey


4 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

1/2 Cup Soy Sauce




Put steak in freezer for 1/2 hr, until just firm. Slice across the grain

into 1/4" thick strips. Combine remaining ingredients and marinate steak

strips in this for at least 2 hours. Place slices on rack in pan, and dry in

oven at 150 degrees for 12 hours, or until when bent, it will crack, but not





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: JERKY


Tucker Surprise Beef Jerky



1 Cup Soy sauce

4 Ounces Mesquite smoke (hickory works well also)

1/4 Cup Water

1/4 Cup Cayenne pepper

2 3 lb's


Go to the butcher and have them slice a 2 or 3 lb rump roast into slices as

thin as bacon(It sometimes takes a while to convince them that you really

want it as thin as bacon) put soy sauce and mesquite smoke in a gallon size

ziplock bag. if the smoke came in a 4 oz bottle, use the water to rinse the

bottle, pour water into bag. Add pepper. Close bag and let sit for a couple

of hours. Trim all fat from the beef. Add beef to the mixture. Let sit for 5

or 10 minutes(I've not had any trouble if left overnight) Remove meat from

bag one or two at a time, and lay on trays from dehydrater(I've never made

it without a dehydrater). Put trays in dehydrater, opening ventsp to about






Adobo (Mexican Smoked Chile Marinade) 2

All Purpose Rub. 2

Blackened Rub. 3

Cajun Dynamite Dust 3

Cajun Ragin' Rub. 4

Cajun Seasoning Mix (Rubs) 4

Cambridge Dry Rub. 4

Caribbean Rub or Jerk Rub. 5

Chipotle Rub. 5

Curried Rub. 6

Dry Rub Spice Marinade. 6

Emeril's Bayou Blast (Bammm) 7

Emeril's Creole Seasoning. 7

Emeril's Rustic Rub. 8

Emeril's Southwest Spice. 8

Hoisin Five Spices Marinade For Barbecued Pork. 9

Hotted Honey Rub. 9

Jalapeno Marinade. 9

Jerk Seasoning Rub. 10

Kingly Salmon Rub. 10

Mexican Dry Rub (Alias Tex-Mex Rib Rub) 11

Moroccan Rub. 11

North Carolina: Eastern Rub And Sauce. 12

Red Devil Rub. 12

Rookie's Cajun Rub. 13

Rosemary And Allspice Rub. 13

Rustic Rub. 13

Sesame, Mustard Rub. 14

Sirloin Rub. 14

Southwest Heat 14

Southwestern Spice Rub. 15

Spicy Rub. 15

Sweet Sensation. 15

Tandoori Rub. 16

Texas Dry Rub. 16

Texas Style Dry Rub. 17

Uptown Creole Rub. 17

West Indies Marinade Rub. 18

Zinfandel Restaurant Rib Rub. 18

Bbq Dry Rub. 18

Beef Marinade. 19

Beer Marinade For Beef 19

Marinade & Seasoning Sauce. 19

Marinade (Steak & Ale) 20

Marinade For Lamb. 20

Memphis Style Dry Marinade For Ribs. 20

Pollo Loco Marinade. 21

Rancho San Antonio Beef Marinade. 21



1) Tips For Using Rubs











Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades

Baked Venison Jerky. 5

Basic Jerky Recipe. 6

Bbq Beef Jerky For The Dehydrator 6

Beef Jerky. 7

Beef Jerky. 8

Beef Jerky. 8

Beef Jerky. 9

Beef Jerky. 9

Beef Jerky. 10

Beef Jerky (Gnow Yoke Gone) 10

Beef Jerky (Jill Albin's) 11

Beef Jerky - For Those Who Don't Have Smokers. 11

Beef Jerky - Timpson. 12

Beef Jerky Recipe. 12






Adobo (Mexican Smoked Chile Marinade) 61

All Purpose Rub. 62

Blackened Rub. 62

Cajun Dynamite Dust 63

Cajun Ragin' Rub. 63

Cajun Seasoning Mix (Rubs) 64

Cambridge Dry Rub. 64

Caribbean Rub or Jerk Rub. 65

Chipotle Rub. 65

Curried Rub. 66

Dry Rub Spice Marinade. 66

Emeril's Bayou Blast (Bammm) 67

Emeril's Creole Seasoning. 67

Emeril's Rustic Rub. 67

Emeril's Southwest Spice. 68

Hoisin Five Spices Marinade For Barbecued Pork. 68

Hotted Honey Rub. 69

Jalapeno Marinade. 69

Jerk Seasoning Rub. 70

Kingly Salmon Rub. 70

Mexican Dry Rub (Alias Tex-Mex Rib Rub) 71

Moroccan Rub. 71

North Carolina: Eastern Rub And Sauce. 71

Red Devil Rub. 72

