Vinny,Frank,and Joe are filling in for the origional Box Brothers, Cockroach and Lang.
wanna get that arrow outa my face?
hi! My name is Jimmy Crash. People ask where that comes from. Well It comes from an album by an obscure pair of folk singers who called themselves "The Holy Modal Rounders". The name of the album is "Jimmy and Crash Tour the Universe". I hope you enjoy what my site has to offer. It is all ways expandng and changing. Sometimes because of new ideas and tecknologies, someimes I accentendally wipe out my whole main file and have to start over. well, enjoy!
the 'signature'
Music by Lang Brown AKA Jimmy Crash
actually, I have barely just begun
'The Flight of the evelyne' currently in progress

The blendo art gallery.

greeting cards
Just the cat and I- a tune for escher, whorf and foz. "Just The Cat And I" a song for escher, Whorf, and Foz.

the ones who WILLINGLY helped make this sight other tunes by Jimmy more groovy tunes.

atomic chip monk
latest changes/additions-
"sibs" added to partners. origionals section added to blendo gallery Origional "Bedowin's Dream" link added to blendo. "We will rock you" added to music section. Partners in crime.

poets, dreamers, and artists needed anyone with a temperment for Storytelling, Playing with graficks, poetry, or just plain old day-dreaming, please contact me below. I am working on an illistrated 'web-story' called "Flight of the evilyn", I hope to make it an effort of a group of people, so as to incorporate as many differant styles as possable. So if you're interested, click the flying ashtray to get the basic story-line to-date, and then get in touch with any ideas.

Guestbook by GuestWorld (image by Jimmy)

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