Welcome to Mary Ceravolo's Page!!
Mary Ceravolo
       Artist and Poet
Mary Ceravolo is a young Italian/South Australian poet and painter. Mary was born in Bosisio Parini(Como) in .....of Calabrian parentage who had settled permanently in the north of Italy until 1981. Mary attended High School and completed her education in accounting in Como. She moved in Frascati in June 1981. Her interest in painting met with early success, after winning a prize and receiving training with the Forum Interart Gallery, she gained recognition in Italy as a qualified artist(1989). In 1985 Mary married Giovanni Silvestri, who was born in Rome and grew up in Australia. Their 2 children, Gabriel-Yuri and Desiree, were born in Frascati. Mary resumed her poetry writing under the influence of the man of letters and poet, Vito Riviello. In 1991 Mary moved with her family to Adelaide, where she started exhibit her paintings, and her poetry started to appear published all over Australia both in Italian and English. In 1995 her 3rd child Melodyelisa was born.
In the last 3 years poems of hers have appeared in
Nuovo Paese, Southerly, Poetrix, Muse, Spindrift, AliTra, Idiom and The New England Review. The April 1998 issue of Convivio Vol.4 No.1 had publishes a review of her work along poems. Mary is the author of the poem "Your Eyes"-"Occhi" performed by The Matchmakers: Jan Cocks and Lee Cocks, especially composed music accompaniment of the CD Words of Love, launched Aug. 1999, for futher details see next page.
In 1996 she received a grant from the South Australia Council for the Arts to have a collection of her poems translated with a view to publishing a bilingual edition(still in progress of being published).

Mary has studied psychology, graduate in homoeopathy III (Adelaide Training College of complementary Medicine Newton,Adelaide), Community Service & Health III , graduate in Psychotherapy MASC (HOM)-MASC (p.t.h.)-MASC (N.L.P.)-BSYA (A.P.) , Family Therapy, diploma in I.H.Massage(Indian Head Massage), diploma in Crystal Healing Therapy, certificate in Color Healing Therapy and Chakra Balance + Energy Point and Perception + in psychometry and intuition  ("Inner Realm" Metaphysical Centre South Australia). Specialize in Emotional Honey Streaming Sensory Experience Release Therpy (Tantra) and Clay Therapy.
Mary recentely degreč on first and second Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho - natural healing therapist and REIKI Usuo Shiki Ryoho Master Degree' Reiki & Seichim Master.
She's also a member of A.F.N.T. Inc. (Australasian Federation of Natural Therapists Inc.).

Isobel Grave, a graduate of the University of Westerm Australia, is an Italianist with a background in poetry and linguistics, and interpreting and translating. Her interest in poetry began with a doctoral study on the early Italian tradition completed for the University of Oxford.
Over the past 3 years she has been involved in the translation of the works of Mary Ceravolo. Isobel teaches Italian part time at Flinders University, and works as an interpreter and translater.
Mary Ceravolo's Photograph!!
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Mary and her 2 daughters Desiree and Melodyelisa.
Tree of Life

I am hungry
fill me
with your sap
burnt earth
I am weary for peace
I reach my hand
into your roots
and draw in your life,
dying a small death,
emerging from it
But living.

Ho fame,
della tua linfa
o terra bruciata
ho sonno di pace
tendo la mano
nella tue radici
e l'accolgo,
per morirne un poco
per emergerne dopo,
stanca, ma viva.
My other love

I want you more than ever now
unique, erratic, ill-formed
ironic shaper
of my one reality

to bring my springs back to life
to give new outline
to my knowable essence

taking it beyond
the changeless and obvious markers
set by the flight of time.
L'altra mia passione

Ti voglio quanto mai
unico convulso spastico
produttore sarcastico
del mio unico essere

per rigenerare la mia acqua
per sbozzare nuovamente
il mio io scibile

oltrepassando cio' che rimane
immutevole e palese
del tempo che fugge.
Still living

We are exiles
anxiety our new-born child;
desolate we move around
our fragment of world
endlessly combing.
Un giorno in piu'

Clandestini nel puerperio
del pesante pensiero
vaghiamo desolati
rastrellando di continuo
il nostro pezzo di mondo.
I see you

I see you
pursuing those
who shrink from knowing
and chasing
your own fevered longing
for birth and for extinction;
for cancelling out your self,
spirit's earth-exiled embodiment,
for changing form and flowing
like a luminous part
of the heavenly constellations.
Ti vedo

Ti vedo
rincorrere l'orrore del sapere
il delirio di venire
di tornare alla terra
d'annullare l'essenza
l'essere esule della mente
divernire fluido
come luminosa parte
di costellazione celeste.
Questa pagina e' dedicata alla memoria di Sergio Ubaldi filosofo e poeta scomparso nel 1998, a Isobel Grave mia traduttrice e collaboratrice, a Vito Riviello mio maestro in arte, a Sandra Russo e Wendy McMahon mie guide spirituali e omeopatiche, a Cristine, a Marcella per la sua gentile collaborazione nella realizzazione di questo sito e a sua madre Maria, a mio marito per il suo sostegno e per la sua costante pazienza, a Gabrielyuri, Desiree, Melodyelisa, a mia sorella Gerardina, mio fratello Sergio per avere sempre costantemente dato il loro sostegno, a Vladimiro, Franco, Stefano, Marek, Vincenzo, Dorothea, Yvette, Carlo, Massimo, Marco, l'uomo luna, Maria  & Joe Cutri, Diana Glen Cavuoto, al centro di  RAJA YOGA, al Centro di Ehlers Danlos Syndrome per avermi dato il coraggio di continuare oltre il dolore fisico, e a  tutti coloro  che hanno in qualche modo partecipato e  preso parte alla mia crescita, continua -  evolutiva.All'onnipotente Creatore dell'universo, ai miei genitori, per avermi dato la vita ed avermi permesso.. nonostante la loro sofferenza e la lontananza, di volare.. OLTRE.
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To the next page,which contains Mary's Art Work.
this home page and all it's contents is copyright by Mary Ceravolo. Please do not remove or copy anything without my writing permission, contact me by email.