Ours is a Eucharistic Community whose focus is the holy
meal to which all are invited, and where we nourish each
other even as God nourishes us. Here we seek and find
healing and liberation as individuals and community, and
are strengthened to carry God's love into the world.
We are a diverse community with a long and colorful
history, and we would love to welcome you to our family!
Please join us for services at any of these times:
Worship services
Sunday - 10:00am Eucharist
Sunday School - 10:00am
Monday - 6:00pm Evening Prayer, 6:30pm Centering Prayer
Wednesday - 6:00pm Evening Prayer, 6:30pm Eucharist
Friday - 12:00pm Noonday Prayer
The Reverend K. Dennis Winslow, Jr. -- Rector
Write to us at stpchelsea@earthlink.net.