My Rants

A change to Myspace.

If anyone knows how to make a motal enemy section on please let me know. I obviously don't have that many friends in my friends list, so I was thinking of adding a 'Mortal Enemy' part on to it.


I have many more mortal enemies than I do friends. Some say this is a personality issue, that I am not a 'people person'. If I were to meet someone who said that, they would be added to my list of mortal enemies for passing snap judgement on me, that is uncalled for and also alittle rude.

I think it would be a refreshing change to Myspace. People here are way too friendly. "Look at me, I am from Mexico and I have 1,789 friends." Its way to cheary, happy, pleasent, and its also a lie since most Mexicans actually come from the little known country of Puerto Rico. (fact: People from Mexico actually come from Puerto Rico).

It would also let my mortal enemies know that they are my mortal enemies. I can imagine some of them sitting at home wondering "I wonder if that guy hates me." Well now it would be easy to know, since it would be posted on my page, and I have just spammed the hell out of your comment box.

Some may ask "What is a mortal enemy anyways." Well it can be summerized in several ways. Firstly, the last name is Lufcy. Second, people with red hair, or that come from Ireland. Usually you can combine those, but several Irish try to beat the system and dye their hair so no one will hate them. Thirdly, people that don't shower everyday. Usually this ends up being fat gay people. I guess the natural oils from not showering allows their gay partner to shove his cock up his ass easier. I don't want to talk about that anymore.

I just thought of a potential problem in this, and that is when you make a friend you have to send them an invite or something. I wouldn't feel comfortable sending someone an invite to be my mortal enemy. Its bad enough my friend invites get rejected, but if a potenial mortal enemy rejects me it would be devistating.

If you could please assist me it would be much appreciated.

Women's problems

Sorry, someone has to say it. I am tired of hearing about women's prolems. Look, I am a man, and probably the manliest man ever. If you want to picture me, I am sorta like a guy in the woods with huge arms. I haven't shaved in weeks, and I get through life using my own two hands. I onced killed a pack of wolves using only a six pack of beer, which I later drank (I did this purposely because I had always wanted to kill a pack of something with a pack of something else.).

Back to the subject.

I dont' want to hear about a woman's visitor on commercials. I will be watching the Simpsons, and then all of a sudden I am reminded that my wife is a gross bitch for a week a month, and she will have to go to the store and use my hard earned money to not make a mess of her pants.

I am also tired of hearing about abortion. This is a woman problem because men don't have babies. After we get chicks pregnant our responsibility is over. I don't want to hear you whinning that you are puking everyday, or that you are going into labor, or "stop, I don't want an abortion.". The whole issue ends up being pro-life or pro-choice, which are great names for 2 of the worst populations on the planet.

And then there are more women's problems I don't want to hear about. Women complain that the funding for women's sports is lower than men's sports. They also complain that in the workplace women usually get paid less money. There are probably like a million women problems, but I started tuning them out in my late teens and these are the only ones I remember.

Great news! I solved all your problems.

1. Mandatory birth control. Now girls need a doctors visit to get taken off of the shot, or patch, or whatever they use for birth control. This will solve unplanned pregnancies so no more abortions. This will also reduce the whole 'time of the month' crap, cutting into sales of feminine products so they don't have enough money to advertise.

2. Elminate women's sports. They are boring. I mean seriously. The only people that watch them are guys trying to catch a nipple slip, or lesbians trying to catch a nipple slip. No one takes it seriously, and infact it would be more entertaining to see them have like a trampoline jumping contest.

3. If a man gets paid for the same work as a women in that field, women should quit that job. Did you know that women get paid like 10 times more in the porn industry than guys. If women really cared about making alot of money, they would enter this career.

That's it. Problems solved. If you are a women and you come to me with these problems and you haven't done these 3 steps then please don't bother talking to me. Wait, unless you are super hot, in that case I will at least pretend to listen.

