Why do Girls Need Boys?

I was sitting in my chair last night,
thinking, why do girls need boys?
Is it because they hug us?
No, because we get bigger, better, and longer hugs
from our girlfriends.
Is it because they write us love letters?
No, because girlfriends write more
interesting, honest, and hilarious ones.
Is it because they call us on the phone?
No, because girlfriends sleep over
and stay up all night, talking and giggling.
Is it because they watch movies with us?
No, because girlfriends actually cry during the romance ones
and then talk about the cute actors afterwards.
Is it because they can feel our pain?
No, because girlfriends are girls
and know exactly what we feel like.
Is it because they lend us their jackets?
No, because girlfriends can share all the clothes they own
and can give them away if they’re too small.
Is it because they eat our cookies?
No, because girlfriends go to each other houses
to bake cookies, even at 2 in the morning.
Is it because they might love us one day and then leave us on another?
No, because true girlfriends will stay
until the very end of the days.
So, after pondering over these questions,
I ask myself again,
Why do girls need boys
when they’ve already have enough girlfriends
that will last a lifetime?

Melody So

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