Lydia Peña, P.E.

Summary of Qualifications
Environmental Engineer with over 6 years of experience in the areas of air, water and wastewater quality and regulatory compliance.  Team Player with exceptional planning, organization, research and technical skills.  Experience includes:
• Federal Operating Programs
• State and Federal NSR
• Acid Rain Program
• Regulatory Compliance Support
• Utility Industry Compliance
• International and Domestic Compliance Audits
• Wastewater Treatment
• Industrial Pretreatment
Professional Experience
RMT, INC. (June 1997- Feb 2002)                                                              Link to Key Projects

Regulatory Compliance: Ensured compliance with Federal and State air regulatory requirements, including Acid Rain, New Source Review, Federal Operating Program and State permit provisions.  Developed compliance calendars and schedule and provided detailed list of tasks, duration, resources and deadlines.  Met deadlines and complied with regulations by preparing and submitting required notifications to Federal and State agencies.  Regulatory support to plant’s personnel during start-up activities.  Representative clients: Baytown Energy Center, PPG Industries and City of Baytown Power Plant.

Federal Operating Permits: Obtained Federal Operating Authorizations for several facilities in Texas.  Investigated and evaluated process data.  Identified and codified applicable regulatory requirements.  Prepared list of monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, and testing requirements.  Submitted timely applications.  Negotiated permit conditions with State agency.  Prepared required public notice signs and postings.  Representative clients: Magic Valley Energy Center, Union Carbide Corporation.

Phase II Acid Rain Permitting: Obtained Acid Rain Permit for several electrical facilities in Texas.  Involvement in all stages of permitting, including preparation of Certificates of Representation to US EPA, permit application packages to TNRCC, draft permit review, and public notice publication.  Representative client: Calpine Corporation.

Permits by Rule Determinations/ Registrations:
Obtained exemption from permitting by registering and/or preparing Permit by Rule determinations.  Researched project-specific air pollution laws, terms of PBR, and accepted calculations according to source type.  Calculated maximum hourly and annual emissions from the proposed facility.  Determined whether the facility met all general and specific eligibly requirements.  Prepared documentation to support the exemption claim for the project record.  Prepared the appropriate TNRCC forms along with documentation that verifies all requirements are met and registered the PBR or sent the appropriate notification.  Representative clients: Huntsman Corporation, Dana Corporation.

Air Permit Applications: Obtained authorization for construction and/or modification of several facilities in Texas.  Prepared non-attainment netting calculations, regulatory applicability analysis and maximum hourly and annual emission calculations.  Representative clients: Exxon Chemical Company, Ashland Chemical.

Voluntary Emission Reduction Permits:
Prepared permit application for the grandfathered facilities at a Solutions Vinyl Resins unit in accordance with 30 TAC 116, Subchapter H: Voluntary Emission Reduction Permits (VERP).  Representative client: Dow Corporation.

Emissions Inventories: Prepared and submitted air emissions inventories for several facilities in Texas.  Compiled process and operational data such as monthly and annual production rates, daily and seasonal operational schedule, fuel type and usage, throughputs, material safety data sheets, chemical data: vapor pressure, daily temperature and density.  Calculated annual emissions for all sources by using continuous emissions monitoring system data, vendor test data, AP-42 factors and methodology, EPA emission factors, TNRCC approved factors, fuel feed rate and operating hours.  Prepared a final report that included account information, cross reference information, facility identification and operating information, facility parameters, material information including fuels combusted, storage materials and fugitive equipment information, emission point information, including geographical coordinates and stack data such as diameter, height, velocity and temperature.  Representative clients: Hidalgo Energy Center, Phelps Dodge.

Environmental Audits: Determined current compliance status for facilities in Texas and Mexico.  Evaluated site drawings or facility plot plants, process flow diagrams and description of processes, material safety data sheets, production rates, material balances, copies of previous environmental agency or internal inspections, environmental impact assessments, documentation from accredited laboratories, permits and licenses, emissions inventories, regulatory correspondence and operation and maintenance logs . Inspected site and reviewed findings with other members of the audit team.  As part of the audit team, presented the results of the audit as a verbal synopsis highlighting significant findings and provided clients with a spreadsheet and final report documenting all areas reviewed, compliance status and suggested best management practices and/or corrective actions if required.

Annual Electric Generator Reports: Obtained ORIS Code.  Prepared Department of Energy Annual Electric Generator Report.  Representative client: Calpine Corporation.

FAA Notifications: Evaluated Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notice of proposed construction requirements.  Representative client: Calpine Corporation.

Custom Fuel Monitoring Schedules:
Reduced monitoring requirements for sulfur and obtained exemption from nitrogen monitoring by approval of a custom fuel monitoring schedule as alternative means of compliance with NSPS GG.  Representative client: Calpine Corporation.
Brownsville Public Utilities Board (June 1995 - June 1997)

Pre-Treatment Department, Public Utilities Board: Designed computerized data management system for planning and organizing the required periodic performance of all necessary pre-treatment functions: Industrial User Self Monitoring, Inspection Reports, Compliance Monitoring, and Permitting and automated detection of delinquent reports.  Additional responsibilities included US EPA reporting requirements, inspection and sampling of industrial users, evaluation of laboratory reports, update of environmental regulations. Technical support to other departments. 

Wastewater Treatment Department. Public Utilities Board: Developed Visual Basic/Excel Program to aid in evaluating and modifying operational practices. The program calculated Food/Microorganism (F/M) Ratio, Sludge Age and Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT). Other features included "What if" analysis, determined necessary purge and the amount of solids in each of the stages of process calculations and estimated excess sludge produced. Collaborated with US EPA and TNRCC Environmental Permitting and Compliance Audits. 

Power Plant, Public Utilities Board: Assessed Boiler Water Quality, Cooling Tower Water Quality, Reverse Osmosis, and Demineralizer Water Treatment Plant Operation.
M.S., Environmental Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores
de Monterrey
,  Monterrey, NL, 1994

B.S., Chemical Engineering,
Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey, NL, 1991
Professional Certifications
Licensed as a Professional Engineer in the State of Texas
Bilingual 100% (Spanish - English)
Continuing Education
TNRCC Air Permitting Seminar, 2001
NPRA Environmental Conference, 2001
TNRCC Trade Fair, 2001
NOx and Cap Trade Seminar, 2001
TNRCC Air Emissions Inventory Seminar, 1999
Available upon request