Planning to live forever, so far, so good!
Last Updated  2/2/04                           What's New With Iggy Rae Vicious
     Hi ya'll! What's new? A Sunday Showcase at "SCOOTS" bar in Beaver Dam, Wi. 2pm to 6pm Hosted by I.R.V. and "THE HEADLINERS" which consists of some of the best players in the state, Bobby and Evil Evans, Bobby Brady, Scotty Meyer, Jay Stulo, just to name a few. New house band every week!
     There's also an acoustic open mic night I host at "The 1850's Inn" in Juneau every other tuesday, in February they are the 10th and 24th from 8pm to midnight.
     RAT SASS will be at "THE LIQUID LOUNGE" in Fon du Lac on Feb. 14th.
     I'm also doing some shows with "THE NEW CREW BAND" out of Madison. In Feb. at "HATFIELDS" in Black Earth 9-1 on the 7th, and "THE OLD BARABOO INN" in Baraboo 9-1 on the 21st. 

     Testing one, two, testing, hello? Is this thing on? "knock knock"
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There are a few pages of pictures and other totally fun stuff here
so enjoy yourself, kick your shoes off, but turn off the light when
you go.
      Read on if you dare! The next page has naked girls and free beer!
Ok, that was shameless B.S. but it might be cool anyway, have a look!