"In the end, there can be only one!!"
-- Highlander
After a long hiatus, the time has come for the NEW MarkOne Network to finally launch.
Right now, I ask you to go over to my NEW website:
From this point on, that will be where my website will be located. Right now, it's limited to a few pages and links. More will be added to the site in the coming days and sometime this week, probably by August 5th, the new site will be fully active and this location will be permanamently shutdown.
I apologize for the long delay in not getting this off the ground sooner, but once things get settled in my new address, you'll see a lot radical changes ahead.
I'll be closing down and deleting pages here very soon. So, again please update your bookmarks to my new location and watch for the launch of the NEW M1N, coming later this week!

Click on this banner to go to the NEW website!
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