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OFFICIAL RULES and ENTRY PROCEDURES for our annual High School Poetry Contest
Our new webpage is
We fund the scholarships through profits from book sales. The price is fair. We don't sell millions of them, but those who are interested in the poetry buy them and enjoy reading their own and other young poet's work...and those who are only interested in winning a scholarship...Well, we'll publish their poems too, but only if they are good enough. It generally balances out. We are the "". We actually read the submissions and judge them. Even the poems that are ultimately rejected are looked at on two separate occasions. We never, ever share your personal information with anyone. We do not tell everyone that they are a winner, and we will not try to sell you a gazillion different things with your wonderful poem emblazoned on them. We leave the deception to those who are better at that sort of thing.
The "Regional Winner" designation is given only to those poems that the judges feel truthfully have a chance of winning "Honorable Mention" or better in this contest. We will not lead anybody on... EVER. "Topical Winners" are poems that we liked and that we felt had something worth saying that other young people could relate to and would enjoy reading. It's just that simple really. We're all about sharing the poetry.
We will not make you famous. We will not make you a household name. You may or may not be "Poet of the Year". (Most likely, not, as there is only one.) Our goal is to share the poetry.
Our vision is that for every poem in our anthology, there will be someone, somewhere in this country, who reads it and says, "I wish I'd have written that, because that's just how I feel too" and that for every reader there will be at least one poem that they will always remember, as long as they live.
Spring-Summer 2007 Winners
Fall - Winter 2006 Winners
Spring-Summer 2006 Winners
Fall-Winter 2005 Winners
Spring-Summer 2005 Winners
Fall-Winter 2004-2005 Winners
Winter-Spring 2003-2004 Winners
Spring-Summer 2004 Winners
FAQ'S about entering and deadlines
FAQ'S about regional winners and publication
THE LIVE POETS SOCIETY TEEN POETS CLUB on Yahoo--You can post your poetry, comment on other poet's postings or chat with other teen poets on line
For information on future contests join our mailing list by sending an email with the word "add" in the subject line to the address below.
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OVER© 1997 Live Poets Society of NJ
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