Rookie's Cajun Rub. 72

Rosemary And Allspice Rub. 73

Rustic Rub. 73

Sesame, Mustard Rub. 73

Sirloin Rub. 74

Southwest Heat 74

Southwestern Spice Rub. 74

Spicy Rub. 75

Sweet Sensation. 75

Tandoori Rub. 76

Texas Dry Rub. 76

Texas Style Dry Rub. 76

Uptown Creole Rub. 77

West Indies Marinade Rub. 77

Zinfandel Restaurant Rib Rub. 78

Bbq Dry Rub. 78

Beef Marinade. 78

Beer Marinade For Beef 79

Marinade & Seasoning Sauce. 79

Marinade (Steak & Ale) 79

Marinade For Lamb. 80

Memphis Style Dry Marinade For Ribs. 80

Pollo Loco Marinade. 80

Rancho San Antonio Beef Marinade. 81


Adobo (Mexican Smoked Chile Marinade)


Yield: 1 servings



3 Oranges

1 Lime

2 To 3 canned chipotle chilies

or to taste

3 Cloves garlic (1 T)

2 Teaspoons Dried oregano

1/2 Teaspoon Cumin seed

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

2 Tablespoons Wine vinegar

1/2 Teaspoon Salt


Instructions Source: FOODday, July 9, '91 From: Valerie Whittle


This spicy marinade owes its unusual flavor to the chipotle, a smoked

jalapeno chile. Chipotles are usually sold canned in tomato paste. Look for

them at Mexican and Latin American markets. Adobo marinade goes particularly

well with pork.


3. Juice the oranges and lime. Finely chop chilies and garlic. Place citrus

juices, chilies, garlic, oregano, cumin, black pepper, vinegar and salt in

blender and puree until smooth.


Makes enough marinade for 1 1/2 to 2 pounds meat or chicken.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


All Purpose Rub


2 Tablespoons Black pepper

2 Tablespoons Paprika

2 Tablespoons Onion powder

1 Tablespoon Brown sugar

1 Tablespoon Chili powder

1 Tablespoon Coarse salt

1/2 Teaspoon Ground sage

1/2 Teaspoon Ground nutmeg

1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper (opt)


Mix all the spices together and store in an airtight container for up to 8

weeks. Great with ribs, brisket, and chicken






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Blackened Rub


1 Tablespoon Salt

1 Tablespoon +2 Ts White Pepper

1 Tablespoon +3/4 Ts Black Pepper

2-1/2 Teaspoons Dry Mustard

2-1/2 Teaspoons Garlic Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Thyme Leaves (Dried)

1/4 Pound Butter

2-1/2 Teaspoons Cayenne Pepper (To Taste)


Use unsalted butter, melt over low heat. Heat a cast iron pan to just

before melting over high heat. Should take 5 to 8 minutes. If you

think you are going to ruin the pan, the heat is just about right. Make

sure the meat, poultry or fish is at room temp. and dry. Thin cuts do

not work well. Dip the meat, poultry or fish into the melted butter and

for a minute or so then check the underside of the meat for a nice dark

crust. Adjust as needed. By this time you will know if your smoke

detectors are working and if you should of done this outside. Turn the

meat and repeat till the desired doneness is achieved. The trouble is

well worth it, the taste is, in a word, fantastic! You can add more or

less cayenne pepper to your taste, I've found more is usually better






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Cajun Dynamite Dust


1/2 Cup paprika

6 Tablespoons kosher salt

1/4 Cup coarsely ground black pepper

3 Tablespoons basil

3 Tablespoons filé powder

2 Tablespoons garlic powder

2 Tablespoons dry mustard

2 Tablespoons onion powder

2 Tablespoons dried oregano

2 Tablespoons cayenne (reduce by 1/2 if you want it mild)

2 Tablespoons white pepper

2 Tablespoons dried thyme


Makes 2 1/2 Cups Seasoning Mix


Mix all ingredients together. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Cajun Ragin' Rub


