Laura's Poetry Page
New poems added on 04/07/07.
Expressing a Life Through Poetry
My bother and his wife are responsible for creating this web page for me. I would like to thank them for this wonderful gift.

About the Author

I have been writing poetry since 1993. My works explore the reality of living with loss and pain, of beauty and hope, and a love of nature. After an accident in 1989, at age 26, I woke from a five-week coma, quadriplegic and legally blind. I spent the next three years in rehabilitation hospitals. I have never put one word of poetry on paper in my own hand, and have never seen my words in print.  I dictate my poems to personal care assistants. I am honored to share my creative process with these good people. They nurture by body and spirit.

My life and work have been recognized in articles written for local newspapers and magazines. My poems have appeared in local and national publications. In 1996, the Community United Way of Pioneer Valley chose my poems to be used in the agency's televised public service announcements. I reside with my parents in Massachusetts. My brother, sister-in-law, and their 7-year old son live in Ohio.
The Tree of Life
by Laura


Notice when you're dreaming
The blossom's reflection.

Feel the wind through your

Wake to the dance of life.
I hope you enjoy my poetry!
Living in Entyia's Dream
by Laura
As the sun begins to rise, casting sparkles in the sand.
Reach across the water Entyia, let me take your hand.

Sunlight shimmers through the waves, reflecting on the sea. We'll delve inside each other's skin, and you will
come to me.

My gentle dolphin sprit will keep you mesmerized.
Gliding throug the currents, you will see life through my eyes.

his underwater reverie, a playful, flipping swirl, is where we meet again today, my pretty dreaming girl.

scape from all your problems as we swim so far away.  This ocean water daydream is here for just one day.

ursting through the surface, as we're rising up for air,
salty emerald droplets are glistening in your hair.

Your senses stir, and as you rouse, the sun beigns to fall. I'm living in another dream, just waiting for your call.

I see you in the foamy surf, caught in its fiery curl.
Your laughter echoes in the breeze. Sail away my silver girl.

The Bird At Dusk
by Laura

I saw her there behind the moon, her notes of
music dancing.

he changed her slippers and threw up her hat.

A bird now gazing at the satin clouds, her heart embroidered with fire in the changing shadows, waiting for the stars to carry her home. 

by Laura

nd hence the garden, there she was standing imperial in her green dress, her blond curls circling her plain freckled face, stretching her elegant neck towards the sun.

Taking only a moment for vanity, she bows to her neighbors, dizzy with their beauty, astonished by the spirit of life.

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