This is a picture of  my cello teacher and myself at my Junior Recital this summer.
I am a recent graudate from Belmont Universoty  and a musician living in Nashville, TN. While I study Classical Cello, I also play guitar and sing. I enjoy all types of music from rock to classical. I also write music as well. Besides music, I am interested in travel, computers, bikes, poetry, religion, philosophy, and literature. I am available to do gigs, just E-Mail at my E-Mail Address below.
Here are pictures of my grandmother, older brother, neice, and entire family.
This is my first web page. If you have any comments or suggestions or just want to let me know that you have visited, please feel free to do so here:
If you would like to check out a wonderful musician in Nashville who may be little known now, but whose time is coming soon, check out (coming soon)
These are two pages which my mom is working on. These are really neat sites that cover everything from genealolgy to primary civil war sources. Check out
Also check out
For letters written by my ancestors during the Civil War, check out
If you would like to see where I went to school, check out
This is my buddy Derek's web page. See crazy stuff at Also, check out the Belmont Chorale web page at
Well folks, I finally made it. Here are some pictures from my senior recital and graduation.
More Pictures
Do we look alike?
Paul Nelson and I played the Vivaldi Double Cello Concerto at my Senior Recital.
The Christmas Miracle!
What's Next ?
Check out these crazy FLOWER power children getting jiggy and WILD! The word on the street is that the gals are in but some these boys has just gosta go.  WILDFLOWER is a progressive and traditional country band that frequents the down town Nashville Hot Spots. Deffinately a good show.
Check out and Stay Wild!
I found a JOB!
I have been working at BMI, Inc. in Nashville since February, 2001.  BMI. Inc. is one of three U.S. Performance Right's Organizations. (The other two are ASCAP and SASAC.) A Performing Rights Organization collects Royalties for the intellectual property rights of songwriters and publishers. They do this by requiring clubs, radio stations, tellevision programs, and movie manufacturers to buy lisences. Basically, these are performance royallties. Every time you perform somone elses song, the writer and publisher has a legal right to receive a royalty. And that's what BMI does. Now, I, on the other hand, work in operations, which is the ehart of the company. I do research on foreign films to ensure that Royalties are being sent out. God bless america, I am thankful for this Job! To learn more about BMI, check out
Anyone remember J. Mascis form Dinosaur Jr.? I saw him when he came through Nashville a couple of months ago. J. Masicis and the Fog is the loudest band I have ever heard, ever! My ears rang for three days! Check out his new CD More Light and check out
Cello, Cello, Cello! Here are a fiew cello and classical links:
Please support for all of your J. Mascis needs including video clips at 24/7 Dinosaur Jr. Radio.
Please read my article, ANGER AND TOLERANCE, at
Well, we've got a live webcam- also from the apartment at
Check out 24 hours a day freakscene radio at
Well, this isn't exactly what my new ride looks like, but it's close. I hace an '85 Oldsmobile Cutlas. I've never seen a car of that model and year that is in as good a shape. I'll post some pics of the real thing when I get a chance. I love these carse, it's like riding around on my couch. So, watch out for Wood's Gangsta Mobile...
Michael Brendon Flowers
Died December 8-9, 2001
What do you say about a guy you've known all your life? Everything you could have said to that person is now history. All the things that were positive and all the things that were negative. All the things you did to help and all the things you did to hurt. I wonder where Michael is now? Is he travelling the cosmos as he always wanted? It seems so unreal and I can't even believe it. To me, he is still alive. I hear his voice and I see his face and I feel his presence all around me. Perhaps he is here with me. Perhaps he is in a better place. Perhaps he has just simply ceased to exist. All that we have known and shared that we had together is now in me. In my head. I can only remember one line of his poetry off the top of my head, Somethign that he just jotted down  many years ago and probably doesn't remember writing: "It's my mind that casts the shaddow." Michael, I hope that you have lifted the shadow. What would you have me do now?

I love you

my only true brother and comrade

ashes to ashes

dust to dust

"Death makes angels of us all
and gives us wings where are shoulders
were smooth as raven's claws."

"This is the end my only friend
I haved to set you free
but you'll never follow me
the end of truth and soft lies
the end of nights we tried to die"

you finally got your wish

I am fighting this battle
I am fighting this battle that has no wars
I am fighting this battle to save my friend
my friend was the first casuality in this battle
attrition is a bitch
this is bigger than me
this is bigger than him
ground zero was a dorm room in illinois
the shock wave is only beginning to spread
it has allready taken our hearts
our minds are a bit larger
things are a bit more real than before
we will when this war for the fallen
we will not fall yet
we will fight on
no one could predict Hitler at Versai
there was no armistice
just temporary retributions
how long is death?
how long is life?
is there a difference?
it seems strange that one cannot exist without the other
I hear his voice and his laugh
and I'm mad at him for doing this
causing me all these problems I didn't ask for and can't deal with
and it isn;t my fault
but then again it could be
we walked the same road and I never saw the end
now I have whitnessed the result
I could go on forever
but I know I will probably not
eventually I will stop
and join him on the front lines
there will always be war
and peace time will never remember the horor
this war is for our hearts and minds and sanity
to make sense out of the sensless
the desease of the mind
I warned him this would happen
at least his brains are not spread out on mine
but they are aren't they?
I'll stop now
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