1/4 Cup Celery salt

1/4 Cup Ground black pepper

1/4 Cup White pepper

1/4 Cup Brown sugar

2 Tablespoons Garlic powder

1 Tablespoon Cayenne

1 Tablespoon Dried thyme

2 Teaspoons Dried sage


Recipe by: Smoke & Spice Preparation Time: 0:20 Mix the spices throughly in

a bowl. Store in a cool, dark pantry






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Cajun Seasoning Mix (Rubs)



1 tb Dried basil leaves

1 tb Dried oregano

1 tb Paprika

2 ts Salt

2 ts Dried thyme

1 ts Ground allspice


Blend all ingredients together. Use to season tender cuts of meat before

grilling. Makes enough to season 2-4 pounds of meat(depending on personal







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Cambridge Dry Rub


Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method


1/2 Cup dark or light brown sugar

3 Tablespoons salt

3 Tablespoons black pepper

3 Tablespoons chili powder

2 Tablespoons cumin powder

2 Tablespoons paprika

2 Teaspoons garlic powder -- optional

2 Teaspoons lemon pepper -- optional


In the top half of a double boiler set over simmering water, combine all the

ingredients. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes or so,

until the sugar begins to melt and the mixture thickens. Remove from the

heat and let the mixture cool to 100 degrees F.


Pass the mixture through a sifter. Use immediately or store in a cool, dark

place for several months.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Caribbean Rub or Jerk Rub


6 Tablespoons garlic, minced

6 Tablespoons onion, minced

6 Tablespoons dried minced onion

2 Tablespoons allspice

1 Tablespoon dried ground chipotle

2 Tablespoons Hungarian paprika

2 Tablespoons brown sugar

4-1/2 Teaspoons fresh thyme, minced

4-1/2 Teaspoons cinnamon

1-1/2 Teaspoons nutmeg

1/2 Teaspoon ground habanera

2 lemons, zest


In a bowl combine all ingredients.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Chipotle Rub


1/4 Cup dried Mexican oregano*

1/4 Cup corn oil

5 dried chipotle chiles* -- stemmed, seeded,

and deveined (wear rubber gloves)

5 ancho chiles* -- seeded and deveined

(wear rubber gloves)

25 garlic cloves

1-1/2 Cups coarse salt


In a small heavy skillet dry-roast oregano over moderate heat, shaking

skillet occasionally, until fragrant and beginning to brown, about 2

minutes, and transfer to a small bowl. Cool oregano completely and in an

electric coffee/spice grinder grind fine. In a heavy skillet heat oil over

moderately high heat until hot but not smoking and, using tongs, fry chiles,

1 or 2 at a time, turning them, until puffed and just beginning to brown,

about 10 seconds. (Do not let chiles burn or rub will be bitter.) Transfer

chiles as fried to paper towels to drain and cool until crisp. Wearing

rubber gloves, break chiles into pieces and in coffee/spice grinder grind

fine in batches. In a food processor grind oregano and chiles with garlic

and salt until mixture is a shaggy, saltlike consistency. If mixture seems

moist, on a large baking sheet spread it into a thin even layer and dry in

middle of an oven set at lowest temperature until no longer moist, about 1

hour. Wearing rubber gloves, break up any lumps with your fingers. (Chipotle

rub keeps in an airtight container, chilled 6 months. Regrind rub before

using.) Makes about 3 1/4 cups.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Curried Rub


1/4 Cup Chili Powder

1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1 Tablespoon Curry Powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1 Teaspoon Dry Mustard

