![]() Just to let everyone know, I have my own space for this now. This site has been migrated to http://blaktauna.com/slash. Update those bookmarks now! Welcome! I have been a long time fan of slash. For those of you who didn't know, slash is the romantic/sexual relationship between two or more people of the same sex. Slash is fan fiction based on Tv Series, Movies, anime or books. Most slash is of the NC-17 ilk but some of it is not as graphic as others. I write both sorts. You may be wondering what prompted me to start writing this stuff. It all began with my beloved Kung Fu Movies and Starsky and Hutch. Such togetherness, such brotherliness... and no girls. Well there's usually a reason for that...
My favorite slash victims come from Hong Kong Movies. Ti Lung and David Chiang are from the Shaw Brothers Movie Studios who made a good number of films in the 70's. They have a fantastic chemistry and their characters are generally very friendly to one another. If you have ever seen any of their films, you can see what fertile material I had to work with. The longing stares, the interesting dialog (both dubbed and not), and the long fights in mud and rain... well it stirs a girl's heart to thoughts of lust. And Ti Lung is one of the _most_ beautiful men ever to be on screen. That doesn't hurt either...
My second favorite Hong Kong pair is Curry and Jiu from the movie Curry and Pepper. The burning stares are so hard I'm surprised neither of them burst into flames... and oh the clutching and pawing.
![]() My next favorite victims are from Star Trek Voyager. Namely the delicious, yet too innocent Harry Kim and the idiot Tom Paris. Currently (season 7) the writers are continuing to pair Paris and B'Elanna. Why they insist on this completely baffles me. They have absolutely no chemistry. He looks disgusted each time he has to kiss her, where as he and Harry... Well the sparks nearly shoot off the small screen. off to see the P/K slash and a naughty Harry and Seven of Nine... ![]()
Now and old favorite has returned! Starsky and Hutch is back on the air. Ohhh how I loved to watch that. In my innocent youth, I figured they were sleeping together by about the third season. And I didn't even know any better then...
Thanks to Connexions, I found that two faves from my childhood are alive and well in fandom. Illya and Napoleon are still fighting with THRUSH and sniping at each other today!
Thanks to all of you out there who give me such good reading! Each section has pertinent rings and my own favorite spots for you to get even more juicy stuff to read!
And for humor value... I can't believe I missed this! The Infamous Kiss from the X-Files!
I'm always up for feedback on my stuff. Let me know what you think. blktauna@shawstudios.com |