Hello and Welcome to where I've taken a little bit of cyberspace and made it my own. Come, take a journey... Visit the various sites to which I have links, you might find them as interesting as I have. Go through my own personally created pages... you'll discover the real woman behind the nickname "Toy," for each page is a reflection of my personality.
There now, sit back, get comfy, and enjoy yourself as you wander around my little place on the web.

Please stop and take a few minutes to sign my guestbook.
Tell me what you think, what did you get (if anything) from your visit to my site, make suggestions, ask questions, offer me advice if you think I need it... anything! I want to know what you liked or disliked about my site, and if you feel that there's anything I can do to improve it. I'd also like to know who you are. Tell me a little bit about yourself... I'm really interested in knowing who's out there.
Thanks a million!!!!!

Got your own website and want a guestbook? Already have a guestbook but want a new one?
I got my guestbook from "Dreambook," a free, easy-to-use, and versatile guestbook server.
Click on the button below to go to their homepage. I love their service... maybe you will too!

This site was first created on America Online in March
of 1997. While there, it had over 7,000 visitors.
Since I moved to Geocities in February of 1999,
I've had
Thank you for visiting Toy's Place. I do hope you enjoyed yourself
and got what you needed from it, whether it was a little education
or entertainment or just a simple smile.
And, please come back again... I update this site at least
once a month... you might find something new.

The background and graphics were obtained from various sources on the web, such as:
subNATION, Marvel Creations, Graphics Station, Pat's Web Graphics, etc..
Go to Credits for links.