Logged Stuff

Friday, March 09, 2001

Hey, I'm in my advanced graphics class at the moment and I just figured that I'd let any who care know I'm going to make a TV Show. Moving up in the world eh? I'll write more when I'm home
posted by Vincent Holz 1:33:02 PM

Tuesday, March 06, 2001

Whoa.. it's 2001 Holy smeg I haven't done this in a while. But I was visiting my site this evening and I was inspired to rant again. YES I SHALL RANT AGAIN!! MWAAAHAHAHAHA!! .. sorry. So anyway I'm only 3 short months from graduating the Hell hole of High School. And I should be happy. But I happen to owe around Thirteen hundred dollars to random things. And I work 4 hours a week for 6 dollars an hour. I'll owe money for every ;.; Oh well I suppose you can't always win. On the mushy side, I'm kinda sorta involved with a girl (HURAH!) but not really. I rarely see her and I miss her alot so it often gets me down. And when I do see her she's often too busy to spend time with me. Some tell me I should give it up and that it's not worth it. But I've had strong feelings for this girl since I first met her close to three years ago. I even believe it's love. God help me, because I know no one else will. Well I guess that's all for now. Who knows when I'll post again. I hope soon, but with life so crazy these days you never can tell. Until next time, Peace Love and SOOOUL!
posted by Vincent Holz 10:31:20 PM

Sunday, October 22, 2000

BLOODY HELL!!...... this stupid Blogger keeps doubling my posts!! WHY WHY WHY!? .. I don't know.. I'm going to bed.. G'night
posted by Vincent Holz 1:13:45 AM

Eeeee a month again eh? .... time flies for a guy who claims to have no life. Well I went to the Renn Fest today with a group of friends. My objective? .. find a girl.. any girl. Did I fail? of course. I am afterall.. the Dateless Wonder. If I ever update this site visually and such I'll make a poll as to if I'll EVER get a date.. I guarantee about a 99.9% No. So my friend Bren is trying to get me out and get me a "chick".. the poor fool doesn't know what he's in for. So we plan on making a road trip to Cali this summer in search of a life for me. Again.. poor fool. Well.. yeah.
posted by Vincent Holz 1:11:58 AM

Eeeee a month again eh? .... time flies for a guy who claims to have no life. Well I went to the Renn Fest today with a group of friends. My objective? .. find a girl.. any girl. Did I fail? of course. I am afterall.. the Dateless Wonder. If I ever update this site visually and such I'll make a poll as to if I'll EVER get a date.. I guarantee about a 99.9% No. So my friend Bren is trying to get me out and get me a "chick".. the poor fool doesn't know what he's in for. So we plan on making a road trip to Cali this summer in search of a life for me. Again.. poor fool. Well.. yeah.
posted by Vincent Holz 1:09:42 AM

Thursday, September 21, 2000

Ahem.... now I know I'll say "I'll be back" but.. when am I ever telling the truth? When.. WHEN!?! Well... I um.. sorta did the stupid thing of falling into the high school version of romance.. for a girl who's a close friend of the LAST girl I liked.. man I am such a moron.. Can we all say it? M-o-r-o-n. Yes very good. Well Campus Life is this eve.. so I must prepare.... mhmm... anywho.. be back sometime before 2001
posted by Vincent Holz 4:39:42 PM

Hmm.. stupid cookies won't remember my password! .. Curse you cookies!! CURSE YOU!! Apparently I am the AOL Cookie God.I distribute cookies to the many muns of AOHell. Such a nice guy I am! Okay so go to DaveCorun.com because it is good.. Dave kicks ass and because I'm in the Otakon pictures! Long hair white shirt and such.. so yeah. And now I have to read A Raisin in the Sun for my Modern American Lit class... joy what fun.. soon.. soon I will be out and will be free to roam the world!! ROAM ROOOAAAAAAM! Night! This was all supposed to be posted on the 7th... Yeah.. That'll happen...
posted by Vincent Holz 4:36:00 PM

Thursday, September 07, 2000

Hmm.. stupid cookies won't remember my password! .. Curse you cookies!! CURSE YOU!! Apparently I am the AOL Cookie God.I distribute cookies to the many muns of AOHell. Such a nice guy I am! Okay so go to DaveCorun.com because it is good.. Dave kicks ass and because I'm in the Otakon pictures! Long hair white shirt and such.. so yeah. And now I have to read A Raisin in the Sun for my Modern American Lit class... joy what fun.. soon.. soon I will be out and will be free to roam the world!! ROAM ROOOAAAAAAM! Night!
posted by Vincent Holz 11:36:05 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2000