1 Teaspoon White Pepper

1 Teaspoon Oregano

2 Teaspoons Celery Salt

1 Teaspoon Parsley Flakes





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Dry Rub Spice Marinade


1/4 Cup Kosher salt

1/4 Cup Granulated or brown sugar


2 tb Garlic powder 1 tb Dried thyme 2 ts Ground black pepper 2 tb Paprika 2

ts Cayenne pepper


Combine all ingredients, blending thoroughly. If reserving for later use,

store in a tightly capped jar. To use, sprinkle heavily over all sides of

meat and rub in well with fingers. Let meat stand at room temperature for

two hours, or lightly covered overnight in the refrigerator. Sprinkle meat

again lightly before grilling, broiling or baking. This recipe makes enough

for 3-4 pounds spareribs. Mixture is also good on poultry.


Keeps indefinitely in tightly capped jar. Note from the cook:"The secret of

a good dry rub is equal proportions of kosher salt and sugar. The salt draws

juices to the surface of the meat; the sugar drinks those juices up, making

a lovely, light, potently seasoned glaze on the meat.These are the herb

bottles closest to my hands, if you have other stuff handy, add it as you

wish: ground ginger, or dry mustard; red pepper flakes, or onion powder.

Customize it any way you will




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Emeril's Bayou Blast (Bammm)


2-1/2 Tablespoons paprika

2 Tablespoons salt

2 Tablespoons garlic powder

1 Tablespoon black pepper

1 Tablespoon onion powder

1 Tablespoon cayenne powder

1 Tablespoon oregano, dried

1 Tablespoon thyme, dried


Combine all ingredients thoroughly.




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Emeril's Creole Seasoning


2-1/2 Tablespoons paprika

2 Tablespoons salt

2 Tablespoons garlic powder

1 Tablespoon black pepper

1 Tablespoon onion powder

1 Tablespoon cayenne powder

1 Tablespoon dried leaf oregano

1 Tablespoon dried leaf thyme


Combine ingredients thoroughly and store in an airtight jar or container.

Makes about 2/3 cup.


from "Emeril's New Orleans Cooking" by Emeril Lagasse and Jessie Tirsch.


(Note: Emeril Lagasse is the owner/executive chef of Emeril's Restaurant on

Julia St. and Tchopitoulas in New Orleans. Prior to opening up his own

place, he was executive chef of Commander's Palace Restaurant in New



This is a fairly basic seasoning mix. If you want to make it hotter,

decrease the amount of paprika and increase the amount of cayenne. I

wouldn't mess with the black pepper amount, however, since that will change

the texture and color of the powder mix.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Emeril's Rustic Rub


8 Tablespoons Hungarian paprika

3 Tablespoons cayenne

5 Tablespoons black pepper, freshly ground

6 Tablespoons garlic powder

3 Tablespoons onion powder

6 Tablespoons salt

2-1/2 Tablespoons oregano, dried

2-1/2 Tablespoons thyme, dried


Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Blend well. Can be stored in

an airtight container in your spice cabinet for up to 3 months. Yields 2







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Emeril's Southwest Spice


2 Tablespoons chili powder

2 Teaspoons cumin, ground

2 Tablespoons paprika

1 Tablespoon oregano, dried

1 Tablespoon coriander, ground

1 Teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 Tablespoon garlic powder

1 Teaspoon crushed red pepper

1 Tablespoon salt

1 Teaspoon black pepper


Combine all ingredients thoroughly.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Hoisin Five Spices Marinade For Barbecued Pork



1-1/2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

2-1/2 Tablespoons Hoisin Sauce

1 Tablespoon Sherry or Rice Wine Vinegar

1 Tablespoon Honey

1-1/2 Teaspoons Sugar

1 Pinch Five Spices Powder


1) Mix the ingredients together and add to pork rib strips (3 * 400 gram

strips). Let stand for 2 hours, turning meat frequently. Drain, reserving



2) Preheat oven to 425° F (220° C). Place pork strips on a rack over a

shallow roasting pan containing a few inches of water. Roast for 10



3) Reduce heat to 325° F (170° C) and roast port 30 to 40 minutes more,

turning meat several times. Baste strips lightly at 5 minute intervals with

peanut or sesame oil.


