Miss De Point

You are never too old to expand your horizons (even after you've spent 20 years in the Navy!!) so after retaining some sanity I decided to go to clown school and lo and behold my alter ego!  She's the mom who goes the extra step to support "her girls" (the Orlando Miracle) and shows moms everywhere that you can get back at those lovely teenage boys (gee, who wanted an autograph??)


Yahoo! Chat


Cruzin Crabs


Basketball, basketball, basketball.  ok, you've got the idea now.  Cooking, collecting cool Christmas stuff (especially Dept 56), music, travel, being in life in short

An aspiring head chef is my oldest son...I can't wait for him to open "Chez Brandon"!
Tony?  what can I say?  He invented the phase "let me test your nerves"
My little mermaid loves to play the violin

My best friends have the coolest place to eat in Orlando...Cruzin Crabs...Most of my friends are in the transportation business (go public transportation) and I'm a marketing mamma...