This is my art festivals office set up at one of the 6 to 9 different jury art shows
              I attend each year here in Florida and these are the locations of the shows I've
              been jury into so far. This list will be up dated with shows when received so if
              your in the neighborhood drop by and say Hi.

Lighthouse 37th Fine Art Festival,Tequesta, FL.Nov. 11&12,2000.
Space Coast Art Festival, Cocoa Beach, FL November 25 & 26th, 2000. Booth #20
"Snow Bird" Art Fest, Feb. 16-17,2001,Venice, FL. #38.


                   I have been a artist for over 45 years and worked in many areas of art, Graphic
                   Designer, Medical illustrator, NASA artist, Art Director for advertising agency
                   and a toy company with a few awards along the way and last but not least a
                   animator for Walt Disney Studio. My basic style is realistic in watercolors, oils
                   and acrylic. This new series are painted in acrylic inks and this is the 1st showing.

              Sunset Lake
                   All of these 7 paintings are matted 16X20, Acrylic Ink and priced
              at $250.00 each including S&h. A 10% discount on orders of two or more.


                                                                                                                           Desert Night

               David's Pond
                                     Red Fields
                                                                  Red Sun

              Saltin Sea
                                                       Red Sky

          Here are two paintings from my web site One from the Fine Arts page and the other
                                                       from Marine Art page.
   "BHUTAN" Oil on board. Framed 24X30
                                                                      Price $925.00 plus S&H.

                                                            FINE ART PAGE

             "ISLAND TRADER" Oil on board. Great frame. 24X28 Price $850.00 plus S&H.

                                                                             MARINE ART PAGE

             Here are three animation cel art that have never been shown before. You are viewing
                                                   them for the first time.
                      "MICKEY Stairs" 12 field. Matted 14X16 Hand inked & painted cel, hand painted
                      background. Only one. Price $200.00
                    "DONALD'S TRAIN" 12 field. Matted 14X16. Hand inked & painted with hand painted
                      background. Only one. Price $200.00
                      " GOOFY" Tally-ho.. 12 field. Matted 14X16. Hand inked & painted. Price $130.00

                                                                          ANIMATION CEL ART

                        When you order from my web site pages, Fine Art, Marine Art, Animation Art and use this
                          code 156 you can deduct 10% off your total order and a additional 5% on two or more
                                                           animation art cels. This is a limited time offer.


                                                 Copyright2000-2001, Bill Arnold. All rights reserved
