patanjal yoga book

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Patanjal Yog, first chapter, Samadipad

Patanjal Yog, second chapter, Sadhanapad

Patanjal Yog, third chapter, Vibhutipad

Patanjal Yog, fourth chapter, Kaivalyapad

Patanjal Yog, running list of Sutra in bold fonts

Patanjal Yog, running list of Sutra in one page

Patanjal Yog book, a few sample pages

Patanjal Yog in English

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Spiritulism (Adhyatam), Free Downloads -

Natural manifestation of Om

Sample Spiritual Schedule

Om meditation poster

Meaning of Om

Music for Meditation

Adhyatam/Spiritulism overview at a glance

Image of Swami Omanand Tirth Ji, author of book "Patanjal Yog Pradeep", published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur

Devnagri/Sanskrit/Hindi Fonts, along with Manual created by Mr. Shashikant

Kundalani/Chakras diagram

Samkhya hierarchy at a glance

Body, Mind and Soul diagram

Essence of Gita

Mind, Likes and dislikes

Vedic Sandhya in Sanskrit

Raj Yoga by Vivekananda Ji

Three paths of liberation

Adity Hridiym Strotra in Sanskrit

Veda for Beginners

Dictionary (Sanskrit to Hindi) for PatanjalYogPradeep Book

Jati Aayu and Bhoga chart

Dhram Lakshan and Avastha Parinam chart

Ishwar Pursha and Prakriti chart

Chetan Tattava

Surya Namaskar

Essential Yoga Asana

Weight Training Schedule

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Articles -

ARTICLE - Direct perception of Self (Adhyatam) from Veda’s perspective

ARTICLE - Interplay of Consciousness and matter

ARTICLE - Three Bodies

ARTICLE - Four states of consciousness

ARTICLE - Law of Karma

ARTICLE - Five Sheaths



ARTICLE - Mirror for Self (Books)

ARTICLE - What is God as per Veda

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Vedic Jyotish (Astrology) -

Lesson 1, an introduction

Lesson 2, methodology

Lesson 3, astronomy

Lesson 4, bhava

Lesson 5, graha

Lesson 6, rashi

Lesson 7, nakshtra

Lal Kitab (Red Book)

Astrology, Celestial Sphere with Three Layers i.e. Bhavas, Rashis and Grahas

Vedic Jyotish/Astrology reference sheet

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All human beings are bestowed with latent psychic capabilities, which can be revealed by various methodologies mentioned by Maharshi Patanjali. By practicing these scientific techniques, human beings can attain their natural state of bliss and thus realize the ultimate Truth. On material front, one can gain positive attitude, enjoy better health, and lead a harmonious & happy life.

Why this Book?
Many authoritative commentaries on Maharshi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra are available in the market. But it has been observed that the
available literature is either too complex or too bulky to generate the interest. Further, most of the literature also appears to have been explained with a conditioned mind set. Hence the inspiration to compose the present book.

Reader’s Segment
This book has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of both the
beginners and the advanced seekers. Its compactness will be of special interest to busy people for whom time is a major constraint.

Uniqueness of the Book

  • In this unique effort, the translation (from Sanskrit to Hindi) of the Yoga Sutra has been done with an unbiased and pure mind. The translation is very simple and uses minimum words, without losing the essence. The result is a very compact yet a complete book.

    Sample Page with Sutra of book Patanjal Yog?

  • Each word of the Sutras has been translated in such a way that the translation read from top to bottom makes a complete sentence. After each Sutra, a link (Sangati) has been provided, which not only links it with the previous Sutra, but also sheds light on the subject matter of the succeeding Sutra.

    An instruction for readers i.e. how to read Sutra?

  • Maharshi Kapil’s Tattavsamas is the core of the Patanjal Yoga and normally not found in most of the commentaries. But this book covers this very important part of Sankhya Darshan.

  • At the end of the book, running list of Sutras has been printed in bigger fonts for the ease of recitation. In addition, a cross-section of relevant information from various perspectives has been compiled in the shape of tables. Diagram displaying the Sankhya hierarchy, at a glance, has also been given in the annexure. Also various foot notes have been provided, giving additional information on the relevant subject matter.

    Running list of Sutra in thicj and bold fonts

    Table with cross section of information about Om

    Diagram of Samkhya Hierarchy at a glance

  • The book is likely to be used repeatedly by the seekers. Hence to increase its life, excellent quality of material (printed on 100 GSM White Italian maplitho paper) has been used. Lots of white marginal space on each page is available for comfortable reading and making personal notes.

