There was this chick with a redundant mind...

One day, i was near the coffee machine, kicking the mother fucker in the tube (I´m sorry that`s another story - the stupid machine has the tube full of sugar, and i only drink coffee with no shity sugar), and i was feeling sad and redundant.
In a normal day i always have something intelligent to say, and i`m respected because of that, but in that day i was... well, i was completly redundant.
After 10 minutes listening to my stomach, a beautiful girl appears from the back of the food machine (???)
- Hello! :) I`m redundant, and you? - the girl
- Huh? :O - me
- ??? - the girl
- Do you want a coffee? ;) - me
- No. - the girl
- No? - me
- Yes. :) - the girl
- Sugar or no sugar? - me
- Milk. - the girl
- Ok. - me
- But the machine doesn`t have milk. - the girl
- No? - me
- No. :P - the girl
- Now what? - me
- I don`t know. - the girl
- I was kicking this mother fucker i few minutes ago.. the sugar tube
must be full of sugar. That`s why even when we press "no sugar" the
sugar falls in our coffee. - me
- That`s because the sugar gets in the tube and then it fall in our
coffee when we press "no sugar", must be full. - the girl
- Yeah. - me
- It's different when we are in a different place, don`t you think? -
- Yes it is. And like we are in a different place, we get different -
the girl
- Yes, exactly. - me
- I`m feeling redundant today, you know? - me
- Really? - the girl
- Yes, it`s true, in a normal day i..
- I know, you always have something intelligent to say bla,bla. - the
- Huh? - me
- I heard you thinking :P - the girl
- Really?... :O - me
- Yeah. Sorry :(- the girl
- That`s ok :) - me
- Hey! Do you want to listening to my stomach!? - me
- LOL - the girl
- LOL - me
- What are you laughing about? - the girl
- ... i don`t know, sorry :( - me
- That`s ok. :) - the girl
- I have to go now... - me
- Ok. Bye! It was a nice meeting you, you are a nice person, and i`m
feeling nice now, because we had a nice time, you know? - the girl
- Really? - me
- Yeah. - the girl
- I really have to go... - me
- Yes i know, bye! - the girl
- Bye! - me