Home Is


Where The

this is where my page is



Heart Is

  the clock of life is wound but once
   and no man has the power
   to tell just when th clock will stop
   at late or early hour
   so live love and toil with a will
   and place no faith in tomorrow
   for the clock may then be still
   carpe diem
   author unknown

   ickle me pickle me tickle me too
   went for a ride in a flying shoe
   horray! what fun! it's time we flew
   said ickle me, pickle me, tickle me too
   Shel Silverstein


   well I've been away such a long time now,
   life has changed so much...
   home is where the heart is
   guess who is knocking on your front door
   is this the friend that you never knew
   why don't you make sure
   home is where the heart is
   take those steps across the floor
   into the arms of the one who loves you
   you'll never roam no more

   Home is where the Heart is

   Home and Away

   Clive Gregson and Christine Collister


 O vo je Singidunum, glavni grad
Velike Irske, koji je poznat i pod
imenom Beograd ili Centar

 O vde cu ziveti do kraja
marta 1999. A onda se vracam u
Boise, centar srednjeg dela
Velike Irske...
A mozda se i ne vratim...

sdok 1998.


       AH... This above holds a special place in my heart, as do many people, places and things. I am an incurable sentimental. This is the view from Kalemegdan Fortress, which is located in downtown Belgrade. You see here the meeting of the Danube (Dunav) and the Sava rivers. Beautiful it is. I welcome you to my world, my web page. Belgrade is still Singidunum to me... My Celtic ancestors founded it so long ago under the name of Singidunum and here I am. I will be living in Belgrade, Serbia (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) until the end of March 1999. To me, however, Belgrade will always be the capital city of Greater Ireland. In due time, I will return to my sweet Boise, otherwise known as the center part of Greater Ireland, but never say die. I shall return to Serbia many times. My travels have only just begun, I have a long list. Oh, the places I'll go. As for you, dear viewer, you have just entered my world. May you enjoy your travels here and leave with a smile.... srecan put.

Sarah O'Keeffe (Belgrade, Borca, October 1998)              


       A year and a half has passed since my first version of this page went up in a suburb of Belgrade. A lot has happened. I did come back to the states, though under NATO duress. I had the fortune of spending almost eight months in Serbia, with a month-long trip through Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy, and I had the misfortune of being in Belgrade when the fireworks started to fly. Depleted uranium fireworks, that is. I left within a few hours of the first attack, but it was an interesting situation to say the least. And I was certainly more lucky than the millions of Serbs, Montenegrins, and Albanians (and the 25ish other minorities who call Serbia home) who spent two months underneath a falling sky. For some highlights from my days in Belgrade, see my "Retrospective Statement," an addendum to my undergraduate thesis. You can go directly to it from the "table of contents" page if the word "thesis," in any context, turns your stomach. But (a little advertisement for myself) my thesis isn't typical, dry analysis. I think I am incapable of such rot. I'd like to think that I am. As my beloved mentor reminded me, I am an ASPIRING scholar, not! to be confused with a real scholar who has mastered that time-honored tradition of organized, critical thinking. So you might just find my "thesis" amusing. Seriously, I wrote my thesis in a rather journalistic style. In fact, it had a little too much drama for some of the official folks who critiqued it. I'll add a few other caveats to that one: there are still problems with font, a few typeOz still exist, and the intro is a bit philosophical. You may freely ignore these things without hurting my feelings, including the introducton. Go for the jugular and dive directly into the story if you wish.

      Belgrade and Serbia have had a really rotten year and a half since I left. Bombs, a heavily damaged environment, economic blues, ground-level citizen morale; PLUS Nosferatu himself has Serbia in a vice grip, posing as President of Yugoslavia. I am describing Slobodamn him Milosevic, of course. The most troubling events are the most recent. Milosevic has launched an overt attack on independent media, harassing those pesky independent thinkers with beatings and arrests as well. Keep an eye on current events in Serbia at the B-92 homepage. The B-92 story is sad and inspiring. Let's hope it has a happy ending. They aren't transmitting in Serbia, thanks to Nosferatu, but they do maintain a marvelous web page that has hourly news in English. The fellow with his arms outstretched (see below) is an OTPOR activist, a member of the student resistance in Serbia. That pose has "historical precedent." If you aren't from former Yugoslavia, I guess you'll have to read my thesis to find out what it is all about(-: Let's hope the historical paralell doesn't hold in this case. We want Nemanja Nikolic to have a long, happy life in a free Serbia.

      The "Family Gallery" is in progress. I am in a picture with my big adorable brother, Larry, my parents (HI MOM & DAD) are in the upper left-hand corner. Then there are two guys with two pictures each. One has long brown hair, that's Ryan, my best friend from Boise, Idaho, my hometown. The other one, shoulder-length wavy hair, is Stanislav, my Balkan love. If your picture isn't up and you know I love you a bunch, just be patient. It'll make it, promise. Feel free to send pitcures!

      A few words about my contemporary doings before I return to making my Summer Salad ala Sarah (we are having guests over tonight for dinner. Hi Sami, Altaf & Bob!!) I am living in Baton Rouge. I just graduated. THAT was a long hard road. There otta be a country song about graduation. I live right next to the Mississippi. What do I think of Baton Rouge? I'll answer that another time. The answer is complex. It is very cool that I live so close to New Orleans. That city makes me giddy!! I am tutoring kids, coordinating a tutoring service, working as a langauge editor for the journal "Serbian Studies," and spending two days a week as a waitress at a local greasy-spoon diner. I am, uh, regrouping, trying to decide what I want to do next. I have decided to write a book about my Belgrade experiences and I'll be primarily working on that this summer while the tutoring business is at a dull roar. I plan to make periodic additions to this site: my own pieces and friends' creations will find a home here. Visit us often! Cao! TTFN! Zivela Slobodna Srbija!

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 2000~~~Sarah              


Visit the Tornado Project Homepage when you have some downtime. The pictures are awe-inspiring and the stories are spellbinding. Lots of cool tornado and chaser links. www.weatherpix.com is also true-blue.

Nemanja Nikolic a rebel from Serbia. Hopefully NOT the next Stevan Filipovic! But a fighter just the same! Click for my undergraduate thesis.

Case Studies In Serbian
Historical Councsiousness

(my undergraduate thesis)

Banned Belgrade radio station speaks loudly and freely... Free B92!

Free B92 (news from Belgrade)



   Family Photo Gallery

   Zaba's Music Box



   Russian and East
   European Institute

   Indiana University


   Here I am...
   Ahem, attention Mr. Ryan
   Anderson. Use this link.


   ickle me pickle me tickle me too
   never returned to the world they knew
   and nobody knows what happened to dear
   ickle me pickle me tickle me too

   a little more Shel for you...

   Designed by Stanislav Zabic
   &Created by
Sarah O'Keeffe