4) Serve with a soy sauce dip (soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, lemon juice,

hot sauce).


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Hotted Honey Rub


======= FOR POULTRY AND PORK =========

1/4 Cup Prepared horseradish


1 ts Hungarian hot paprika 2 ts Soy sauce 2 ts Honey


Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mash until smooth. Makes about 1/3 cup.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Jalapeno Marinade


Makes enough for a 2-1/2 pound steak


3 fresh jalapeno chili peppers, stemmed, seeded and ribbed

2/3 Cup dry red wine

1/3 Cup olive oil

3 Large cloves garlic, peeled

Several fresh parsley sprigs

1 Teaspoon salt

1/2 Teaspoon freshly ground pepper


Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until

well blended and smooth.


Can be used to rub on steak or chicken, or marinate in a bag or bowl for

several hours before grilling.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Jerk Seasoning Rub


1-1/2 Tablespoons sugar

1 Tablespoon onion powder

1 Tablespoon dried thyme

2 Teaspoons ground allspice

2 Teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

2 Teaspoons ground red pepper

1 Teaspoon salt

3/4 Teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/4 Teaspoon ground cloves


Combine and store in an airtight container, yield: 1/3 cup. Directions for

gift card: Rub or sprinkle jerk seasoning on chicken and seafood before

broiling or grilling





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Kingly Salmon Rub


1/4 Cup dried dill

1/4 Cup brown sugar

2 Teaspoons kosher salt

2 Teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

3 to 3 1/2 pound salmon tail section, boned and butterflied



Ingredients for kingly mop (optional):

Remaining kingly rub

1 Cup cider vinegar

1/4 Cup oil (preferably canola or corn)


Instructions: The night before you plan to barbecue, combine the rub

ingredients in a small bowl. Open the salmon flat and massage it well with

about 2/3 of the rub, reserving the rest. Place salmon in a plastic bag and

refrigerate overnight.


Prepare the smoker for barbecuing, bringing the temperature to 180 to 200

degrees F. Remove the salmon from the refrigerator and let it sit at room

temperature for 30 minutes. Stir the remaining rub together with the other

mop ingredients in a small saucepan and warm the mixture over low heat.


Transfer the salmon to the smoker skin-side down, placing the fish as far

from the fire as possible. Cook for 50 to 60 minutes, mopping it after 10

and 30 minutes. The salmon should flake easily when done. Serve hot or



Makes 6 servings.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Mexican Dry Rub (Alias Tex-Mex Rib Rub)


2 Tablespoons Paprika

1 Teaspoon Black Pepper

2 Teaspoons Cayenne

2 Teaspoons Dry Mustard

1 Tablespoon Brown Sugar

2 Tablespoons Chili Powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1 Teaspoon Cumin

1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1 Teaspoon Aciote Seeds


In small bowl, stir together all of the ingredients. Use immediately or

store in a tightly covered contianer






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Moroccan Rub


2 Tablespoons paprika

1 Teaspoon salt

1 Teaspoon sugar

1/2 Teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper

1/2 Teaspoon ground ginger

1/2 Teaspoon ground cardamom

1/2 Teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 Teaspoon ground fenugreek

1/2 Teaspoon ground cloves

1/4 Teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 Teaspoon ground allspice

1/4 Teaspoon cayenne


In small bowl, stir together all of the ingredients. Use immediately or

store in a tightly covered contianer for up to 1 month.