God bless you

I hate god. I hate your god, your mom's god, jew's god, christians's god, muslims god, or some other horrible religon's god.

My believe of course is that of a rational person, there is no god. I also think all religons are inherintly evil who's base design is to amass people under similar basic ideas to achieve some underlying purpose.

I don't want to preach, so back to my purpose of my rant.
I don't want to hear 'god bless you'. I don't want to hear 'one nation under god'. I don't want to see, 'in god we trust'. I don't want to hear such rediculousness as intelligent design, or adam and eve, or any of that 7 day theory.
This crap is offensive to me on many levels. I don't like being lied to is one. I don't like being stereotyped and being judged is another. And finally, I don't care enough about you to care if you want god to bless me, or to forfill some selfish feelings of self worth that YOU did something good today. Screw you and your god. I am so against religous people I am going to start saying 'satin bless you' and see how you feel. I bet if I started doing that I would piss off alot of people and get into a few fights, but that feeling people would get is exactly how I feel when people say 'god bless you'. So for everytime someone has offended me, I offer some phrases everyone can enjoy.

-If god was real, I would rape him.
-When I die, I won't go to hell because iit doesn't exist, but if it did, I hope your whole family goes to hell.
Especially your mother.
-I pee on bibles in hotels so when christtians pick them up they just touched my pee.
-I burned a bible because its the best waay to toast marhmellows and make 7 year olds cry(don't ask me what I was doing with 7 year old girls please. Thanks)
-Your priest has pictured you naked and mmind fucked you.
-I drew mohammed and jesus having sex witth each other
-I know the 10 commandments, can you namee 5? probably not you ignorant fuck
-Jesus supports cutting of your dick to pprevent you from sinning, I suggest the same thing. If you believe in god and have cheated the punishment should be to have your dick cut off.
-It is my goal one day to kidnap several priests, tie them up, and make them have sex with girls. It would be considered rape because priests hate girls, and I have always wanted to be responsible for raping a priest.

The thing that surprises me is that most people don't look at themselves in a historical sense. We think of the greeks as complete retards when it comes to religon, having a god for everything. Society will look back at us with humor.

Being Punctual

Guess what, I hate being on time. I don't like doing anything on time. It's not that I can't do it, its that I prefer not to. To be on time you must first have a schedule, and rarely do I give myself a schedule to do anything, and if I do, I don't tell people about it because it's none of their damn business. So to have a scheduled time of arrival someone had to make that up for me, and then expect me to be there at that specified time. So therefore, by showing up at that time, or earlier, I am basically saying "you are the boss of me", and I hate saying that.

I make up my own rules at my own times. If I want to do something for me, I do it when I want to. If I want to do something for someone else, I do it when I want to. If people want me to do something for them, most of the time for goods or services, I do it when I want to. That brings me to my point. I hate being punctual. I don't like people telling me what to do, and by being late it lets them know that they are more on my time than I am on their time.

Most of the time employers don't pay me enough to be on their time, they pay me just enough to show up everyday without screwing up too much. As the pay increases so does the level of caring. Here is a small chartish thing.

5.25-7.00hr=fuck you I quit
7.00-9.00hr=I will work for 2 months, be late everyday and call off to look for other jobs
9-11hr=I will work for about a year, show up late 2 out of 5 days a week, then probably get fired. 11-15hr=I will show up late 3 times a month, just to still show them I am in charge, but still won't care. 15-25hr=I am slowly turning into the company's bitch, and for the most part I like it.
25hr+=I love you.

This should only prove that even by paying me more money, and making me surrender my time to you, I am still sort of incharge because I am getting what I want and you are getting what I want. At best its an even trade, and I can live with that. Being on time to anything is sort of femine. Only chicks, pricks, and dicks really care about it, and all those catagories don't really matter to anyone and are only good for fucking. Except pricks, and only dicks if you are a chick, or some kind of fag.

in the end the only thing that matters is that you know I am in control and that you are all there for my entertainment.