This site made possible by the following parties:

My Dad, who financed my entire stay in Italy, who gave me great advice on what to see and do, who came and visited me and let me give him the "art historical tour" of Florence, who has been my greatest mentor when it comes to living a positive, healthy lifestyle, and truly caring about others, in actions more than in words.

My Mom, who gives me great advice on how to deal with my Dad when he gives me a hard time. And for buying all of the film that was used to take the pictures you see in this website! She also gave me some money for my trip. And last but not least, for being the great, awesome, cool, down-to-earth, spiritual person that she is.

My fiance, Kevin, who inspired me and encouraged me to make this website happen. He taught me about graphics, HTML, web-design software, techniques, and all that other techno-stuff that you see in the pages to follow. He is the "Computer Babe" behind the Computer Babe!

My roommates in Italy: Christy, Angela, and Katrina, for teaching me how to live with people who are different, and showing me the true meaning of friendship.


Michelle Leigh Schneider


Welcome, friends, family, and whoever else stumbles across this insane web page! This is the unofficial web site of my study abroad trip to Florence, Italy in the Fall of 1998. You can navigate between different aspects of my trip to see the many images and memories I brought back to the States with me. For those of you who are unaware, I spent three months living in an apartment in Florence, and attending classes at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, where I studied Art History, Drawing, and Mythology. I created this web page so that my family could see all that I saw, and so that my drawings could be put up on the internet. So feast your eyes and enrich your mind (not), but most important of all, enjoy...


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