Rub onto the meat or poultry and let stand 15 minutes or refrigerate up to 4

hours before grilling.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


North Carolina: Eastern Rub And Sauce



2 Teaspoons salt

2 Teaspoons brown sugar

2 Teaspoons cumin

2 Teaspoons chile powder

2 Teaspoons black pepper

1 Teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/4 Cup paprika


1 Cup white vinegar

1 Cup cider vinegar

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 Tablespoon red pepper flakes

1 Tablespoon tabasco

1 Tablespoon black pepper


Use rub on meat and allow to set until rub looks moist. For sauce, blend all

ingredients and allow flavors to blend.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Red Devil Rub


====== BEEF POULTRY,PORK,FISH ========

1/4 Cup Dijon mustard with seeds

1/4 Cup Finely slivered fresh basil


2 ts Olive oil 1/2 ts Freshly ground pepper 1/4 ts Cayenne pepper


Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mix thoroughly. Makes about 1/2 cup.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Rookie's Cajun Rub


2 Tablespoons Sweet Hungarian paprika

1 Tablespoon Dried basil

1 Tablespoon Dried thyme

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Ground black pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper


Just mix it together and use as a rub on: tuna steaks, beef, chicken, or



Source: The Firehouse Grilling Cookbook by Joseph T. Bonanno Jr.




Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Rosemary And Allspice Rub



1 Garlic clove; crushed

10 Allspice berries; crushed

1/2 Teaspoon Finely chpd.rosemary leaves

2 Tablespoons Olive oil


Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mix until smooth. Makes about 1/4 cup.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Rustic Rub


8 Tablespoons paprika

3 Tablespoons cayenne

5 Tablespoons freshly ground pepper

6 Tablespoons garlic powder

3 Tablespoons onion powder

6 Tablespoons salt

2-1/2 Tablespoons dried oregano

2-1/2 Tablespoons dried thyme



Can be stored in an airtight container in your spice

cabinet for up to 3 months





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Sesame, Mustard Rub



1 Garlic clove; crushed

1 Teaspoon Mustard seeds

1/2 Teaspoon Finely slivered lime peel

2 Teaspoons Lime juice

2 Tablespoons Sesame oil


Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mash until fairly smooth. Makes about

3-1/2 Tbsp.





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Sirloin Rub


1 Tablespoon Ground Cinnamon

1 Tablespoon Paprika

1 Tablespoon Ground Coriander

1 Tablespoon Sugar

2 Teaspoons Cayenne Pepper

1 Tablespoon Salt





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Southwest Heat


1/2 Cup Ground dried New Mexican

Red chile

1/2 Cup Ground dried ancho chile

3 Tablespoons Salt

3 Tablespoons Ground Cumin

1 Tablespoon Dried Oregano


Mix the spices thoroughly in a bowl. Store covered in a cool, dark pantry.







Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Southwestern Spice Rub


1 Tablespoon cumin seeds

1 Teaspoon coriander seeds

8 dried chilies, stemmed and seeded

1 Tablespoon brown sugar

1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon salt

1/4 Teaspoon ground black pepper

1/4 Teaspoon ground red pepper


Cook cumin and coriander seeds in a small skillet over low heat, stirring

constantly, for 3 minutes. Combine seeds, chilies, and remaining

Store in airtight container. Yield: 2/3 cup. Directions for gift card:

Sprinkle Southwestern spice rub on chicken, beef and pork before

grilling, broiling or baking






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Spicy Rub


1 Tablespoon black pepper

1 Tablespoon white pepper

1 Tablespoon sugar

2 Teaspoons cayenne pepper

2 Tablespoons chili powder

1 Tablespoon cumin

1 Tablespoon garlic powder

1 Tablespoon brown sugar

1 Tablespoon dried oregano, crushed

4 Tablespoons paprika

1 Teaspoon dry mustard

1 Tablespoon celery salt

1 Tablespoon salt


tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Store

leftover mixture in an airtight jar or in freezer






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Sweet Sensation


1/4 Cup Ground Allspice

1/4 Cup Brown sugar

1/4 Cup Onion powder

2 Tablespoons Salt

2 Teaspoons Ground Nutmeg

2 Teaspoons Ground cinnamon

2 Teaspoons Dried Thyme


Mix the spices thoroughly in a bowl. Store covered in a cool, dark pantry.








Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Tandoori Rub


1-1/2 Teaspoons garlic powder

1-1/2 Teaspoons paprika

1 Teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 Teaspoon ground corrander

1 Teaspoon ground cumin

1 Teaspoon ground ginger

1 Teaspoon salt

1/4 Teaspoon ground cardamom

1/4 Teaspoon ground cinnamon


Mix all ingred. Rub lamb, beef, pork and chicken


Bake or bar-b-que





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Texas Dry Rub


3 Tablespoon Coarsely cracked black peppercorns

2 Tablespoon Dried oregano

1 Teaspoon Cumin

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

2 Dried chipolte chili peppers (2 to 3)

1 Tablespoon Dried cilantro leaves

1 Bay leaf

1 Teaspoon Ground dried orange peel

1 Tablespoon Chopped dried wild mushrooms (cepes)


Combine all the ingredients in a spice mill or blender and grind to a coarse

powder. Store in an airtight jar in the freezer for up to 6 months. Yield:

1/2 cup (or 8 tablespoons) Recommended cuts: Beef brisket (8 hours to

overnight), flank steak (6 to 8 hours);l pork ribs (8 hours to overnight).

Author's note: The secret ingredient here is the dried wild mushroom, which

lends it a savory muskiness. The dried chipotles add hints of smoke, along

with the heat. Use as a dry rub for beef brisket or beef or pork ribs.

Source: Marinades by Jim Tarantino





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Texas Style Dry Rub


4 Tablespoons Salt

1/2 Tablespoon White Pepper

1 Tablespoon Celery Salt

3 Tablespoons Paprika

2 Tablespoons Black Pepper

1/2 Tablespoon Garlic Powder

2 Tablespoons Chili Powder

1/2 Tablespoon Lemon Peel, (Zest)

1 Tablespoon Cayenne Pepper

1 Tablespoon Dry Mustard






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Uptown Creole Rub


2-1/2 Tablespoons paprika

2 Teaspoons ground white pepper

2 Teaspoons dried oregano

2 Teaspoons dried leaf thyme

1 Teaspoon cayenne

1 Teaspoon ground celery seeds

1 Teaspoon salt

3 Tablespoons grated onion

OR 1-teaspoon onion powder

2 garlic cloves, minced

OR 1-teaspoon garlic powder


In a small bowl, stir together the paprika, white pepper, oregano, thyme,

cayenne, celery seeds, and salt. If using the rub immediately, stir in the

grated onion and minced garlic. If you are planning to store the rub in a

tightly covered container for up to a month, add the onion and garlic

powders. or add the fresh onion and garlic just before using the rub


Rub onto the surface of the scallops or poultry, then let stand for 15

minutes at room temperature or refrigerate poultry up to 1 hour and

scallops up to 30 minutes before grilling





Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


West Indies Marinade Rub.


SUITABLE for all meats


15 ml 1 tbsp curry powder. 15 ml 1 tbsp ground cumin. 1,25 ml quarter tsp

chili powder. 7,5 ml half tbsp ground black pepper. 15 ml 1 tbsp paprika.

2,5 ml half tsp ground mixed spice.


Mix all the ingredients together. Coat the meat in the mixture. Cook under

the grill or on the barbecue. Brush lightly with oil during cooking.






Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Spice Rubs and Marinades


Zinfandel Restaurant Rib Rub


1 Tablespoon kosher salt

1 granulated sugar

1 dark brown sugar, packed

1 Tablespoon chile powder

1 Tablespoon ground cumin

1 Tablespoon pepper

2 Tablespoons Hungarian sweet paprika


Makes 1/2 Cup, enough for 2 slabs of spareribs Combine all spices. Use to

rub into spareribs several hours to a day before grilling.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Barbecue


Bbq Dry Rub


1 Tablespoon Chile, ground, new mexico

2 Teaspoon Paprika, hungarian

1 Teaspoon Cumin, powder

1 Teaspoon Coriander, ground

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Onion powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic powder

1/2 Teaspoon Mustard, dry, coleman's

1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper, fresh ground

1/2 Teaspoon Thyme, leaves, dried

1/2 Teaspoon Curry powder

1/2 Teaspoon Allspice, ground


Mix all ingredients. Rub on meat and refrigerate the night before smoking.

