"Welcome to an online portfolio of Mint. That's me. You may have seen my work before, or this may be your first time; in any case I do hope you enjoy what you see"

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Mint.jpg align=Let me introduce myself.  My name is Ukit Tangsubkul,  but you can call me "Mint".  I'm a freelance photographer.  I got my Master's Degrees from State University of New York at Buffalo.  During the semesters, I spent most of my time during the semesters at nowhere, but school, home, and grocery stores.   However, I spent all my holidays for travelling in the US.  I am so excited to visit new places, meet new people, and learn new culture.  I have learned that travelling experiences are not what you can learn from school or buy from any where.  The lives I have touched and the land I have visited teach me to learn to be a human being.

"For all the places I have been, I left nothing but footprints, and kept nothing but memories and photographs."

Photographs help me to record the history and to share it with others.  I believe that photographs can also be a god story teller.  Therefore, I would like to let my photographs tell you the story from the places I have been.  I am looking forward to starting my next trip and bring back more photographs, which can tell you another story.  If you are ready to start the trip, let's go!!! 

Please take your time, relax and enjoy my memories!!!  It might take a while to view each page, but please be patient.  Believe me, it's worth seeing.


News! My article is now published on Praew Magazine (Thai Magazine) on November 26, 2544 p.115!!!

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Updated on September 17, 2001
Copy right© 2000.  All rights reserved

Photographer: Ukit Tangsubkul (Mr.Mint)

You're visitor number since November 26, 2000

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Please e-mail to me for any comment  mr-mint@usa.net


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