Wood Originals By Cousins
Exotic and Domestic Hard Wood Boxes
Hand Made By
Guy Cousins, Union City CA, woodbycousins@yahoo.com
510-471-6401 (9am to 7pm Pacific time)
B013 "Bubinga" Keepsake Box:
Dowel mitred corners, 5 1/2"x 3 1/2" x 4", $75
B012 "Tonara" Keepsake Box:
Dove-tailed mitres, 5 1/2"x 3 1/2"x 4",  $75
B07 "Poplar Horizontal" Keepsage Box & B08 "Poplar Vertical" Box:
10 layers of handrubbed oil, each 7"x 3 1/2"x 4", $48 each.
ORDER Info: Phone: 510-471-6401, 9a-7p Pacific Time, or Email: woodbycousins @yahoo.com
By Mail: List Item Detail, add totals, and send Check  or M.O. (U.S. dollars only) to:
Guy Cousins, 2492 Ascot Wy, Union City CA, 94587-1854
Add $5.00 S/H for each  item.   As pieces are handmade, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Shipping to Continental U.S. only.
Thank you for visiting this site, please come back soon!
Meet the Artist:  Guy Cousins
        Guy was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. He has designed many boxes for all occasions and soon will be adding beautiful
wood tool boxes to choose from. 
You may leave a message at 510-471-6401 from 9am to 7pm Pacific Time.
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