Comment: Consider halving the chile for a milder rub.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Beef


Beef Marinade


1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup soy sauce

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground coriander

1 teaspoon ground ginger


Mix ingredients well and pour over flank steak in a flat dish. Leave all day

or over night in marinade, turning frequently.


Drain and barbecue or oven broil for 5-6 minutes per side.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Ethnic Recipes - Cajun


Beer Marinade For Beef


2 cans Beer (12 Ounce or 10 oz cans)

2 teaspoons Salt

1/2 cup Olive oil

1 teaspoon Ground cayenne pepper

1 tablespoon Wine vinegar

1 tablespoon Prepared horseradish

1 teaspoon Onion powder

2 tablespoons Lemon juice

1 teaspoon Garlic powder


Mix all ingredients together and use as a marinade. Then use as a basting

sauce for the meat while it cooks.



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Beverages


Marinade & Seasoning Sauce


1 tablespoon Cornstarch

1 tablespoon Dry sherry

1/2 teaspoon Salt

2 tablespoons Soy sauce

1 tablespoon Dry sherry

1 tablespoon Hoisin sauce

1/2 tablespoon Cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1 teaspoon Sugar

2 teaspoons Cornstarch

1/8 teaspoon Black pepper

1/3 cup Chicken broth, OR- cold Water


Marinade -- combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Sauce --

combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Effort: EASY Time: :05



Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: COPY CAT


Marinade (Steak & Ale)



1/2 Cup Ketchup

2/3 Cup Tomato juice

1/4 Cup Red wine, or

grape juice


1/2 Cup Soy sauce

1/2 Cup Pineapple juice

1/4 Cup White wine, or

grape juice


Mix ingredients for each marinade and marinate steaks or chicken up to 24

hours in the fridge.


Servings: 12


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Ethnic Recipes - Cajun


Marinade For Lamb


4 Cups Chablis wine

1 Cup Green creme de menthe

1 Tablespoon Onion powder

1 Teaspoon Dried mint (crushed)

2 Tablespoons Louisiana hot sauce

1 Cup Soy sauce

1 Cup Water

2 Tablespoons Olive oil


Mix all ingredients. Marinade lamb 6 to 12 hours, then use the marinade as a

basting sauce as it cooks.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Barbecue


Memphis Style Dry Marinade For Ribs


3 Tablespoon Paprika; Hungarian, mild

2 Teaspoon Seasoned Salt

2 Teaspoon Black Pepper; freshly ground

2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1 Teaspoon Cayenne; not too hot

1 Teaspoon Oregano

1 Teaspoon Dry Mustard; S&B Sunbird

1/2 Teaspoon Chili Powder; or more

1 Teaspoon Thyme

1 Teaspoon Coriander

2 Teaspoon Green Peppercorns; dried

1 Teaspoon Allspice; Jamaican powdered


: Grind ingredients until fine and combine well. Hand rub this dry marinade

on washed and dried spareribs several hours up to several days before

smoking or cooking. Mikenote: This recipe along with the following recipes

will provide you with the most mouth watering ribs you ever locked a lip

on.... : Memphis Style Method : Memphis Style Dry Marinade : Memphis Style

Basting Sauce : Memphis Style Sweet BBQ Sauce


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Poultry


Pollo Loco Marinade


1 Lemon, juiced

1 Orange, juiced

2 tablespoons White vinegar

2 Worchestershire sauce

1/2 cup Chili sauce

2 teaspoons Sugar

2 teaspoons Garlic powder

Tabasco to taste

2 tablespoons Oil


Just marinate chicken in this mixture for 4-24 hours. Grill 20 minutes on

each side. Serve with flour tortillas and fresh salsa.


Home Cookin 4.8 Chapter: Beef


Rancho San Antonio Beef Marinade


1 Cup White vinegar

1 Cup Brown sugar, packed

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Ground cumin

1/2 Cup Water

5 Cup Tomato juice

1-1/2 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Red pepper


Combine ingredients. Marinade 4-5 lb beef in mixture in shallow pan in

refrigerator 3-4 hours before barbecueing, turning occaisionally to coat

meat with marinade. Do not shake off liquid before cooking.