I'm your host, Darcy Wise, and I'm happy to show you our studio of wonderful work created by authors, of young and old, to show you, the reader, how VCA showed them how to write!
This Page has gotten a face lift, much better then angelfire. (still have to deal with the pop ups, darn)!
Anyways, PLEASE Check this page daily for updates on stories, keep your eyes on the little stickers, (New, Updated and Working On it) it's your guide!
This is ONLY a VCA Fanfiction Site, It doesn't matter if it's based on your life, just as long as it has some VCA context in there, that would be great!
Let me show you our three studios.
The Story Studios
What If's...
When people change the endings of a certain story....
V.C.A. Characters Stories
Stories, based on V.C.A's most memorable characters, read how other people think of them...
NEW!: A Heaven and Troy Saga, written by Heaven and Troy from VCARP, a Really good romantic story, a must read!
V.C.Aish Stories
People make up their own stories, using V.C.'s formula of success....
NEW! Recently Updated, Faith! A New Chapter called, Darbyshire Hall, Emily and Matthew, and The Secret Suite
Newly added: The Sullivan Family Summary, a Must Read!
Send/Host a story: I'll be more then happy to keep a story on my own files *avaibility limited HOPEFULLY!* so you don't have to have a website! Read the rules, for what appliys
Or I'll hold the URL here! Just read the Rules!
I'm offering awards for Reader Recomnded, Specatular Summary and the People's Choice Award, so make sure if you read a Story LET ME KNOW THAT YOU LIKE IT! lol! So the authors can get the award!
Please take one of My Banners Please to make the Fanfiction Central Work!

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Email Darcy if you have any questions complaints want to help, complemnts, or send in a story
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my Dreambook!
my Dreambook!
ŠThis page was created to honor VC Fanfiction in 1999 all righs reserved
ŠAll graphics was created by Angyl Dezigns unless other wise stated