Linda's Photo's
Updated May 10th, 2002

*This website is best viewed with Netscape
and a resolution of 1280x1024*

Always one who has enjoyed Photography, I was quickly growing disappointed
with my results when my film was developed.
What I was seeing in my minds eye,
my automatic camera was not picking up on.
Becoming frustrated, I decided to wait until my children were grown
and I could then devote my time and passion to this art.

That time presented itself in October of 1998.
I decided then that I wanted to purchase and learn to use a manual camera.
I purchased a Nikon FM10 SLR as well as a zoom lens
and set out to learn the mysteries of taking photos that were indeed
what I did see and what I hoped I could present well to others.

Since that time I have taken thousands of photos,
some very good, some good and many more that hit the trash can,
(file 13!!)

Each time a roll of film was taken I would rush to the photo center,
waiting with baited breath to see the results of my efforts.
I would go through them, selecting what I thought were the best,
eliminating others, and then start again.
There were many times that a roll of film produced nothing
and I would begin again.
But when on one roll of film I found ONE picture that I was happy with
excitement would run high
and of course the desire to create more was even greater.
My husband began to tease me that I was obsessed!!

I have placed a mirage of many photographs within this website.
There are a few that are exactly what I had hoped to accomplish.
These photos now have a place of honour on our walls
within our home as well as here.
That is not to say that all the photos here are of that caliber,
however what I have placed here are those that I feel something for and
am proud to say that I took.

Please do enjoy this site at your leisure!

I do have a guest book if you would care to make any comments
or simply say hello, Please feel free to do so.

All photo's are copy rights of the photographer

Please do not take without permission.