kkhui arps

This web site is created to showcase my photographic works on nature - flora, macro and travel/landscape - as well as portraiture. In particular it depicts how I as a photographer see the many species of birds, how they behave and be able to capture their fascination and graceful expression on film. It is my intent to use these images as persuasion to bring people's awareness of what beautiful birds we have here in the door step of a busy city like Hong Kong and hence the importance of conservation and the need to preserve our natural heritage. I hope to share these irresistible charming images through this media; to bring the awareness the existence of these lovely creatures to our children and their next generations ...

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Pic of the Month - April 2009
 Magpie Robin  Copsychus saularis

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Warning:  All photos and text contained in this site are Copyright © KK Hui. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of these images is strictly prohibited. No form of reproduction, including copying or saving of digital image files, is allowed unless accompanied by a written agreement issued by the author.

Photo Sale:  Should you want to use any of the photos commercially or would be interested in obtaining high resolution print, please contact me directly by e-mail for licensing details and pricing. Remember what you see here is only a small sample of my works. Let me know if you have something specific that you're looking for.

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