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T H E oo L I V I N Goo A R T S oo O F oo I S L A M |
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Our work includes:
Working by hand in the Ottoman tradition, using only time-proven methods and techniques, we take the utmost care to use only the purest and highest quality materials. We believe that purity is needed, in design, material, craftsmanship and intention, to produce quality pieces, and we consciously aspire to achieve this purity.
Genuine materials and continuous contact between hand and workpiece instill a subtle quality, which is so clearly lacking in machine-made equivalents.
1. Our primary reason for making is to bring forth objects of beauty and integrity; thus quality must always take priority over affordability.
2. To work only by hand as much as possible, since we believe that love and sincerity can only be transferred to our work through handling.
3. Our work must speak for itself, as makers we must stand behind our work and not in front of it. We see ourselves only as vehicles through which creative energy is channeled.
4. The designs and motifs which we use must meet a standard of quality recognized by our colleagues, and they must remain loyal to the framework of tradition.
5. We believe that the condition of the arts of Islam is a reflection of the condition of Islamic civilization at large and thus we find it of utmost importance to assert the living nature and vivacity of this artistic tradition. In an age where the arts of this tradition can, with few exceptions, only be viewed through the glass of a museum display-case, we find it imperative to do all we can to show that this tradition is still alive and is more than just history.
Husamettin Yivlik was born in Istanbul in 1947 and has lived there all his life. He spent a lot of time drawing and painting when he was in school and later moved on to an apprenticeship at the Istanbul Health Museum. During this time he acquired skills in basic carpentry, woodcarving and decoupage. In 1986 he left the museum and opened his own shop where he continued the woodcarving and also began to do some inlay work. At this time in Istanbul there were very few masters still practicing these crafts and for this reason he learned largely by experimentation and by examining antique pieces. As a result, he has developed several original teqniques and tools. During these years he also studied the basics of Tezhib, the art of traditional Ottoman illumination, and Ottoman gilding methods.
1. Demonstration for the Habitat Conference 1996, sponsored by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
2. Mixed exhibition for the same event, Tarik Zafer Tunaya Cultural Center, July, 1996
3. Mixed exhibition, Asya Finans Gallery, 1997
4. Demonstration/exhibition, Art in Action, Oxford, England, 1997
5. Mixed exhibition, Taksim Municipal Art Gallery, 1998
6. Demonstration/exhibition, Art in Action, Oxford, England, 1998
7. Mevlana Commemorative Ceremony, Mixed exhibition, Konya, Turkey 1998
8. Mixed exhibition, Ebristan, House of Ebru, 1999
9.Mixed exhibition, Teshvikiye Children's Foundation,1999
10. SEFER SEFIR 'Journeying Ambassadors' collaborative Artist Residency and exhibition Tour, Norwich, England. July 18-September 5, 1999
11. Mevlana Commemorative Ceremony, mixed exhibition, Konya, Turkey 1999
12."Living Masters" mixed exibition, Istanbul Cultural Center, June,2000