Kaylina's Page

Hello, thank you for coming to my site.
My name is Elizabeth or as my net friends know me....Beth.
My chat name is Kaylina.
I'm 23 years old and live in Canada.
This site is about icons, as you will see they are little pictures, that I have made. I started making icons around August 3rd, 98.An old friend of mine named BOID made some icons for me, for my membership at the park (a popular chat site I go to). He told me the basics of making icons by showing me some of his, from there I decided to try and make my own....This is the very first icon I ever made:

click on it to view more that I have done.... or if you want to see some blank icons that I have made please click on this blank icon that I have made:

I hope you enjoy my site.....feel free to write to me*S*
I was browsing around the net and found a site that I can adopt A Mystical Beasties...I liked them so much that I decided to adopt some one for each of my Niece's & Nephew's also one for my little brother....I hope you come to see them...and also go to see the site that I adopted them from...click on my adopted fairy Mekayla to see the ones I adopted for my family...

This is too awsome to pass up!! go to this site......get a nickle for every email you recieve!! click on the banner to find out more!!*S* I've got it myself!!

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