Ahem... wait.. what was I saying? Eh eh... eheh.. yeah well I'm back now I promise.. if you believe that. Ahem.. well I shaved off my mustache and my sideburns.. and look a little differant.. well.. you've never seen me! Why do you care? Well Stabbing Westward is to be coming out with a new album (kick ass.. ) Zombie Monkey Productions (My new production company ^.^) is in planning stages to offically start work on G.P.A. (My movie) I'm only 170 some days from graduating and getting the HELL OUT OF SCHOOL! So long suckers! and life is good.. though I still need a girl friend.. oh yeah.. the girl from waaaay earlier.. yeah the mush Blogs.. she kinda went evil. Which is never good for me.. more so when I was REALLY into her and she kinda became a bitch to me. I mean.. she's still nice.. but she's so F'ing harsh all the time.. it really pisses me off. And she's now alienated all of her friends.. well alot of them anyway. But this is MY Blog! Not hers.. if she ever appears anymore her blog is here Welp... I could rant some.. but I need to shave and shower for the place called Hel--er.. High School. Bah.. anywho later crazy cats and kids!
posted by Vincent Holz 11:08:40 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2000

ONE MONTH LATER!!!!!!! I have returned!!! ... MWAHAHA-- okay didn't I say a week? Or something like that? Didn't I? Never trust a monkey. Well it's late and I must sleep (Well it's not really late.. but on a school sleep schedule it is.. so I must part) I shall return tomorrow.. I promise ^.^
posted by Vincent Holz 12:01:22 AM

Friday, July 28, 2000

I leave in exactly 24 hours to go to North Carolina for a week. Followed by my parents putting me on a train back to Baltimore so I can get to Otakon on time. Ohh much fun to be had! But I gotta sleep so I can pack tomorrow. I'm sure those of you loyal readers (snicker) are used to me not posting for a few days anyway. Well Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 3:11:38 AM

Wednesday, July 26, 2000

Frightening.... Weird Girl T has a new layout.. Very very creepy eyes... I'm gonna go hide in my corner now..
posted by Vincent Holz 11:55:46 PM

Ahh Watching The Matrix at 3am with your mother.. one of the more fun things in life. The Matrix is good.. though too many people rave on and on about it. A movie I personally recommend is Black Mask. In my opinion Jet Li is the BEST Martial Artist alive. Yes you may qoute me on that. Now to the real issue. Sorry I haven't been Blogging lately.. I've been having life problems.. and to my fear I think this girl is getting further and further away.. I'm so...tangled. I wanna talk to her and shout out how I feel. But everyone is telling me not to. They say it's best to just let it be and back off. And I know what will happen if I back off.. I'll lose her. I see it just as clearly as I see my keyboard. I mean technically she's already with this guy.. and he's got looks.. money (I would have money but I hate it..).. his own TV Show.. and I'm sitting here debating dropping out of school my senior year. I know I'm going nowhere.. so maybe it's best she sticks with him.. what can I give her. Nothing... only my love. And unfortunatly that isn't enough anymore. I hate life.. I hate school.. I hate work.. I want to sit.. and draw.. and write. I don't care if I make money or not.. I just want to do what I want. But more than anything I want her.. Yeah yeah.. mush blog.. I'm not done... but I'll spare your eyes..
posted by Vincent Holz 4:56:20 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2000

..many more days pass... still no sign of Vince..... where could he be? ...... that is the question...
posted by Vincent Holz 6:16:15 AM

Friday, July 21, 2000

ANOTHER DAY WITHOUT POSTS! Wow I'm getting good at neglecting my duties here.. Well first my good friend Molly has started a Blog.. forgive her.. it needs some work.. then again.. wasn't I the one who promised Art and Links links two weeks ago? I think I think I think! I'm just having troubles aligning them is all.. really.. I swear they'll be up. In the mean time.. I'm off to visit the home of Weird Girl T maybe one day I'll talk to her. I'll be back later to Mush Blog MWAHA... you know you care.. Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 6:05:32 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2000

Hey! Weird Girl T is actually on AIM (I never see her on.. ) Maybe I'll IM her and thank her for getting me into Blogging.. not like I've been doing a very good job of that. So here I'll screw around and link some stuff.. For the GREATEST Comic Magazine in the world go to Wizard anybody with a giant hammer swinging Bunny on it's payrole get's my vote. Fear the Bunny.. for he is vengance..
posted by Vincent Holz 3:21:47 PM

