- About Me
- The nitty, gritty gossip about myself.
- Short Stories
- An Affair Remembered - "An uncomfortable silence followed as she entered the car."
- Cat - "Instantly he crouched. His head hung close to the floor. His yellow eyes enlarged to make room for the wide open pupils watching the dark hole. He was ready to pounce at a moment's notice."
- The Empty Tree - She re-read the note. With tears in her eyes, he banged her fist against the hearth. "Why?"
- The End - In the distance, a boom shattered the peaceful morning. The ground shook violently. Heat of the blast rippled through the neighborhood, knocking her to the ground.
- The Initiate - He knew evil lay within the forest. Others like him had entered, never to be seen again. He squared his shoulders and began his journey.
- The Playground Ghost - She prayed for forgiveness as the razor blade dug into her wrist.
- Sandstorm - Thinking himself abandoned by everyone he cared for, he sits and watches the hangman's noose as outside, the sands blow and the winds howl.
- Poems
For Your Information - a comical poem by an unknown author.
My Family - A poem dedicated to my daughter and two granddaughters. This page has pictures of my family.
Mama - A poem written by Mae Farek of Texas dedicated to her mother's life.
When The Petals Fall - So often we wait until it is too late to tell others of our love and appreciation.
Search - A mystical poem about my search for answers in my life.
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep - Another mystical poem created by yours truly.
Still We Are - My poem that has been published in An Anthology of Poetry, to be on sale soon.
Walk Bravely On - A poem of encouragement, written by a friend of Mae Farek.
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Bob Cargile |
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Robert E Cargile
Last update: 2007.10.09 |