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LIONS - Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation's Safety
"We serve" is the motto for every LION in the world. It defines our purpose so very simply, yet eloquently.
The Lions Club of Collie-Wellington serves the Collie community in many ways, which you may read about below. First, however, here is the history of our Club. |
In 1986, a group of 19 ladies decided that there was more they could do for their community. So, they banded together and, with the sponsorship of the Lions Club of Collie, formed the Lioness Club of Collie.
Over the next six years, these wonderful ladies earned the respect of the entire community with their enthusiasm and dedication. They were involved in such projects as Lions Child of Courage, Lions Christmas cakes, a car rally, the Miss Personality Quest and, of course, selling Lions Christmas Cakes.
Then, in February of 1992, a dictate was received from Lions International. The Lioness programme was being changed and our club was given three choices: 1. Our sponsors, the Lions Club of Collie, could apply for a conditional licence for us to use the Lioness name and emblem, 2. We could continue as a Ladies Auxiliary, or 3. We could charter and become a Lions club in our own right.
After much agonising and discussion, a vote was taken and the decision made. In June of 1992, the Lioness Club of Collie officially became the Lions Club of Collie-Wellington.
We are still an all-female club, but we are hoping to induct a male member in the near future. |
I'm so glad you asked! Collie is a not-so-small town in rural Western Australia. Yes, that's right. I said *Australia*. If you don't know where Australia is, just look down the bottom of any world map. We're quite large and have the distinct honour of being the only country that is actually also an island and a continent.
Collie is approximately 250 kilometres (that's *kilometres*, not miles) south-west Perth, W.A.'s capital city, and approximately 55 kilometres west of Bunbury.
Collie is a river valley town, our river called, coincidentally, the Collie River. It's a beautiful river that's used mainly for boating, fishing and swimming. In the blistering, dry heat of a West Aussie summer, that river is a godsend.
Other natural beauty spots of Collie include Honeymoon Pool, Potter's Gorge, Minninup Pool, Stockton Lake and the King Jarrah Tree, the largest Jarrah tree in the Collie Region.
Collie is a coal mining town and we supply the coal for the Muja Power Station (also near Collie) which, in turn, supplies seventy percent of W.A.'s power.
If you'd like to know more about Collie, and what we have to offer here, you could email the Collie Tourist Bureau at:
ctb@collie.netserv.net.au |
Well, *this* is going to be a long spiel. Nah, just kidding. :-) Actually, while we may have changed from a Lioness club to a Lions club, our projects haven't varied that much. We still nominate local children every year for the Lions Children of Courage awards and we still sell Lions Christmas cakes.
We've added a few new projects in, though. Two years running, we held a Cubby House raffle. One year, we ran a Garden Show in conjunction with local businesses. We also make soup for Benwelll Place kindergarten during the winter and we bake cookies for our Cookie Stall at the Collie Show.
We cater for large events, such as the Griffin Festival and, in 1998, the Emergency Services competition, the boat racing out at Potter's Gorge and the Western Power social night "An Evening With Irving Berlin", which was a joint effort between the Lions Clubs of Collie and Collie-Wellington, and the Collie Rotary Club and Collie Apex Club.
Our club also fundraises to help those in need, as well as giving support to our community. Along with the Lions Club of Collie, Collie-Wellington funded the first Leg Ulcer Clinic in W.A. with Collie Silver Chain and, although this worthy project has since been deemed worthy of government subsidation, the Lions of Collie are still known for their generosity towards the members of our community.
Several of our members tutor with the Adult Literacy program, and many more give their valuable time to local community groups such as the Red Cross, Meals on Wheels, the Goods Shed and the Cemetary Beautification Group.
One of our members was responsible for forming the Diabetes Awareness campaign and she was honoured at District Convention (District 201W2) in 1997 with an International President's Award.
Another of our members is now the first woman District Governor of District 201 W2 and enjoyed a tremendous success at her district convention this year.
As you can see, our club has a lot to be proud of and, believe me, I am very proud to be a part of the Lions Club of Collie-Wellington.
If you wish to contact us, you can either write to us at:
Lions Club of Collie-Wellington Inc. PO Box 134 COLLIE WA 6225 AUSTRALIA
or, you can email us at:
collie_wellington@yahoo.com |
To go to Lions International |
Designed and maintained by: Webpage Mistress KYM! |
To go to Lions Australia |
Last updated 3 October, 2000 |