Tuesday, July 18, 2000

Man o' man it's been a while since I Blogged. I tried to on Monday but my computer locked up and I lost a hell of alot of text.. and I was pissed so I didn't bother with typing it again. I've been busy whenever I sign on (which is rare these last couple of days due to many 8 hour shifts) what with IMs and such so that I've compleatly forgotten by Blogs.. I know.. I'm evil. Forgive me and I'm back now. Well I need to hurry and finish here so I can get off the phone. My pop is in the hospital getting surgery on his knee and I need to have a clear line incase they call. Oh and for those who care about my mush.. things have been going VERY well with this girl.. but I don't want to get my hopes up.. because things can still turn out ugly.. Heh that's me.. the eternal optimist.. Well Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 2:48:16 PM

Saturday, July 15, 2000

... Well I'm only now getting a chance to Blog.. I went to the movie again (^.^) and it was just as good (Well.. it was a different theater so the picture was a little worse ) but it was even better because of the company I kept. (yes my very first ever.. MUSH BLOG) I'm just on a feel good high and I feel like talking about it. Anyway this girl I was there with is like.. so perfect. She's cute and funny and quirky.. and everything I ever wanted in a person all rolled up into her. And we just clicked so well.. or.. I hope we clicked.. I thought we did. But.. she's seeing some other guy (if you can call it that) and well that causes problems.. Mainly for me. And.. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Or how I'm gonna do it.. I just know I'm not gonna give up. This girl is amazing.. and to let her go.. would probably be the biggest mistake of my life.. (End MUSH BLOG) .. there.. that wasn't so hard was it? I mean come on.. it's not like you care anyway ^.^
posted by Vincent Holz 3:00:11 AM

Friday, July 14, 2000

... What can I say? Are there words to describe a rainbow? (Well.. yeah) It was a great movie! ((Which I will be going to see again in about... some.. time )) My only insult would be that other then Logan, Rogue, and Erik.. none of the characters were developed to well. But hey.. everyone makes mistakes. That's why it's a TRILOGY! ^.^ Anyway.. I won't go into detail about the film.. incase anyone who comes to this site (HAHA!) hasn't seen it and wants too.. But I will say it was a good flick. And you don't need to read the books to get the movie.. but.. it kinda makes more sense if you read the books.. because you'd understand more about the underdeveloped characters... eh.. anyway.. BAI!
posted by Vincent Holz 7:36:14 PM

Well... Monkees was a re-run (.....don't ask) and I'm about to go see.. X-Men!! GO SEE IT... if you wanna.. anywho.. I'm off for an hour or so.. like you care
posted by Vincent Holz 2:47:10 PM

Ahem.. no I'm not asleep.. I just felt it best to say.. my hair has been chopped off to a sad 29 inches.. I'm so upset I may as well just cut it all off.. but I need it long for Otakon.. so.. after that then it goes. Oooo! I just thought of something.. Weird Girl T should go see the X-Men movie.. She's always talking about sideburns and Hugh Jackman sports a mean set in the flick. Plus those claws are pretty slick.. ^.^
posted by Vincent Holz 3:16:32 AM

I made the directory!!! MWAGHAGAHAHA!!! ... sad that such a little accomplishment can make me so happy.. but now maybe there's a chance people will read my Blogs! Anyway I'm all set to go to see X-Men tom-er Today. But it's late.. I need sleep. Or I could stay up another hour and watch The Monkees. Mickey was the best Monkee.. he was actually funny. And Davey.. he had cool eyebrows.. and Mike.. the Green Hat was cool.. and Peter............. Ahem........ Time for sleep.
posted by Vincent Holz 3:05:53 AM

Thursday, July 13, 2000

I am so tired.. and I don't know what to say.. but in order to keep up in posting.. I'm just throwing this here... oh yeah.. X-Men Tomorrow!! MWAHAHAHAHA
posted by Vincent Holz 5:35:23 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2000

My pupils are soooo big.. The opticmologeoistic guy (whatever..) put drops in them and now everything is out of focus.. So I'm not gonna type much more because I KNOW I'll have typos... lotsa them.. Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 11:07:14 PM

Grrrr. I'm debating if I should give up my remaining 11 hours of work this week or not. I went from 25 hours to 11.5 at my request. And now I have the option of giving those up. And I'm lazy enough I just may do it. Well I gotta call work and talk to my boss then I have to shower and go to the eye doctor. Whoo-hooooo. I hate having things to do.. No no.. I hate having choices. Choices suck. Almost as much as Zombie Monkeys..
posted by Vincent Holz 3:44:15 PM

