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Welcome to Bill Wheeler's Home Page
Of all the Charlie Browns of the world, you're the Charlie Browniest - Linus
I am a Machine Tool Programmer living in Dallas, Texas. This page is here
for friends and family to see what's going on in my life. Recently, all my energy has been spent chasing my toddling daughter and looking for a new job. My old job isn't dead, it just smells funny!

Well the smoke is starting to clear. Last November Raytheon
announced that they are closing our plant. They offered us a choice between jobs at another facility or a severance package. I am taking the latter. It includes retraining funds so I am enrolling in the UNIX System Administration program at Southern Methodist University. Most people change careers at least once in their lives. I guess its my turn. The timing is perfect. Right when the Information Technologies are booming, some fool hands me a pile of cash and says "get lost". Yippee!! So over the next six months I get to re-invent myself. Jamie is leaving her work
to finish her Masters. She wants to teach literature at a college level. Our best case scenario is for me to get certified, land a groovy job in Austin, Tx, Jamie do her Graduate work at UT Austin, become tenured, and buy a hundred acres to grow old on. Is that so much to ask?
Well I guess the SMU class paid off. I start a contracting job at Nortel Networks in January. I will be installing software on Sprint's wireless networks. It sounds like a great first step in my new career path.
We just finished our software rollout at Nortel. At first I had to travel but later was able to do the upgrades remotely from Richardson, TX. Our next project is to automate the system checks for Sprint using Perl.

Picture links
Our New Addition.
Me and the machines I've programmed.
and Nephews a.k.a. The Crew!
Trip to Galapagos
World Weekend

UAHS Alumni
The Kennedy Space Center
Beal Aerospace Technologies,
Boeing Expendable Launch Systems
An extraordinary vacation spot
Cigar Aficionado
Wine Spectator
If you have children
Join the fight against junk email
I am always adding to this site so stop by once in a while. Later!
Talk to Waffle at