Alani's Psychotic Page of Insanity--                       or not...
Greetings and salutations, my droogs. Life as a student sucks, but at least I know I'll know something useful when it's all over. In order to maintain my sanity, I've put some time into my personal version of a pitiful waste of bandwidth.  But afterall, isnt that what the web's about?

If you feel so inclined, send me your petty email.  Perhaps you'll be reason enough for me to continue going to classes so I can be a member of the intellectual elite and do my best to limit your effect on the gene pool. Who knows. If you're even halfway lucid, I may even respond and brighten you potentionally dismal life. Have fun kids...
so what does this bitch look like?
oh god, how could that have happened?
For the Ears
email me your petty thoughts here!