Otakon is coming...
posted by Vincent Holz 5:08:33 AM

Yeah I know I'm just saying stupid stuff.. but I have nothing to ramble about at 1 in the morning.. so deal with it! On another note I go to get my eyes checked tomorrow. Hopefully I can get cooler glasses then the ones I have now. The frames are too big and I feel like a spaz when I wear them.. so I don't.. and my eye sight gets worse. You see the problem right? ("See" get it!? HA...er...)
posted by Vincent Holz 1:14:34 AM

... Wait a second.. I AM wearing pants!
posted by Vincent Holz 1:03:03 AM

I HAVE NO FRIENDS!!!! ....no wait.. yeah I do... sorry.. sorry..
posted by Vincent Holz 12:51:38 AM

.. 80's music is great. A friend asked me to find a "Sweet Song" for her.. so I went to my 80's collections. One of my personal fave's is "Died in Your Arms" by Cutting Crew. Very good song. As opposed to Thomas Dolby and "She Blinded Me With Science" DAMN that was an annoying song.. It gives me a headache. Welp back to 80's music! Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 12:34:00 AM

Well.. I'm happy. They're bringing the X-Men cartoon show back. Go FOX! Of course the only reason they're doing it is to market the movie.. but hey.. nobody is perfect. accept maybe T Hmm.. it's odd that I'm continually talking about her. I've never e-mailed or IMed her.. but I sorta see her as my reason for Blogging. So I'm gonna keep talkin about her. Hopefully she won't mind. If she does.. hopefully I won't have to deal with lawyers.. I hate lawyers. I also hate Zombie Monkeys.. they suck. Why do they suck? Think about it...
posted by Vincent Holz 12:22:13 AM

Tuesday, July 11, 2000

Grrr.. my website is getting real screwed up. It links me to other peoples sites when I type in the address and when it does load.. it takes forever. So I don't know what the hells wrong. I hope it's just Geocities..
posted by Vincent Holz 11:03:29 PM

"We love to see your smile" .... what the HELL is McDonalds thinking!? That's almost as bad as "Rock.. without the hard edge" (eh.. sorry Maryland thing.)
posted by Vincent Holz 9:34:14 PM

I'm sorry but in my personal opinion.. any movie in which Carmen Electra gets her silicone ripped out in the first 5 minutes gets my "This Movie Kicks ASS!" award. I went to see Scary Movie the day it opened but I was so out of it I couldn't remember half the shyt in the movie. So I went to see it again. And it has to be the best Spoof movie in years. But my praise is saved because X-Men opens this Friday. I'm sorry.. I've been a fan of the comic since I was 10 so of course I'm gonna go see it. I know that sounds kinda stupid and pathetic.. but I've never claimed I *wasn't* pathetic so it makes it okay. Well I'm going to edit my "about me" page and work on adding my Links and Art page. And when everything looks nice and pretty then I can work on..other...stuff... yeah.
posted by Vincent Holz 9:30:55 PM

MWAHAHA!!!! THE LINK IS UP!! MWAHAHAHAHAAAAA it's that pic saying "Why Zombie Monkeys Suck" and yes thats ME I'm off to celebrate my victory over HTML Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 5:29:04 PM

I just spent two hours writing my "about me" page... ehhh I HATE WEBEDITING! Thank you.. that is all. (The link should be up soon)
posted by Vincent Holz 4:11:22 PM

Well.. Theresa is upset about something.. My question is how can she be so upset if today is the 25th Aniversary of Jaws? Ahh Jaws.. that takes me back. Speaking of which has anyone seen Deep Blue Sea? That movie is just Sphere meets Jurassic Park meets Jaws. I mean they even had the shark break through the glass in the same exact way Jaws did in 3. And comeon.. like a shark could eat Shaft. I know they cut out the scene where Sam Jacksons character cuts his way out of the shark with his class ring or something.. Oh well.. they highlighted Shaft eating quite well on "Clerks: The Animated Series" now there's another sad tale.. 6 episodes.. any they only aired 2. I HATE ABC. So what if they supplied my childhood with Boy Meets World (Which was a great show until they went to college ((Just proving once again college sucks)) or couse the same could be said for Saved by the Bell.. great show until the "College Years") ABC still sucks.. Well... the Sonic Cartoon show was good. Not the one with the dopey robots.. and not the one with the three Hedgehogs.. The one with Sonic and Sally and Bunni and Tails.. The GOOD one.. I think that was ABC.. I could be wrong.. Anyway for comments from the man Kevin Smith himself about how ABC gave him the shaft (And not the bad motha f-shutyourmouth kind either) Check out View Askewniverse It's a great site anyway.. you can get all the Jay and Silent Bob MTV appearances. ( I don't have cable so for me this is a great thing ) Well.. I've been rambling about my opinions.. but not about web sites.. but I'm getting close! And yes still working on making my page even better. Till next time race fans!
posted by Vincent Holz 2:54:58 PM