About Author
The composer of this book is an IT professional and has more than 22 years of experience in handling software projects in India and abroad. His last assignment was an “Engagement Manager” with American Express, Houston, Texas, USA. He has had
keen interest in Adhyatam and was fortunate to have been blessed by Guru and many other learned people. Under their expert guidance, he had deep insight and experiences in Adhyatam. All this has flowered in the shape of this book.

Noble Cause
The basic motive behind this effort is to
spread the teachings of Maharshi Patanjali amongst the true seekers. But at the same time, it was the fervent desire of author to help needy and poor students in their education. Therefore, all the profit earned from the sale of this book will be utilized for this noble cause.

Website Support
A platform for serious interaction with the readers has been provided on /shanky_andy, where in other articles on Adhytam, Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality etc. are also available.

Future Plans
The author proposes to bring out the English and Punjabi versions of this book, along with
MP3 CD for recitation.

How to procure the Book?
"Patanjal Yog (Ashtang Yog)", ISBN # 81-7525-725-3, can be procured from following outlets -
Avail 25% discount on bulk purcahse i.e. 10 or more books.
Buy and gift this book, and in turn help needy and poor students in completing their education.

ARTICLE - Direct perception of Self (Adhyatam) from Veda’s perspective

All living beings, consciously or unconsciously, are trying to get rid of pain or suffering. Throughout the life, we keep running after pleasure, but are unable to attain the true bliss. If we examine deeply, we will realize that all pleasures are pain underneath - which means that pain is attached to all phases of the pleasure i.e. attainment, safeguard, consumption, destruction and violence. That's why Indian philosophers have meditated on the following four basic questions –

  1. What should be eradicated?
  2. What is the source of pain?
  3. What is that state, where there is no pain?
  4. How to achieve the state, where there is no pain?
If we try to analyze these questions, the following four facts will be revealed –

  1. Who is feeling pain? What is its true-nature (Dharma)? If suffering is true-nature, then we should not like to avoid it. This means that there is an element (Tattava), whose true-nature is not pain, and that is known as consciousness (Pursha).
  2. Second element, which is opposite to consciousness known as matter (Prakriti), whose true-nature is pain. Matter is ever changing and inert.
  3. We don’t like the pain, but we experience it. This means there is an amalgamation (union, emulsion, fusion or interplay) of consciousness and matter. In the process of amalgamation, Consciousness gets identified with matter, which is the source of the pain.
  4. This establishes the presence of third element, which is responsible for above amalgamation between consciousness and matter. This is known as Pure Consciousness (known as Shudh Chetan Tattava, Pramatama, Pra-Bhram), which is omnipresent. Only omnipresent element can be omniscient, controller and owner of the amalgamation.
Now we have answers to all the four questions –

Q. What should be eradicated?
A. Pain, which is due in the future.

Q. What is the source of pain?
A. Consciousness and matter’s union, which is based upon wrong-knowledge (Avidya), where consciousness gets identified with matter.

Q. What is that state, where there is no pain?
A. Having no wrong-knowledge.

Q. How to achieve the above state?
A. Through right-knowledge (Vivek-Khyati) i.e. consciousness is separate from matter.

ARTICLE - Interplay of Consciousness and matter

In order to understand the overall concept, we will take an analogy. In the dark, when light falls on moving fog, it creates various shapes and illusions. For illusions to exist, both fog and light are necessary. Illusions are nothing but interplay (emulsion or fusion) of reflection-of-source-of-light and moving fog.

In the above analogy, source of light is the Pure Consciousness, where as fog represents ever changing and inert matter, which is made of ever changing qualities (Gunas) i.e. light (Satava), action (Rajas) and inertia (Tammas). The overall reflection-of-source-of-light on the matter is known as Atama, which is one because there is one to one relation between the source of light and reflection-of-source-of-light. Both Pure Consciousness and matter are eternal i.e. without beginning and no end. Since Pure Consciousness and matter are eternal, Pure Consciousness’s reflection is also eternal. Also, matter is dependent upon Pure Consciousness.

