This is a page dedicated to the first emissions of chilean stamps, one of the most beautiful and until recently one of the most misunderstood stamps in the world. Moreover the main complexity of this series was due to international misunderstandings in form of the content of the main stamps catalogs of the world.
If you look at the ivert catalog it indicates 8 diferent printings, look at stanley gibbons and its 39 different stamps. Look at Michel its 7 and scott numbers 14 and so on.
This was the main confusion and remains the confusion of collectors who only use the catalog in they're corresponding language. This is dangerous in bidding at important auction where you might be bidding for the wrong stamp!
Once we understand that there where only 13 printings no more and no less we can start looking at each printing and begin to tackle the complexity of each different printing or issue.
Each separate issue we will describe in the following pages but lets start on how we arrive at 13 printings. In 1964 Joaquin Galvez wrote as an introduction to his now famous book "The First Stamps of Chile". "I want to establish a new order, strictly following each printing in sequence and give them one number". However Galvez made one mistake in this order. He mistook the third printing No.3 as being two separate ones ending with 14 issues.
It was Eduardo Mena in the "Chile Filatelico" (official magazine of the Chilean Philatelic Society) No.209-210 from 1978 that finally arrived at the now official amount of only 13 issues or printings.
In 1984 I published in the "Chile Filatelico" The diagram on page 2, putting the problem of comparison more crystal clear in reference to all major catalogs, the galvez book and the finalisation of Eduardo Mena.
Eduardo Mena's work is officially recognized by the Chilean Philateilic Society as the only correct order as well as the "Final Order" of 13 issues. The Selchi catalog is available from the Chilean Philatelic Society of wich I am also a member, Ronald Burger.
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