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Facilities Management and Operations

Maintenance Area 4

General Manager:    
Rene Truan
6700 Winfree
Houston, Texas  77087
713-845-5685  (voice)
713-845-5006  (fax)

Facilities/Sites Served:

Alcott El. Blackshear El. Brookline El. Cornelius El.
Dodson El. Douglass El. Foster El. Garden Villas El.
Golfcrest El. Gregg El. Hartsfield El. Kelso El.
Lockhart El. MacArthur El. Peck El. Thompson El.
Turner El. Whidby El. Cullen Mid. Hartman Mid.
Ryan Mid. Jones Sr. Yates Sr. Briscoe El.
Burnet El. Cage El. Carrillo El. Clinton Park El.
DeZavala El. Franklin El. Gallegos El. Henderson, J.P. El.
Lantrip El. Oates El. Pleasantville El. Port Houston El.
Harris, R. P. El. Rusk El. Tijerina El. Whittier El.
Edison Mid. Holland Mid. Jackson Mid. Austin Sr.
Furr Sr.      

South Central District Schools
Zone A

Zone Supervisor/First Shift - Fredrick Black

xxxxx     xxxxx
Zone Supervisor/Second Shift-MRT - Murl Lindsey
Alcott ES #102  Blackshear ES #110
Brookline ES #119  Dodson ES #13
Cornelius ES #133  Douglass ES #141
Cullen MS #044 Foster ES #154
Garden Villas ES #158 Lockhart ES #195
Golfcrest ES #159 MacArthur ES #272
Gregg ES #162  Media Services #826
Hartman MS #051 Peck ES #217
Hartsfield ES #168
Jones HS #257 Thompson ES #243
Kelso ES #187  TSU/HISD Lab ES #277
S. Central Office /Turner Alt.#833 Turner ES #250
Whidby ES #257 Yates HS #020
Tech. Support/Turner #511  

East District Schools
Zone B

Zone Supervisor/First Shift - David J.Broussard

xxxx xxxx
Zone Supervisor/Second Shift MRT - Richard Martinez
Austin HS #001 Clinton Park ES #129
Briscoe ES #117 DeZavala ES #138
Burnet ES #124 Edison MS #046
Cage ES #287 Franklin ES #155
Carrillo ES #292 Furr HS #004
Eastwood HS #471 Holland MS #050
Gallegos ES #291  MCTC-TSU Technology #277
JP Henderson ES #171 Oates ES #212
Jackson MS #054 Pleasantville ES #220
Lantrip ES #192 Port Houston ES #222
Rusk ES #234 RP Harris ES #167
Tijerina ES #279 Whittier ES #258

Administration     Business Services     Maintenance     Training/Development     Environmental     Property Management     Maintenance Operations
Houston Independent School District - Facilities Management and Operations
228 McCarty Dr., Houston, Texas  77029
713-676-9405 (Phone)  713-676-9363 (Fax)

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