Pure Satava portion of this emulsion is known as Ishwar (Puresh Vishesh, Sagun Bhram, Shabal Bhram, Apar-Bhram), which is Collective Mind (Chitta) – the controller and owner. Like a magnet, Ishwar’s proximity makes cyclic changes in the matter i.e. manifestation at gross, subtle and causal level. Following 24 cascading changes takes place in matter –
  1. From root matter (Moola Prakriti where Sattav, Rajas and Tamas are in equilibrium) to Collective I-am-ness (Mahatattava)
  2. From Collective I-am-ness to Ego or “I” (Amhankara)
  3. From Ego to five subtle senses (Tanmatras)
  4. From five subtle senses to five gross elements (Butha) i.e. ether, air, fire, water and earth
  5. From Ego to five organ of actions (Karamindriya) i.e. speech, hand, feet, genital and anus
  6. From Ego to five senses of knowledge (Jyanindriya) i.e. hear, touch, see, taste and smell
  7. From Ego to mind (Anthakarna)
At the same time, this emulsion crystallizes into uncountable number of individual Chittas. Because of wrong-knowledge (Avidya i.e. Consciousness gets identified with matter) and I-am-ness (Asmita), these individual Chittas binds a small portion of Atama to a portion of matter, which is known as Pursha. It’s somewhat similar of digging up a well and then labeling it as yours. Underneath each well water (Atama) is common, but you have labeled it as yours because of I-am-ness. Because of this wrong-knowledge, Pursha identifies itself with ever changing matter and creates sufferings for itself.

With the help of Sadhana (right understanding and right actions), Pursha realizes that "Atama is different from matter" (Vivek-Khayati) and gets established in its true-self (Samadhi). When Atama is realized by Pursha, then Pure Consciousness can be understood by inference, because Atama is the reflection of the Pure Consciousness. Then Pursha no longer identifies itself with matter and thus appears to gain freedom, which was never lost. Then individual Chitta gets absorbed (Kaivlya) in to Collective Chitta i.e. Ishwar. This completes the interplay (Leela) between Pursha and Prakriti (matter)!

ARTICLE - Three Bodies

Three bodies are -

  1. Gross body (Sathula Shrir) is what we can see and feel – the material outer shell.
  2. Subtle body (Sukshma Shrir) drives gross body, which can be understood by our intellect. It consists of five organs of knowledge, five organs of action, five Prana, Mind, Intellect, Individual ego and Chitta, which is basic faculty through which mind operates i.e. combination of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, memory and more.
  3. Casual body (Karan Shrir) is based on wrong-knowledge (Avidya) and is the cause of the gross and subtle body.
The outer peel of a Mango corresponds to gross body. The pulp represents subtle body and seed corresponds to casual body.

ARTICLE - Four states of consciousness

Four states of consciousness are -

  1. Wake (Jagrat) state, where full ego gets identified with gross material body and karma comes into play, because "I" becomes doer and enjoyer.
  2. Dream sleep (Svapana) state, partial ego gets identified with casual body and subtle body. Only enjoyer remains and no doer.
  3. Deep sleep i.e. no dreams (Shushpti) state, dormant ego gets identified with casual body and there is neither a doer nor enjoyer. At this stage we get maximum peace without senses and mind, with no concept of time, space and unit. Though deep sleep experience is without mind and senses, but bliss of deep sleep is incomparable to sensual pleasure. In deep sleep, ego is dormant, but still there is an experiencer other than ego. After deep sleep is over, one wakes up, gets associated with ego and again starts manifesting universe of duality.
  4. 4th satge (Turiya) stage means total absorption. This state is whole and encompasses all the above three states. It is transcendental, non-dual and supreme bliss. First three states are experienced by all of us in our normal day-to-day life. 4th stage is to be discovered in meditation.
Each state exists, but negates other's experience and objects. For example dream-thirst cannot be quenched with real water. In Dream state, we project the dream objects, which are as real as any worldly objects.

ARTICLE - Law of Karma

Events of our life are based upon relationship of cause and effect. Our past karmas (thought, speech and deeds) give us current results and thus influence our future karma too. Our karmas act as a propeller and decide the next course of action for us. Because of karma, we become conditioned and go through the purification process created by matter (Prakriti).

There are various categories of karma-s, which can be explained via Bowman's analogy –

  1. Accumulated actions (Sanchit karma) are the bundle of arrows in the quiver.
  2. Fructifying actions (Prarabdh karma) are the arrow shot, which cannot be recalled.
  3. Current actions (Kriyaman karma) are the arrow, which is about to shoot from the bow.
We have control over accumulated and current karma, provided we use fructifying karma correctly. We do have free-will, but limited by our past karma. River of “free-will” can change its course in the pre-defined field of karma.

