Welcome to
Bridge Dwellers, where great things are planned but rarely come to pass.
This is the portal for: the Campaign to Save WordPerfect for Mac, which is still updated as events warrant and time allows; Neurotransmissions, with basic information and links on depression; The Armchair Agitator, offering resources for lazy activists; In Praise of the Prairie, celebrating North Dakota; Holes in the Wall, your guide to fine dining (not!); and Random Lynx, which is none of the above. Peace Lynx is finally up and running, with anti-war links and free banners you can steal! All manner of relevant (not necessarily reverent) feedback is welcome. |
reconstruction is ongoing, and additions are planned. All this will happen
before the sun becomes a red giant and swallows the earth but not necessarily
before the cows come home. Miss Krampt has put away her crystal ball and
can't be bothered.