Hello. My name is A.M. van Dorn, and this is a work of hypertext fiction I have written for my Engish 460 class with Dr. Albert Rouzie, spring quarter 2002. I call it "Coincidental."

The idea for this has been swirling around in my head for several years now. I am interested in the way subtle shifts in tone and perspective can radically effect how we view characters. That's basically what I tried to do with this story -- I wanted you to see different aspects of the characters depending on who was looking at them. That, at any rate, was the plan.

There are three main characters in this story: Chuck, Steve and Jenny. There are other characters, of course, and some of them are pretty important to what goes on. I'm going to lay out an index next of some of the different characters. Please, choose whichever character you want and start reading. The way this works is pretty simple. All these stories take place at the same time. It is possible to travel through the story from the beginning to end with once character, but you'll be missing out. As you read, if there is a reference to something else you want to know more about, click on that person's name -- it will take you to their story. If possible, you'll then be able to jump backwards or forwards in the story's time. Skip around and read as much of the stories as you can. It's a long story, and there's a lot of material to cover, so dive right in.

Chuck Steve Jenny Ray

If you're interested in some older stories I've written, you may be interested in going here. Email me here.

I'd would like to thank Megan Jankowski for making the bitchin' navigation buttons for me at the last moment and at great expense. Go check out her boss photographs.