'The Flight of the evelyne' currently in progress

The blendo art gallery.
"Just The Cat And I" a song for escher, Whorf, and Foz.
more groovy tunes.

latest changes/additions-
"sibs" added to partners. origionals section added to blendo gallery Origional "Bedowin's Dream" link added to blendo. "We will rock you" added to music section. Partners in crime.
anyone with a temperment for Storytelling, Playing with graficks, poetry, or just plain old day-dreaming, please contact me below. I am working on an illistrated 'web-story' called "Flight of the evilyn", I hope to make it an effort of a group of people, so as to incorporate as many differant styles as possable. So if you're interested, click the flying ashtray to get the basic story-line to-date, and then get in touch with any ideas.
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