From quality perspective, karma can also be divided in the following four types -

  1. Negative.
  2. Positive and negative.
  3. Positive.
  4. Neutral i.e. neither positive nor negative.
For most of us, karma-s can be neither being absolute positive nor negative. If you do some action, it will do some good and some evil at the same time. So, we must try to do such actions that can bring the maximum good and minimum evil. Common man does 1st and 2nd type of karma, where proportions of negative karma are considerably high. Only yogi can achieve 4th type of karma.

Accumulated karma in the latent form is called Samskara, which is the subtle base of our manifested desires (Vasanas). Samskara further gets strengthened by wrong-knowledge (Avidya), and because of ignorance one starts considering –

  1. The short-lived as eternal.
  2. The impure as pure.
  3. The painful as pleasurable.
  4. The non-Soul (body, mind etc.) as Soul.
Result is worldly afflictions (Klesha). Pain and pleasure are two faces of the same coin, which is called pain.

ARTICLE - Five Sheaths

Our internal organs are covered with various layers made of skeleton, bio-magnetism, muscles and skin etc. Similarly, Separated Consciousness is covered with five sheaths (Kosha).
  1. Food sheath (Annmaya Kosha), is made up of the essence of food, and finally it returns to food i.e. earth or matter. It belongs to gross material body.
  2. Subtle life force sheath (Pranmaya Kosha) is made of Prana and the five organs of action. This sheath controls hunger, thirst, heat and cold. The gross subtle life force does the functions of breathing, digestion, excretion, circulation etc., and subtle life force generates thoughts.
  3. The mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) consists of the emotional mind, the Chitta and the sense organs of knowledge. This sheath controls thinking and doubting, anger, lust, exhilaration, depression and delusion.
  4. The intellectual sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) consists of the intellectual and the ego working with the help of the five sense organs of knowledge. Discrimination and decision or determination, agency of doer-ship and enjoyer-ship are the functions of this sheath.
  5. The bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) gives bliss during deep sleep state and at the time of experiencing the effect of a sattva deeds.
Atama is after bliss sheath and beyond this is the Cosmic Consciousness – the Source.


Whole is pure existence, consciousness and bliss. Whole is complete, one, beyond, infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, owner and controller.

Process of unfolding or emulsion (consciousness and matter) starts when dormant-ego becomes active, which with the help of wrong-knowledge metaphorically demarcates a fraction from the Whole. This gives rise to “I” and “Mine”, which tries to expand in a wrong direction i.e. externally, to complete itself.

From Whole, the apparent-fragmentation, inherits the ability to-know, to-desire and to-act. “Knowledge” in apparent-fragmentation creates incompleteness and “desire” to attain, which finally leads to “act” to complete the incompleteness. Since this incompleteness can never be completed externally, the know/desire/act vicious circle never comes to an end.

At the same time, the experience after an “act” gets categorized as good or bad. A good and bad experience defines likes and dislikes pattern, which gives happiness or sadness respectively. Then apparent-fragmentation tries to ensure that likes should be repeated and dislikes should be avoided at all cost. Any obstruction on the way is dealt with anger and violence. Anger and violence further leads to misery.

Happiness is less sadness and sadness is less happiness. Happiness emerges, stays and merges back on the substratum of sadness and vice versa. Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Happiness and sadness are distorted and impure version of bliss and non-bliss respectively. In fact to attain pleasure or happiness, one has to go through the series of pain such as efforts involved in attainment of an object, safeguard the attained object, pain after the object life cycle is over and violence involved in the above process. Therefore apparent happiness is sadness.

Apparent-fragmentation infected by ego, directly or indirectly, tries to attain eternal existence, consciousness and bliss externally, which is not possible, because they all belong to Whole. When this is understood fully, then the process of folding back starts - ego becomes dormant and it merges back in the Whole, which is pure existence, consciousness and bliss.


When we (subject) perceive an object (or an idea), we first evolve that object with in ourselves. Then as per our conditioning, we categories the object as good or bad (duality), which gives us pain or apparent pleasure.

