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We are the FOUSTs, in Central Florida!

Our Family Interests/Info w/other links, below: |
Fishing, surfin' the 'Net, Cats
(especially ours), Feeding/Watching the Birds/Butterflies,
or just nothin' at all. Which we tend to do alot of, since My hubby & I have several health issues (Fibromyalgia-Him & Multiple Sclerosis-Me...along w/some others). We enjoy alot of the Simple Pleasures, in
Life. It can be Way too Short.
I have a daughter that had
Bacterial Meningitis when she was only 15 mos. old. She's, now, 24 (yoa). She came VERY CLOSE to dying. Thank God she made it.
As a result, she suffered a severe hearing
impairment. She is now able to communicate, very
well. Especially, with a hearing aid, in her left (better) ear. Although she chooses not to wear it. So, we don't go out of our way to repeat ourselves, very often. She learned to read lips, on her own, by age 3. She learned sign
language, mostly on her own. We've made the decision, we're NOT learning. As she's proven she's "No Dummy" & is more than capable of communicating, in the "Hearing" world. She has the ability to do ALOT Better, w/her life (like getting a JOB), but chooses not to. She'd have been eligible for Vocational Training, but she has no interest. Can you imagine? Ooh...It's so frustrating, for ALL of us. She did learn to make Beautiful Beaded Jewelry, which she really seemed to enjoy, but still isn't motivated enough to try to sell. At least she could try to, anyway. So, as sad as it is, we've just tried to accept that's the way it is. |
My hubby has a son (20 yoa). He's a
pretty smart "kid". He's attending FSU-Go 'Noles!
He wants to write screen plays. Most likely for TV. He likes STAR WARS & LORD OF THE RINGS. During his teens, he was really into their CCG (customizable card games). He's had alot of adjusting to do...being so far from home. Now, that's he's in his Junior year, he's become somewhat settled & hopefully, more responsible.
We all get along, about as well as many other families would. Ha! None-the-less, we're still Family.
I'd started to learn to Quilt, but don't do it anymore, due to frequent hand tremors. (MS has some interesting symptoms, it likes to share.) It became very frustrating, to say the least. However, I did manage to finish my 1st one-8/6/02. It was done on a 36"x47" piece of, what's called a "Cheater Panel". It may be, but I did do all the sewing, to give it the Illusion, that it's individual pieces, of fabric. ;o) My hubby thought it was pretty good. Altho, he's more into tying, Fishing Flies. He's even thought about making & selling them, again. Any of you, need any or know of anyone that does? If so, let us know. |
Thx, for visiting us. Please stop by again, as I will try to be doin'
something w/these pages. No matter how brief.
Oh, yeah. Before You Leave, don't forget to PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! ;-) I wanna know that you were here.

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