My Homepage

Thanks for spending the time and energy to tumble through cyber-space to land on this page, which exists on the fringes of the virtual world.If you chanced upon this page by mistake, then, tough luck.Homepages are places (lonely and seldom visited), where one gets to put oneself on display, neatly framed and all. So, I shall follow the proper etiquette and spend a few sentences( make that a few paragraphs) telling you, dear reader, about myself.

I have spent almost all my life in the wonderful city of Madras, described by many (not with much fondness) as having three seasons hot, hotter and hottest.After finishing my schooling, I went on to do my engineering at one of the better institutes in the country, Engineering College (this statement is purely based on hearsay and I am sure it wont be worth defending it any court of law).Those languid, salubrious years spent in Pilani taught me one thing, Hedonism Rulz.

As is with any "responsible individual" with a degree, it was that time in ones life when one follows the call of duty and finds oneself a job.I got myself one with a Computer Firm in, as luck would have it Madras, which by this time had re-christened itself as Chennai.A year in Madras, and wanderlust set in, it was time to move to being an M.B.A.(Mediocre But Arrogant) student at a Managment Institute. 2 years on, I landed up with a job with another Computer Firm. where else but once again in Madras (Chennai). 1-1/2 years in Madras and I decided I needed a change in weather, and made my way to yet another (this is getting kind of reptitive) Computer Firm. where I have been for the past two years give or take a few months (Pssst . . .currently on a project in Dubai). That in brief is about I, Me and Myself.

Listed below are a few links I think are pretty interesting...

One of my favourite authors,Albert Camus , who has altered forever the way man views himself and the world around him.

My favourite game Tennis (and yes, I know how to play the game)

For those of you interested in fantasy, myth and science fiction you shouldn't leave without visiting Asimov,the beginning and the end as far as science-fiction is concerned and Tolkien , who is the master of myth and fantasy.
Those of you interested in a snapshots of me and me again (for whatever reasons!!!)

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This site was last updated on 03/01/2005.