Gen. Dice is the name I use
Poem's about dice are what I choose
What some of you are saying about the dice page:
"Hands down, the best page on the internet based around dice poems" - Mathew Billock, Fresno, California
"Much more arousing than porn, and that includes animal porn" - David Talmahyak, Yuma, Arizona
There have been
unexplainably cool people to enter this just-plain-good-feelings type place

Gen. Dice??!?! That's right! I've been promoted!! But I'm no sellout! I remember the past: check out the original dice page. All the original HTML is intact...classic stuff.
In the bottom menu you may choose from 6 sections of the dice page. Poolism, Veediogamistic, Abstract and Tripeeasidin are the four major styles of Dice Poetry. In Misc Dice you'll find all the Dice poems that don't fit into any of the 4 main categories. And finally, the Visual section is a collection of Dice art and Dice animations. Click on where you wish to go:
HTML and Graphics by - General Dice.
Research to find Dice Poems by - General Dice and his manservents (Asshole* and The Little Hero**)
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