Well I WAS gonna do some Blogging.. but I got sucked into Fushigi Yuugi and didn't. Well.. woulda been sucked into it if I had more episodes.. Then I kinda ended up playing Legends of the Dragoon for a while. And well.. Yeah.
posted by Vincent Holz 12:43:11 AM

Monday, July 10, 2000

HTML Editing is alot harder than it looks.. I'm working on trying to get some links or something up. But I'm so usd to those easy page makers that using HTML is like trying to... do..something.. really hard to do.. well my comp is glitching so I've got to go fix it. Don't worry I'll get around to doing whatever it is you're supposed to do on a Blog.. someday
posted by Vincent Holz 8:58:45 PM

AHA! ... thanks to some article on the "About" page.. me thinks I've got the point to all this figured out (that says something right there. I spend 12 hours working on something to get it to work when I don't even know what it is! ) According to the article (and to Blog) basically we're supposed to Roger Ebert the web. Well since according to my 'rents I do nothing but sit online all day anyway! This should be absolutely no problem to do! ..... I hope.. Oh btw I still haven't eaten ^.^
posted by Vincent Holz 4:29:12 PM

I would have read other peoples Blogs.. BUUUT my FTP got screwed up again.. man I wish this was all easier. Well I got it working again. And I did read a few (okay okay Skimmed a few) Blogs. It seems to me that basically it's just an internet Journal. But hey the only reason I don't keep a REAL Journal is because I lost mine and I'm to lazy to buy a new one. I'm going to start working on making a "Me" page so that anyone who is on enought crack to actually come to my site can know who I am. I just hope my GeoCities editor and my Blog HTML don't cause the W.W.W. to come to a halt due to some technical error on my part. Ooo wow.. a rhyme. I've also just realized I haven't eaten in 20 hours... damn no wonder I feel sick. Ehh.. Time for food.. which I'm sorry to say is more important that you.. Ta! ^.^
posted by Vincent Holz 4:15:06 PM

Just a word of advice to everyone.. DO NOT STAY UP UNTIL 9am.. I'm so f'ing tired that I'm finding it hard to breathe. Well as I said earlier today or yesterday or whatever day it really was.. I've been working on learning HTML and FTP stuff.. so if this site looks extrememly bad (for those few souls who do venture here) I'm sorry and you have my word it'll get better. I promise! Another thing I'm gonna appologize in advance for is my spelling and grammar. Half the time I type so fast that I don't even see my mistakes. But if I do I'll be sure and fix them. And I personally think grammar sucks so I don't give a damn if that's wrong. Well being new to the whole Bloging concept I'm still not to sure what the hell I'm supposed to do here.. so I'll just stop for now and go read other peoples Blogs
posted by Vincent Holz 3:07:08 PM

Well.. I've been at it all morning.. and I think it's FINALLY WORKING... so now I'm off to get sleep..
posted by Vincent Holz 7:33:36 AM

Grumble.. Well I've been reading and learning about FTP for the past 3 and a half hours.. And I still can't get this damn thing to publish my Blogs.. so the best I can do is keep writing until it works.. someday..
posted by Vincent Holz 6:28:54 AM

[7/10/2000 12:04:35 AM | Vincent Holz] It's about 3:00am over on the east coast and I'm sitting up listening to the same realaudio file of some Moby song I downloaded off this girl's webpage over and over. Actually it's because of her that I've spent the last 2 hours getting FTP (which I don't know a damn thing about) and signing up for Blogger. And I don't know what THAT is either.. my only hope is that Feds don't come busting down my door a few hours from now. Well back to my story.. I just finished watching Deuce Bigalow and was looking to see who played the Fish (well no Petshop because the old lady was carrying a bird) who played the Petshop employee Allison. Turns out it was some girl Bree Turner.. (Dunno who that is) so I went looking for more sites on Bree Turner. I turned to trusty Lycos.com (shameless promotion) and did a search. And I found a post dating around January 25th 1999 by this girl where she claims she'd toss her heterosexuality for Bree Turner. I read all of her post and decided to read some more.. So I went to her homepage and read the events of her last week. And somehow I ended up here... I could ramble a bit more but I wanna publish this and try to learn a bit more about what the hell it is. So Ta!
posted by Vincent Holz 3:08:43 AM

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