vlairbrush_button.gif (7461 bytes)Airbrushes

compressor2_button.gif (17786 bytes)Airsources

paint01_button.gif (5966 bytes)Paints

artist_button.gif (2840 bytes) Surfaces

searching_button.gif (52381 bytes) Design Gallery 1                                                                                             

lightbulb_button.gif (6571 bytes)Design Gallery 2

mousepainter.gif (71521 bytes)Design Gallery 3new2.gif (1545 bytes)

box.gif (9328 bytes)Design Gallery 4new2.gif (1545 bytes)

t-shirt_button.gif (27638 bytes)Tee Shirt Step by Step..

3autotags_button.gif (10708 bytes)Autotag Step by Step.                                                                                      

money_button.gif (819 bytes)Making Money

kiosk_button.gif (7210 bytes)Displays and Setups

lettering_button.gif (3695 bytes)Lettering

chat_button.gif (18150 bytes)Message Board

chat01.gif (6500 bytes)Airbrush 101 chatroom


airlogo.gif (6692 bytes)

Click on link above to visit     Airbrush.Com !


griffinab_logo.gif (8273 bytes)

griffin_logo3.jpg (8696 bytes)

Check out Great artwork on this site!

Airbrush and More

airbrushandmorelogo.gif (40654 bytes)

Looking for airbrush artwork...simply the best on the net! Amazing site!



The web


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                      logopic2 (9666 bytes)                                                                                                                


                                            airbrush.gif (2223 bytes)



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                 Welcome to Airbrush 101; your virtual classroom to getting started and  making   money with the airbrush.  All the information contained on this site is based mostly on my experience; however limited , and anything you read on the pages do not necessarily reflect the views of all airbrush artists. Nor is this site a forum for debate of it's content; so if you disagree with anything I say here, then make your own web site and you can say what you want :) But seriously.I will try to pack it full of information on the latest airbrush news, events, and advice for beginners. 



blueline.gif (323 bytes)                                

                                        Our Mission

                 This site is designed to aid in the development and further education  of new- to- intermediate airbrush artists with a strong focus on  preserving the heritage and promoting airbrushing as both a  business and an artform.


blueline.gif (323 bytes)                

T-shirt and Autotag how-tos up!!

News: 11 September 1999:     This site has a new virtual domain name which should make entering the URL a lot easier!   http://airbrush101.virtualave.net .  We also have a new look and feel to the site with two new design gallery pages!You can continue using the geocities entrance for another week or so, but all the links will take you to the new domain. Please bookmark that site and keep the new URL handy for future reference.   Please visit the greatest airbrush consumer website on the net. They have incredible artwork ! visit at http://www.airbrushandmore.com




                             Contact Information

                                                coplaints.gif (21021 bytes)

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Graphics copyrighted by Kathy Breychak 1998

Airbrush Artist Web Ring

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Send mail to rcsmooth@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 11, 1999