Let’s explode the transaction between an object and subject. Objects are made of five gross elements viz Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These objects are perceived by five senses i.e. Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell respectively. For example when we look at a menu in a restaurant, our senses passes on the perceived menu items to the mind, which has three steps -
  1. Lower mind (Mann) : Lower mind is directly connected with five senses and controls choices, emotions and feelings etc. Flipping through various menu items is an activity carried out by lower mind.
  2. Intelligence (Buddhi) : Lower mind passes on the menu choices to intelligence, which sits between lower mind and Chitta. Intelligence controls discrimination, decision, thought and rationality etc. The final selection of a menu item is made by intelligence.
  3. Chitta : Chitta is the basic faculty through which mind operates i.e. combination of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, memory and more. Chitta controls higher wisdom (Viveka).
And final action is carried out by ego by ordering an item from the menu. In the whole process the ego keeps on flipping from senses to lower mind to intelligence to Chitta and back.

Body and Separated Consciousness are two extreme, but complimentary (not opposite) ends, and mind lies in between. Depending upon our will and past Samskara, ego can be placed at either end. A materialistic and spiritual person will keep his ego at body and Chitta respectively. While doing creative work, Scientists and artists, keeps their ego is at Chitta, which is different from spiritualism because still the energy is being used on external material world. Energy has a tendency to drain out through five senses. If we try to block out one channel, water flows to rest of the available channels. That’s why blind people possess extra-ordinary smelling and hearing powers. Ever since only a small percentage of mind is used on the external material world and therefore mind has become atrophied.

Mind is thought, and thought is time. No thought means no-mind and thus timelessness, which leads to an experience beyond five senses. For example deep sleep experience is without mind and senses.

From material angle, spiritualism is irrational teaching to a rational mind. Our knowledge (base of the logic) is based upon five imperfect senses and relativity. Thus spiritualism is beyond five senses and logic. From spiritual perspective, spiritualism is rational teaching to an irrational mind.

ARTICLE - Mirror for Self (Books)

  1. PatanjalYogPradeep, book code # 47, in Hindi/Sanskrit, By Swami Omanand Tirath, published by Gita Press Gorakhpur, India.
    Alternatively you can opt for Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali with Bhasvati, in English, by Hariharananda Aranya, Published by Calcutta University Press, India.
  2. Patanjal Yog (Ashtang Yog) ISBN # 81-7525-725-3, MLBD book code # 8245, in Hindi/Sanskrit, distributed by Motilal Banarasidas (, New Delhi, India
  3. Gita, book code # 17, in Hindi/Sanskrit, by Shri J. Goenka, published by Gita Press Gorakhpur, India
  4. Talks on Gita, in Hindi and English, by Shri Vinoba, published by Gandhi Book Centre, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, Mumbai, India
  5. Samkhya Darshan, in Hindi/Sanskrit, by Udayvir Shastri, published by Govindram Hasanand, Delhi, India
  6. Bhram Sutra, by Swami Sivananda
  7. Astavakra Gita, in Hindi/Sanskrit, by Nandlal Dashora, published by Randhir Pocket Books, India
  8. Upnishad Ank, in Hindi/Sanskrit, published by Gita Press Gorakhpur, India.
  9. Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini, in English, by Shyam Sundar Goswami
  10. Book of Mirdad, in Hindi/English, by Mikhail Naimy
  11. Sahaj Sadhana, in Hindi (Gita Press code # 433) and English (Gita Press code # 638), by Swami Ramsukhdas, published by Gita Press Gorakhpur, India.
  12. Book of Nothing (Hisn Hisn Ming), in English, by Osho

ARTICLE - What is God as per Veda

Om Form Nature To be worshiped Worshipper Level of worshipper's Consciousness Attribute Body/Kosha
A-kara Gross Bhrama the creator Virat is the owner and controller of Collective Consciousness + gross inert nature Vishav is individual Consciousness + gross inert body Wake, where worshipper is enjoyer and doer Tamas = non-action
  • Annmay
U-kara Subtle Vishnu the sustainer Hirnyagarbha is the owner and controller of Collective Consciousness + subtle inert nature Tejas is individual Consciousness + subtle inert body Dream, where worshipper is enjoyer and non-doer Rajas = action
  • Pranmay
  • Manomay
  • Vigyanmay
M-kara Cause Shiv the re-cycler Ishvara is the owner and controller of Collective Consciousness + causal inert nature Pragya is individual Consciousness + causal inert body Deep-Sleep, where worshipper is neither enjoyer nor doer, but suspended ego Sattav = Light
  • Anandmay
Stop Source Parmatama or Bhram Parmatama or Bhram is the owner and controller of all above Atma 4th stage where worshipper is neither enjoyer nor doer and dorment ego Without attributes
  • Atma

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